Dabao bit Jiang Ming's trouser leg and dragged him out of the kitchen abruptly.

Only then did Jiang Ming hear a knock on the door.

Pull open the shutter door.

In front of him was a bookish old man in a Chinese tunic suit and his silver hair neatly combed.

"Old man, it's closed now, you'd better come back at eleven o'clock at noon."

After Jiang Ming finished speaking, he was about to close the door.

There are still dumplings cooking in the pot, and they won't taste good after cooking for a long time.

The old man outside the door: _φ(°-°)/.

Am I going the wrong way?

Isn't this Jiang Yue's home?

This is the address given by the school teacher!

The old man reached out to block the rolling door and asked about the situation.


There was a crisp bone cracking sound!

The majestic Imperial University teacher, a strong man of the ninth level of the Mysterious Rank, had his right hand broken by the rolling door!

The old man's face twisted in pain.

What the heck is a rolling door.

This is more powerful than a steamroller!

Jiang Ming was overwhelmed by this sudden situation.

(((;???;)))! !

This old guy looks like a human being, I didn't expect to touch porcelain at the door of his shop! .seven

But it's too ruthless!

The bone stubble is protruding!

Fortunately, my sister was sleeping, otherwise, if she saw such a bloody scene, she would definitely be so disgusting that she wouldn't be able to eat.

But the Chinese tunic suit doesn't seem to be of very good quality, the stubble can be pierced through!

This old man is a cruel man!

It's a pity, want to touch porcelain? There are no doors!

There are surveillance cameras in our hotel!

And on the street directly opposite the door, there is a camera!

Jiang Ming hastily separated the relationship.

"Old man, you stretched out your own hand, and it has nothing to do with me."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the surveillance in the store.

The old man trembled, not knowing whether it was from anger or pain!

He also couldn't figure out why a rolling door would cause him so much harm.

Is it because I am old and have osteoporosis?

Everything in the store is produced by the system, not to mention that this old man is at the ninth level of the mysterious rank, even if the heavenly rank is coming, as long as he dares to block it, his bones should be broken or broken!

The old man couldn't say a word, and stared at Jiang Ming resentfully.

This young man is so impolite!

Will he come to this small place to touch porcelain with his dignified teacher of Imperial University?

It doesn't matter whether you deserve it or not!

The old man reluctantly opened the Beast Familiar Space.

Summon the pet beast: the water elf!

Mysterious level 8!


The water elf is blue all over, looks like a cat, and has a one-horned head.


The water elf received the order, and the unicorn emitted blue waves, covering the old man's injured arm.

It is true that pets have recovery skills that can easily heal injuries.

However, the old man's injury was a broken bone, and it was the kind with stubble coming out of the bones!

The old man's face turned hard, and he snapped his other hand hard!


Return your hands!

The old man was sweating from the pain, but he didn't hum!

This made Jiang Ming's heart skip a beat.

This old man is not a ruthless person, but a wolf!

You are so cruel to yourself!

How about making an exception and letting him in for a meal?

The old man's hand recovered quickly, and the water elf returned to his beast-monitoring space.

Pet animals cannot be summoned at will in the city.

There was indeed a reason for what happened just now, and the old man didn't want to break the rules.

But this also shows that this kind of rule is just a joke to deceive ordinary people.

A powerful beast master can still do whatever he wants.

In the small place of Yang City, there is not even a single level beast master.

The strength of this old man at the ninth level of the Mysterious Rank can completely walk sideways!

Jiang Ming looked at the old man's hand in surprise. If it weren't for the reddish-brown blood stains on the tunic suit, it would be hard to imagine that the man had suffered such a serious injury just now.

The shutter door was reopened.

"Old man, I'm just angry with you, come in and eat if you want to eat."

Jiang Ming's words made the old man's face turn pale.

I have exposed my identity as a beast master!

Why do you think I'm here to eat at your fly restaurant?

"Ahem... little brother, does Jiang Yue live here?"

Jiang Ming looked the old man up and down.

When did Jiang Yue know the beast master?

"Yes, Jiang Yue is my younger sister, and my name is Jiang Ming."

The old man showed joy, looking at the situation, he should be the first to arrive!

"Old man Guo Hongliang is a teacher at Imperial University. This time, I came to Jiang Yue to talk about studying at Imperial University."

Jiang Ming: (⊙_⊙)?

That Nizi Yueyue is going to study at Imperial University?

Why don't I know about this?

"It turned out to be Teacher Guo, come in and talk." Jiang Ming smiled dryly.

As soon as Guo Hongliang entered the door, the strong aroma of dumplings came to his nostrils, and his mouth salivated crazily!

In order to be the first to find Jiang Yue before others, he didn't even eat breakfast.

Now smelling such a fragrant smell, my stomach immediately protested.

Guo Hongliang blushed.

Jiang Ming's complexion changed drastically.


My dumplings!

He hurried into the kitchen and looked into the pot. Some dumplings had been boiled, and the meat filling flowed out.

But fortunately, because my sister didn't get up, she didn't cook too much, so it was only one bowl.

This bowl, let's give it to Three Treasures.

Guo Hongliang watched Jiang Ming come out with a bowl, the bowl was still steaming, the closer he got, the stronger the aroma of the dumplings!

This kid is particular!

Knowing that I didn't eat, I even made me a bowl of dumplings!

But what are these dumplings made of? This is too delicious!

Guo Hongliang stood up, ready to take the bowl and chopsticks.

As a result, Jiang Ming directly put the dumplings in the ground!

Dabao and Erbao quickly buried their faces in the bowl, eating with great joy!

Only Guo Hongliang was left alone in the wind!

"Teacher Guo, sit down quickly, why are you still standing up after suffering such a serious injury?"

Hearing Jiang Ming's concern, Guo Hongliang only felt his blushing hot, scorching like a fireball!

And it has been spreading, the roots of the ears, the back of the neck, and the back are red, all the way to the heels!

He can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in!

I thought I made it for myself, but someone else changed hands and fed it to the dog.

I've never been so embarrassing in my life!

"Ms. Guo, why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?" Jiang Ming asked concerned.

Guo Hongliang waved his hand and smiled stiffly. "Haha, the weather is too hot! It's too hot! Where's Jiang Yueren?"

"That girl is still sleeping. It's Saturday, and I finally managed to sleep in."

Guo Hong nodded, smelling the aroma of the dumplings, couldn't help swallowing.

It's so fragrant!

If it weren't for holding back, my stomach would definitely be able to play a symphony!

He looked up at the price list.

Guo Hongliang took a deep breath.

Good guy, a bowl of dumplings sells for 688, and a sea bass sells for 5555?

Is this man a spiritual chef?

That dumplings can be so fragrant, it is justified.

But these days, is there really a spiritual chef opening a fly restaurant on the street?

"Brother Jiang, can I order from your place?" The smell of dumplings has been lingering on the tip of his nose, and he is so hungry now!

Jiang Ming nodded.

It's better to save face if this wolf is exterminated.

Guo Hongliang hurriedly said: "A bowl of dumplings, a sea bass."

Jiang Ming pointed to the cash box, and after scanning the QR code to pay, he said, "Wait a minute.

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