Mu Shuiyun looked at Jiang Ming suspiciously.

"Boss Jiang, I want to go back, why are you so excited?"

"No, Lord Mu, Brother Xiang told me to protect you. It must be extremely dangerous for you to return to the imperial capital. I will open a shop in Yangshi again. The sky is high and the road is far away. It is difficult to take care of you. When Brother Xiang comes back, I will It's hard to explain."

"And Brother Xiang likes you. You are my sister-in-law. I must care about my family."

Jiang Ming smiled wryly.

Mu Shuiyun pursed her lips and smiled lightly, that smile seemed a little sweet.

"I haven't promised little Xiangzi yet, don't call me sister-in-law so early!"

Mu Shuiyun joked and explained again.

"Little Xiangzi is already so strong. I'm cultivating fairly well. When he comes back, his strength will definitely drop a lot. I don't want to be a vase."

"Boss Jiang, the last time Murong Cheng came back to look for me, the reason was that the Murong family could get the most benefits from the 'Holy Land' in more than two months."

"The 'Holy Land' is a secret realm controlled by major families. The entrance to the secret realm is opened every five years. There are countless treasures in heaven and earth, there are many rare beasts, and there are many ruins. The value is even comparable to the sky!"

"The last time the secret realm was opened, the family went in to explore and found a lair. The lair was covered by ice and snow for thousands of miles, and the ice and snow were extremely strange. Non-ice-attributed beast masters were not allowed to approach! You can also hear the phoenix crowing on the outside. The sound is cold to the marrow!"

"One day a strong man from a high-ranking family went to explore, but when he came out, most of his body was frozen into an ice sculpture, and most of his cultivation base was crippled, but the preciousness of the natural materials and earthly treasures he brought out was comparable to a century-old accumulation of a second-rate family. !"

"The heavenly powerhouse also said that this lair is a place of trials, specially prepared for ice attribute beast masters! And my talent is sss level ice attribute talent, This opportunity, I want to give it a go!"

Seeing that Jiang Ming was still showing embarrassment, Mu Shuiyun finally said helplessly.

"Boss Jiang, the Murong family still needs me. I'm sure nothing will happen when I go back, and Xiao Xiangzi is so strong. If I don't seize this opportunity, I'm afraid I will really be left far away by him."

Hearing what Mu Shuiyun said, Jiang Ming really didn't know what to say for a while.

He has clearly laid out the interests and interests, and if he refuses with the emotional card, it will appear that he is ignorant.

When Jiang Ming didn't know what to do, a voice of surprise from the system suddenly appeared in his mind.

【Host, there are good things in the lair that Mu Shuiyun said! 】

"How to say?"

[According to her description, that lair should be the habitat of the Ice Emperor. 】

[There are eighteen emperors in the divine beast clan, and the Ice Emperor is one of them. The Ice Emperor is a mutated phoenix. The phoenix is ​​a creature that controls flames. But ice crystals. 】

[Freaks have always been regarded as ominous existences and are not tolerated by the clan. Therefore, the Ice Emperor was kicked out of the Phoenix clan, traveled for tens of thousands of years, and finally became emperor after going through hardships! 】

[If the Ice Emperor is not expelled, the lineage of the Phoenix will dominate the world of beasts. After all, there has never been a group that gave birth to two emperors at the same time! 】

After Jiang Ming listened, he gave Xiao Bao a strange look.

Xiao Bao immediately transmitted the voice.

"Master, don't think about it, I'm not a phoenix!"

Jiang Ming was puzzled.

Xiaobao is so awesome, it's not a phoenix, what kind is that?

"Xiaoxi, didn't you say that only three treasures survived among the emperors of the beast clan? Even if this lair belongs to the Ice Emperor, the benefits Mu Shuiyun will get are probably limited, right?"

Li Xiang got the inheritance of the entire Starry Sky Beast Clan, but if Mu Shuiyun only got the benefit of a Divine Beast Emperor, the gap between the two would be huge!

[The talent of the Phoenix clan is Nirvana. In the last battle of the beast clan, the Fire Emperor Nirvana nine times, and died nine times. The death was clean, and there was no residue left. It is impossible to be reborn again. But the Ice Emperor, this mutated phoenix, no one knows if it has the talent of Nirvana, and I'm not sure if it's dead or not. 】

[If the Ice Emperor is alive, and then contracted by Mu Shuiyun, Mu Shuiyun's achievements after that will definitely be a great strength for you! 】

Jiang Ming nodded.

"Even if the Ice Emperor you mentioned is still alive, I still don't feel at ease to let Master Mu go back alone."

【Hey, who told her to go back alone, you can accompany the host to have a look. 】

[You have been in this world for so long, and you haven't entered the secret realm to see it, this time just to increase your knowledge! 】

Jiang Ming smelled a hint of conspiracy.

"Little System, what are you holding back? Are you not afraid of my death if you want me to leave Chaoyang Street?"

[...You are already at the fourth level of the earth, if you die so easily, it can only mean that I chose the wrong person! 】

Jiang Ming felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

It's hard, my heart!

【Go to that secret realm, it will be of great benefit to you, and if the Ice Emperor is still alive and I am not there, she will definitely not be willing to commit herself to Mu Shuiyun. 】

Jiang Ming nodded helplessly.

Then go to the secret territory to have a look, just in time to find the ingredients by yourself.

After cooking for so long, Jiang Ming feels the best, and it was when he cooked Xiangliu alive!

"Boss Jiang, what are you thinking?" Mu Shuiyun asked curiously seeing that Jiang Ming had been silent for a long time.

"It's nothing, Master Mu, why don't we go together then?"

Mu Shuiyun looked surprised.

"It's not a problem, but the secret realm is controlled by the family, and people who are not from the family cannot enter."

Jiang Ming smiled confidently.

"That's not a problem for me."

If the small system can't solve this problem, then it won't say anything to ask itself to take a look.

"You're right, Xiaoxi."

【That's right, don't worry, you will definitely be able to enter the secret realm by then. 】

Mu Shuiyun nodded.

"The Holy Land is still open for two and a half months. I will tell you three days before the opening."

After Mu Shuiyun finished speaking, he smiled playfully.

"Boss Jiang, send me back to the small box to practice. Little Xiangzi is so strong now, it puts a lot of pressure on me."

Jiang Ming snapped his fingers, and Mu Shuiyun disappeared into the Mingyue Hotel.

Another forty diners appeared in the restaurant.

You still have to open a store, and if you don’t make money, how can you exchange practice cards and practice rooms from the small system?


The two and a half hours of business hours in the evening passed quickly.

At nine o'clock, Huangfu Ziyue and the three appeared at the door of the store, and Jiang Ming also released Jiang Yue and the three from the small box.

They have been in Yangshi for a whole day, and it is time to go back.

After saying goodbye, Jiang Yue went to Chen Fang's Vermilion Bird with a small face.


When she told Jiang Ming that she was going to leave, she even saw Jiang Ming holding back his laughter!

That way, as if she wished she would leave quickly!

"Boss Jiang, thank you for your hospitality!" Chen Fang bowed slightly to Jiang Ming.

"It's getting late, Mr. Chen, hurry up and leave." Jiang Ming urged with a smile.

He was afraid of leaving later, and his sister wanted to stay for the night.

When she messes with Qingqiu in the room again, wouldn't that be Barbie Q?

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