I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 395 Why Boss Jiang Can't Cook Holy Grade Kui Beef

Li Fugui was in a state of cultivation, unaware that Huangfu Ziyue ate at least half of the hot pot he bought for 98 billion in just five minutes.

He didn't lie when he said that Dengying Kui Beef was helpful to his field.

After eating Kui beef, he did have a deep feeling in his heart.

After a while.

Li Fugui opened his eyes and sighed faintly.

There was indescribable disappointment on his face.

That trace of perception was too weak and vague, and he couldn't grasp and digest it into his own strength with all his strength.

If he can comprehend it, not to mention letting his domain level break through to the next level, at least he can break through a small realm.

However, the reason for this weak comprehension should be due to the level of spiritual food.

If it was the Kui beef of the holy rank, it might be easy to break through!

Li Fugui thought to himself, stood up and looked at Jiang Ming with fiery eyes.

He didn't care how much hot pot Huangfu Ziyue ate.

Compared with the improvement in strength, this hot pot spiritual meal seems a bit insignificant.

After all, there is still 100 million in his pocket, so if he can't eat this meal, it will be the same next time.

Feeling the hot gaze, Jiang Ming looked back at Li Fugui.

"Fugui, you are all old men, don't look at me like this."

Li Fugui's face was a little embarrassed, and he was a little convinced by Jiang Ming's brain.

"No, Boss Jiang, can you make holy-level spiritual meals with this Dengyingkui beef?"


When Li Fugui heard this negative answer, most of the enthusiasm in his heart was extinguished at once.

But it was related to the improvement of his own strength, so he asked again without giving up.

"Boss Jiang, can you make the tenth grade that day? The price is negotiable. I can lend you the banknote factory for a few months."

【?(??︶??*)! ! ! 】

"Xiaoxi, stop making fooling around."

Jiang Ming complained in his mind, then smiled apologetically at Li Fugui.

"Fugui, I still can't make it now. You may come back in a month, maybe you will."

Li Fugui heard the flame of hope rekindled in his heart.


I can't do it now, but I can do it in a month!


First rule out that Boss Jiang is not strong enough.

Boss Jiang's strength is unfathomable, and his arm was broken when he touched the shutter door lightly!

Attention, it is a light touch!

Li Fugui didn't even know how long it had been since he had been injured so badly.

How hard are his bones?

A few hours ago, Fist had a head-to-head confrontation with Isato, who was at the seventh level of the holy rank, but Isaac was almost blown away by his punch!

But Boss Jiang can easily break his hand and connect it easily!

How could Boss Jiang not be capable enough!

And besides, if you practice a illusory path, you don't know when you will encounter a bottleneck.

How could it be possible for someone to break through from the heavenly rank to the holy rank in a month?

If this is the case, there is only one reason why Boss Jiang can't do it now!

There is no spiritual material!

Make bricks without straw.

Without spiritual materials, no matter how strong the spiritual chef is, it is impossible to make spiritual meals.

But Boss Jiang doesn't have spiritual materials, but I do!

Li Fugui thought in surprise.


The master of the beast and the pet beast have the same mind, Li Fugui's Kui Niu felt the voice of the master, and cried out in fear.

"Bigfoot, it's okay, just such a little meat, compared to your huge body, it's just drizzle."

Li Fugui comforted the pet beast Kui Niu.

"Moo moo moo!!! (I have made contributions with you all these years and shed so much blood for you, but what about you, you want me to cry now! Is there such a master as you?)"

"Hey, Bigfoot, how can this be called crying? You said that you have shed so much blood, it doesn't matter if you bleed a little more."

Li Fugui made up his mind and said to Jiang Ming.

"Boss Jiang, don't worry about spiritual materials. I have a pet beast, Kui Niu, which has the strength of the eighth-level holy rank."

In Li Fugui's heart, he really didn't take this seriously.

That's just two taels of meat.

If his pet beast can break through after eating his two taels of meat, he will definitely let the pet beast eat three meals a day!

Jiang Ming grinned slightly.

What kind of tiger-wolf word is this?

How can a beast master turn his pet beast into a spiritual meal?

"Fugui, are you sure?"

"I'm sure, my Kui Niu is as big as a mountain, and I don't lose more than this amount of meat in a normal fight."

"No, do you have any misunderstanding about making spiritual meals? Although the meat doesn't look big, the material was indeed gathered in that small piece of meat when Kui Niu was alive. Afterwards, Kui Niu also died, are you still sure?"

Jiang Ming explained helplessly.

Li Fugui's expression changed after hearing this, and his head shook like a rattle.

"Forget it!"

His pet beast had gone through ups and downs along the way with him, and Li Fugui thought it was okay to cut some meat for him to break through, but the price was the life of the pet beast, so it was not worth it.

"That's it, Boss Jiang, I'm going to Tianqing Realm to catch a living holy-rank Kui Niu and come back. You helped me take care of it, how about it?"

Jiang Ming smiled helplessly.

"Fu Guier, one month is only one month, just wait at ease."

Li Fugui couldn't hide the disappointment on his face after listening.

"All right."

Li Fugui turned back to his seat and sat down, looking at the hundreds of empty plates on the table, the originally shiny hot pot also turned into the color of clear soup and little water.

Reluctantly, Li Fugui scooped the hot pot with a spoon, but it was lonely.

(●`?(?)??●)! !

Well, you Huangfu Ziyue, you don’t even leave me a bone when you eat hot pot!


Li Fugui growled.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

A lazy voice sounded.

At this time, Huangfu Ziyue sat leisurely on the chair, with his eyes slightly closed, and a faint smile on his face.

Li Fugui looked at Huangfu Ziyue like this, and for some reason, many beautiful images flashed in his mind, and the same smile as Huangfu Ziyue appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Soon, Li Fugui sensed something was wrong and shook his head violently to wake himself up.

Good guy, almost hit the road!

But what happened to Huangfu Ziyue?

I can fall asleep while sitting, and since I fell asleep, why can I still talk back just now? ?

Just as Li Fugui was about to push Huangfu Ziyue to wake her up, Jiang Ming appeared to stop her.

"Fu Guier, Huangfu is comprehending the domain."

"Comprehension field???"

Li Fugui widened his eyes and exclaimed.

He quickly covered his mouth with his hand, for fear of disturbing Huangfu Ziyue.

He tiptoed to Jiang Ming's side and said softly.

"Boss Jiang, are you sure? Huangfu Ziyue is in the domain? Why hasn't there been any change in the spiritual power around here? Why do I feel that Huangfu is just sleeping?"

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