I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 310 The Restless Chen Fang

Huangfu Ziyue and his group stared at Chen Fang in astonishment, but Chen Fang played with the cup originally containing Qingyun juice as if nothing had happened.

In this way, it seemed that Li Fugui, who was lying unconscious on the ground, had nothing to do with her.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Li..." Huangfu Ziyue swallowed, worried.

Huangfu Ziyue felt that even if he summoned all his pet beasts and lined them up in a row, being hit by such an intense attack would definitely end in annihilation!

Chen Fang waved her hand indifferently: "Old Li just fell asleep drunk! Leave him alone, let's continue eating."

Huangfu Ziyue forced a smile, sat awkwardly in his seat, glanced at Li Fugui from time to time, his eyes were full of worry.

Although Li Fugui was known as the shield of the Xia Kingdom, he suffered a full blow from Chen Fang, who was at the sixth level of the holy rank, without any precautions.

Huangfu Ziyue was really afraid that Li Fugui would not be able to handle it!

Although there were two patron saints for this visit to the Mingyue Hotel, she was the main person in charge. If anything happened to Li Fugui, she would have to bear the blame.

A patron saint died at the hands of one of his own people, so who can he justify?

Huangfu Ziyue looked at Chen Fang cautiously, usually Chen Lao was kind and kind.

Although Mr. Li was drunk today and his words were a little secretive, but Chen Fang and Li Fugui have been friends for so many years, so there is no need to kill them, right?

The rest of the people also sat obediently in their seats, staring blankly at the dishes on the table, recalling the demeanor of Chen Fang's attack just now, with lingering fears in their hearts.

They all looked at Li Fugui with sympathy.

Chen Fang felt something was wrong in the atmosphere and smiled helplessly.

"Don't worry, old man Li doesn't die that easily. If he can't even bear this attack, then how can he make the Japanese country a mess by himself?"

After hearing the explanation, Huangfu Ziyue nodded dully, but he was still a little worried.

Seeing that something was wrong, Jiang Ming walked out of the kitchen with the freshly brewed broth.

With a heart that eats melons, I ask the system in my heart.

"Xiaoxi, what's the situation? It was fine last second, why did Chen Fang hit Fugui?"

【Luo Hua intends to be ruthless, and then Luo Hua is in a hurry. 】

Jiang Ming had a smile on his face. At this time, he had imagined a young girl secretly in love with an iron-blooded man, but the girl was too shy, and her love was hidden in her heart for fifty years. The scene where the sweetheart hurts the killer!

【...Host, can you stop being so bloody? It's just that Chen Fang was in a hurry, not as outrageous as you think. 】

If Jiang Ming ignores the system, he is still immersed in his own world at this moment.


As Jiang Ming walked out of the kitchen, the meaty aroma of the broth wafted away, making everyone sniff.

Jiang Yue: (??﹃??): "Brother, what is this, so fragrant?"

Qingqiu: Ψ(???)Ψ: "Boss, what are you doing delicious again?"

Dabao and Erbao also approached Jiang Ming, "Wow, woof, woof, meow" non-stop.

It's a pity that Xiaobao is locked in the birdcage, and he can only stare at Jiang Ming pitifully, praying that he, the youngest child, will not be forgotten when the meeting starts to eat!

The others didn't ask Jiang Ming directly out of politeness, but the eyes they stared at the cauldron said everything.

As soon as the broth came out, Li Fugui was completely forgotten by everyone!

Huangfu Ziyue didn't want to care about Li Fugui anymore. Anyway, Chen Fang said that there was no serious problem, and with Li Fugui's strength, even if something happened, she couldn't save it.

It's better to wait and see what delicious food Boss Jiang will cook up now!

Jiang Ming looked at the eager eyes of everyone, and a smile appeared on his face.

With a flick of consciousness, the clean dishes on the table flew into the kitchen.

"Xiaoxi, turn on the hot pot mode."

[Okay! 】

Jiang Ming held the pot with one hand and snapped his fingers with the other.

A mysterious energy fluctuation appeared in the Mingyue Hotel. Everyone watched in amazement that the center of the wooden table began to sag, and there was a section of emerald green wood appearing in the hole.

Chen Fang was a little stunned by the change of the wooden table.

When Chen Fang first entered the restaurant, she began to observe the material of the wooden table, but she couldn't see through it at all. The only thing she knew was that it was extremely hard!

Moreover, Chen Fang has always been unable to see through Jiang Ming's strength. When she bombarded Li Fugui just now, she intentionally tried to control the aftermath of the attack to the size of the restaurant while avoiding other people.

But the result surprised Chen Fang.

At her level, it would not be an exaggeration to say that a full-strength blow could knock down a city, but Mingyue Hotel forcibly carried the aftermath!

Not even the dinner plate was shattered!

The most frightening thing is that to resist the aftermath, it does not rely on the enchantment, nor does it rely on formations, but relies entirely on the material of Mingyue Hotel itself!

And this extremely strong material was easily changed by this handsome young boss!

And she still couldn't see the slightest bit of that mysterious energy fluctuation!

How could Chen Fang not be shocked by all this?

How terrifying is Jiang Yue's big brother's strength? ?

At this time, Chen Fang had no intention of probing, thinking that when she left, she would hold a top-secret meeting again to discuss how to make friends with Jiang Ming.

No way, at first I thought that Jiang Ming only had a holy rank, and although they intended to befriend each other, they didn't have to be so deliberate, they just needed Huangfu Ziyue to socialize by himself.

For Xia Guo, it would be good to have one more saint rank powerhouse, but it is not that important.

But then Huangfu Ziyue held a top-secret meeting and told them that Jiang Ming has the strength above the holy rank, and he is also a spiritual chef!

At that time, their attitude changed. Above the holy rank, they really stood at the pinnacle of human strength today!

Otherwise, Chen Fang and Li Fugui wouldn't have come to visit in person!

But now, Chen Fang feels more and more that Jiang Ming's strength should not only be above the holy rank!

Now, how could Chen Fang sit still?

Jiang Ming is very likely to be the number one in the world!

People like this appeared in Xia Kingdom, and even opened a fly restaurant in a small city. The most important thing is that they didn't find out until now!

If Jiang Ming can join the official forces, does it mean that there will only be two countries on this planet.

One is Xia Guo, and the other is called His Country?

The strength is not equal at all, okay! !

Thinking of this, Chen Fang stared at Jiang Ming with fiery eyes, pursed her lips, and almost wanted to solicit directly, but thinking of such a strong man, she didn't know how much chips Xia Guo could offer, and the chips offered, Jiang Ming could Do you like it?

Chen Fang restrained her emotions, but looked at Jiang Ming secretly from time to time.

Jiang Ming is so fragrant!

The fragrance made her a little restless!

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