I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 401 Large Pan Chicken (Part 1)

Wan Tianlu looked at the bank card in his palm, and opened his mouth to say something, but seeing Bei Caizhe's stubborn face, he finally nodded and accepted the bank card.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Ming felt a little sour in his heart.

This is the benefit of having a big brother who is rich and resentful.

"Boss Jiang? Boss Jiang?"

Wan Tianlu waved his hand in front of Jiang Ming.


Jiang Ming came back to his senses and smiled awkwardly.

"Boss Jiang, I've made a decision. You can make a spiritual meal that will allow the earth-level beast masters to break through their cultivation."

Wan Tianlu said sincerely.

Jiang Ming frowned.

Making such a spiritual meal will undoubtedly be of great help to his restaurant business.

There are quite a few earth-level beast masters in Yang City now, and recently there have been so many people whispering in his ears every day, when will he be able to break through the spiritual meal of the earth level.

Jiang Ming also wants to create a spiritual meal with such an effect. After all, who doesn't want money?

But he asked the system yesterday that only dishes tailored for diners can be sold in restaurants if they are successful.

Dishes made for no reason do not meet the restaurant's inclusion standards.

Jiang Ming said whatever he wanted, but the little system, who had always been a fan of money, seemed to have returned to his original stubbornness on this matter, and refused to let go no matter what.

Wan Tianlu is now asking for such a spiritual meal, which can be said to be in line with Jiang Ming's wishes.

But here comes the problem, this spiritual meal is not helpful for Wan Tianlu now.

And the task requirement is to tailor the most suitable spiritual meal for the diners.

"Xiao Xi, is this okay?"

【Ding! checking......】

[It is detected that Wan Tianlu has a strong desire. 】

[Tailor-made spiritual meal is to make diners satisfied with the spiritual meal you made. As long as Wan Tianlu is satisfied with this spiritual meal, it can meet the requirements. 】

Hearing this, Jiang Ming breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it complies.

"Old Wan, Lao Bei, you sit in the restaurant for a while, the dishes will be ready soon."

After Jiang Ming finished speaking, he turned and walked into the kitchen.

Due to the long-term preparation, Jiang Ming can say that this dish is easy to handle.

The field spread out.

Several spiritual materials glowed with light, slowly condensed, and appeared in the kitchen.

Earth-level spiritual materials: screaming chicken, soul-melting egg......

"Clack cluck~! cluck cluck~~!!"

The harsh crowing of chickens resounded through the kitchen.

Hearing this familiar cry, Jiang Ming thought of some bad memories, and put on a mask of pain on his face.

The consciousness spread out and turned into an invisible big hand, which ruthlessly grabbed the screaming chicken's neck.

The crowing stopped abruptly, the screaming chicken had its throat locked, its eyes widened, and its wings fluttered feebly.

All chicken beasts, as long as they are below the heaven rank, Jiang Ming is no stranger to them.

But this screaming chicken, Jiang Ming felt that he would never forget it until he died.

Other chicken beasts don’t crow for a long time every day, but this screaming chicken is different. Regardless of whether it is male or female, it crows all its life except for sleeping!

Screaming Chicken is a non-attribute ferocious beast, its cultivation method is extremely unique, it absorbs spiritual energy by crowing!

Logically speaking, it should be a ferocious beast of the sound wave attribute, but the strange thing is that its chirping sound is a little louder and harsher, but it does no harm!

The spiritual power absorbed by the screaming chicken during its crowing process is all contained in its meat, and it is extremely violent, even a beast of the same level may explode to death if it is eaten!

It is precisely because of this wonderful biological evolution that the screaming chicken has almost no world, except for crowing and practicing every day, it is sleeping.

When Jiang Ming experienced the life of a screaming chicken, he felt that his throat was hoarse, and the shadow of the crowing slowed down for three full days before it was completely contained.

What Wantianlu asked for was the same as the Stir-Fried Dragon Waist, a spiritual meal that would allow all earth-level beast masters to break through their cultivation.

Screaming Chicken, which has huge spiritual power and no attributes, is just right.

As for the rage of its fleshy spiritual power, even a beast of the same level can't bear it. This is not a problem for Jiang Ming at all. He just needs to add some suitable spiritual materials to neutralize the violent spiritual power.

Jiang Ming looked at the Melting Spirit Egg beside him.

This is the spiritual material he chose to neutralize the spiritual power.

To put it bluntly, Rongling ground eggs are earth-level potatoes. This kind of potatoes grows in the dark underground without branches and leaves.

Ordinary potatoes need photosynthesis to grow, while Melting Spirit Eggs grow by absorbing the spiritual power in the ground.

In an environment with a normal concentration of spiritual power, it would take as long as a thousand years for a fusion spirit egg to grow into an earth-level spiritual material!

Long-term growth has made the spiritual power in its body extremely soft.

It formed a great contrast with the violent spiritual power in the screaming chicken, and it happened that the latter could fuse the former.

With potatoes and chickens, what kind of spiritual meal Jiang Ming will make is ready to come out.

Big plate chicken! !

Potatoes and chicken are the main ingredients of this spiritual meal, and the other spiritual ingredients only play some auxiliary and seasoning functions.

Peppers, garlic, shallots, ginger with ground quality...

Jiang Ming grabbed the fat screaming chicken. The screaming chicken seemed to have foreseen its fate, with a frightened face and frantic kicking of its paws.


Jiang Ming praised, holding a kitchen knife, saw a flash of cold light, the screaming chicken walked away very peacefully, without any pain.

After the slaughter, Jiang Ming used a kitchen knife to carefully slash the screaming chicken's belly, disemboweling it.

There is a saying for this knife, the spiritual power node on the chicken must be avoided to prevent the loss of spiritual power.

Immediately afterwards, with a move of consciousness, the hair and internal organs of the screaming chicken were cleaned.

Take a ladle of the seventh-level spiritual spring water, and carefully wash the blood on the screaming chicken.

After all this was done, Jiang Ming put the processed Screaming Chicken aside for later use.

Start to process the melting spirit eggs.

After peeling the potatoes, cut them with a hob, so that the cut potatoes will not rot into a round shape when they are stewed. After cutting, soak the potatoes in Lingquan water.

Scallions and peppers are all hob-cut, and ginger is sliced.

After the garlic is peeled, pat it but not smash it, so it is easier to smell.

After finishing these, Jiang Ming took the Screaming Chicken and put it on the cutting board.

"Chop chop chop!"

The screaming chicken is cut into pieces, and each piece is about the size of a mahjong.

The chicken nuggets should not be too big or too small. If it is too small, it will affect the appetite. If it is too large, it will not be easy to taste.

With a move of consciousness, the screaming chicken was drained,

At this point, everything is ready.

Jiang Ming skillfully started the pan to heat the oil.

Feeling the quality of the oil in the pot, a smile appeared on Jiang Ming's face.

At this time, the importance of small systems is highlighted.

With the small system, there is no need to worry about the level of all auxiliary materials, such as oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, cinnamon, spices, star anise, sugar and other spiritual materials.

The small system will considerately and automatically replace its quality with the corresponding spiritual meal level.

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