I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 363 Psychic Talent

The diners yelled like crazy.

The mortal spirit meal actually changed a level-A talented beast master!


Boss Jiang's skill as a spiritual chef can turn decay into magic!

And the price list says that only three diners can enjoy the customized spiritual meal service every day, and those diners who bring juniors here are already crazy!

"Hey, aren't you Chef Xuanjieling? You said before that Boss Jiang is absolutely impossible to make it. How are you doing now?"

One diner joked.

"Hmph! It's not surprising that Boss Jiang can do it! And the final result hasn't appeared yet. It's too early for Lingshan to say it will be successful!"

The old man's face turned red, and he spoke firmly.

And Jiang Ming was already surrounded by diners, listening to the chirping and shouting, Jiang Ming felt a little pain in his head.


Although the voice was flat, the diners all shut their mouths and looked at Jiang Ming expectantly.

Jiang Ming scanned the crowd.

"Today, there are still two diners who have the opportunity to order spiritual meals. There are five of you here, how do you divide them?"

"I, Boss Jiang, I'm the first here!"

"Then I'll be ranked second, I'm the second to enter the restaurant!"

"Fart, you are talking about the time when you go back to the restaurant. Why can't you follow the order of ordering? When ordering before, I was at the front of you!"

"That's right, Boss Jiang is the most concerned about rules and fairness!"

"Brother, please do me a favor. This is my daughter. Give me one of the two spots. I'll give each of you 5 intermediate spirit stones!"

"I'll give 6!"

"Stingy searched, I will give 10, let me get one!"


The diners were chattering again and again, and the price quickly climbed to 20 intermediate spirit stones!

They are all Xuan-level beast masters, and they don't have 100 million Xia Guocoins, but it's normal to have one or two hundred intermediate-level spirit stones in their pockets.

The people they brought are all their juniors, and spending some spirit stones to enable the juniors to achieve greater success in the future, this deal is a good deal!

Seeing that the price was still going up, Jiang Ming quickly stopped it.

"Do you think this is a vegetable market to buy vegetables?"

There was a tinge of ridicule in Jiang Ming's voice, but it made the five beast masters shudder.

They were all too excited, and they took it for granted in their hearts that the one with the highest price would win, so they ignored Boss Jiang.

The person who made the spiritual meals was Boss Jiang!

In front of a powerful spiritual chef, isn't it life-threatening to buy someone else's spiritual meal qualifications through internal purchases? ? ?

Fortunately, Chef Ling is Boss Jiang, who is easy to talk to.

If it were another spiritual chef, they might not even see the sun tomorrow!

All of them blushed, lowered their heads, and stood in place restrainedly, not even daring to say words of begging for mercy, as if they were waiting for Jiang Ming's trial.

Looking at this appearance, Jiang Ming couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, I'm not an unreasonable person, there's no need to be like this."

The diners breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss Jiang, we have no results in arguing like this, so come and give me an accurate answer."

Jiang Ming nodded, it seemed like this was the only way to go.

After thinking about it, Jiang Ming waved his hand.

A box flew out from the second floor.

"There are five notes in the box. You choose by yourself. If you get 1 and 2, I will order a spiritual meal for him."

This was also the fairest way Jiang Ming could think of in a short time.

The diners nodded again and again, looking at the box with longing eyes.

"What are you waiting for? The probability is 2/5, it doesn't matter whoever draws first."

Jiang Ming urged.

Diners still want to wait.

They felt that it was a disadvantage to be the first to smoke.

After all, the first one to draw has a 3/5 probability of failure.

But if the second one draws and the first one doesn't, then his probability of success is 1/2!

Jiang Ming waited for a few seconds, feeling a little impatient.

"If you don't want to smoke, just leave, the restaurant is still open, I can't wait for you all the time!"

Only then did the diners flock to it.

The first person to draw found that the note could not be opened, and the note could not be opened until everyone had finished drawing.

"I've said it all, whoever draws first is the same, and the results will only be announced after they are all completed."

Jiang Ming spread his hands.

"I hit it! I hit it!!!"

A diner shouted excitedly holding a note with a conspicuous word 'one' on it.

That looks like an ordinary person who bought a lottery ticket and won five million!

"Hahaha, I got hit too!"

The second lucky guy also gave an excited cry.

The other three diners who were not selected were full of envy, and without saying anything, they left Mingyue Restaurant with a sigh.

Boss Jiang has given them fairness!

They were not eligible and could only be blamed on not having that life.

Jiang Ming first came to the diner who drew '1'.

The diner quickly pushed the little girl in front of him and said proudly.

"Boss Jiang, this is my daughter, Yinyin, who is at the first level of Huang rank."

Jiang Ming looked a little surprised. The little girl in front of her looked like she was only sixteen or seventeen years old, but she was able to have the strength of the first class of the Huang rank, and her aptitude was obviously good.

"Tell me about your talent and the desired spiritual meal effect."

Yinyin looked at Jiang Ming's handsome face and was slightly distracted.

Sixteen years old is the age when love first begins.

Yinyin lowered her head shyly, her pretty face flushed slightly, and said nothing.

Her father also noticed something was wrong, and smiled apologetically at Jiang Ming.

"Boss Jiang, my daughter is thin-skinned and doesn't like to talk. Her talent is S-level mind wave."

When Jiang Ming heard about this talent, he felt a headache.

Spiritual talent is definitely one of the top talents in the world!

There is no rating lower than a grade that has appeared so far!

According to the information given by Huangfu Ziyue, the person who ranks third in combat power in the United States is the owner of spiritual talent!

The number of beasts he can control is conservatively estimated to be in the hundreds, and all of them are above the heavenly rank!

Of course, the only beasts that can feed back to themselves are those that have signed the beast contract.

The talent of the little girl in front of her is s-level mind wave. If she wants to improve her talent, Jiang Ming is really powerless!

"Hey, Boss Jiang, can you also make a spiritual meal for my daughter that can improve her talent?"

Hearing this, Jiang Ming refused with a wry smile.

"Sorry, you know the power of spiritual talents, I can't make this kind of unreasonable spiritual meal!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Ming explained again.

"Improving the talent spiritual diet is not something you can do if you want to. I need to observe its talent and feel its characteristics. Like Chen Zifan, his talent is very inclusive, and his characteristics are very consistent with a certain kind of spiritual material. I Only then can this spiritual meal be made.”

"This kind of situation is very rare, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one in a hundred. If you all want to improve your talents, in most cases, I will be powerless!"

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