I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 409 How To Make Roast Duck

When Peng Ning heard Jiang Ming's words, his face turned rosy.

The villain in his heart shook his head vigorously.

Tell yourself that a straight man like Jiang Ming will definitely not find a wife, and no girl will like him.

The aroma of roast duck lingered on the tip of his nose, and Peng Ning's mind immediately focused on the roast duck.

The roast duck in front of me is reddish-purple in color and has a smooth and shiny skin, which is very gratifying to look at.

If it wasn't because it was too hot, Peng Ning couldn't help but start eating.

She can already imagine the feeling of biting down on the roast duck, the mouth is full of oil, and the fragrance is left on the lips and teeth.

"Boss Jiang, I don't think there's any roast duck on your price list?"

Peng Ning diverted his attention by talking.

"Ah, yes, I told you, this roast duck is specially made for you."

Jiang Ming took it for granted.

In his mind, Peng Ning was a friend, and she encountered difficulties, not to mention that this difficulty had a little relationship with him.

It's perfectly normal to help her solve it.

Peng Ning nodded, looked at Jiang Ming gratefully, and said again.

"Boss Jiang, how do you cook your roast duck? Why does it smell better than the one I ate in Quanju Delhi, the imperial capital?"

When Peng Ning asked this, Jiang Ming became excited!

Nobody likes to show off in front of their friends.

When Jiang Ming made dishes before, Wantianlu and Bei Caizhe knew how to eat each of them, and went straight to practice after eating. They didn’t know anything except delicious!

Not to mention asking him about the method of spiritual meal, let him pretend.

Jiang Ming coughed and cleared his throat.

"Xiao Peng, let me tell you, the method of this roast duck is very particular. The material is selected from the spiritual material that is most suitable for you, the tenth level of the mysterious beast: stupid duck, and this stupid duck is not just an ordinary duck. Head duck, the food that it eats every day is spiritual fruit, because of this, the duck smell in it is very light, and it also has a faint fruity fragrance."

Jiang Ming did not lie.

Although the Dumb Duck was created through his domain, Jiang Ming has been allowing it to start from the first level of the ordinary level and gradually upgrade to the tenth level of the mysterious level during the creation process. During this process, Jiang Ming has not yet Stopped the condensed fruit to feed the dumb duck.

Hearing these words, Peng Ning turned bitter.

Boss Jiang, please speak clearly, why is the most suitable spiritual material for me a dumb duck? ? ?

Are you sure you're not scolding me?

Jiang Ming didn't notice Peng Ning's facial expression, and continued to speak vividly.

"During the production process, the duck meat must be handled very carefully, and there must be no mistakes. After the processing, it needs to be irrigated 4,700 times with boiling mysterious-level tenth-level spiritual spring water, so that the duck skin can be thoroughly cleaned. Hot."

"The hot duck skin needs to be brushed with the prepared sugar water in a hurry, and a special technique is used. This technique is complicated. It needs so, so, and so on to make the duck skin perfectly covered with a layer of sugar water. "

"The material of the syrup is also very particular. It is the tenth level of the mysterious beast: the bumblebee collects the most essence of the first ray of honey every morning at the place where the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth meet! It is brewed into syrup through an extremely complicated process."

"The duck that has been hung with sugar water is the very beginning. Afterwards, it has to be hung on the bamboo charcoal made by the tenth-level spiritual material of the mysterious rank: Chuling bamboo and baked for seven days, and dozens of kinds of jams must be brushed on it." , Fine wine. You must be extremely careful when brushing this jam and fine wine, and don't let their aroma cover up the deliciousness of the dumb duck's own meat."


Jiang Ming talked non-stop for five minutes, and Peng Ning was taken aback for a while.

A small hand was raised.

"Boss, um, let me ask, you stayed in the kitchen for less than an hour, how did you let this duck bake for seven days?"

Qingqiu dismantled Jiang Ming's platform with a cute face.

"Good question! The craftsmanship is extremely exquisite, and it involves the power of time. I don't understand it even if I tell you."

Jiang Ming said without blushing.

The glass cover produced by the system already has the effect of speeding up time, and the actual time spent in baking in the glass cover for seven days is only a few minutes.

"Boss Jiang, you are really amazing, but is this duck edible?"

Peng Ning said with a bitter face.

If it wasn't for the delicious aroma of the roast duck, she felt like she would fall asleep!

I am not a Ling chef, Jiang Ming said so much, she only understood a little bit - the method of making roast duck is very complicated, and the taste must be delicious!

She really can't wait!

Hurry up and enjoy the perfect taste, she has to go back to the administrative building to handle official business.

Jiang Ming's complexion changed slightly, and his spiritual sense quickly checked the condition of the roast duck.

I was relieved to find that the roast duck was already warm.

Say hello, I almost let this roast duck go to waste.


Jiang Ming nodded, his consciousness moved. .seven

A white light flickered in Peng Ning's straight line, and a whole roast duck seemed to bloom like a petal, and the meat on it was automatically sliced ​​and spread all over the dinner plate.

At this time, there is only the duck skeleton left in the roast duck.

It is roughly estimated that there are at least eighty or ninety duck slices.

At this time, the layout of the roast duck on the dinner plate is really like a work of art.

A complete duck skeleton is generally milky white, but with a slight burnt yellow. The duck meat is sliced ​​with skin, the same size, moderately fat and thin, thin but not broken, neatly distributed in a circle, and the completed duck skeleton is in the middle.

"Xiao Peng, this stupid duck has been cut into 108 slices. After eating the duck slices, you can still eat the duck skeleton, which tastes very good."

After Jiang Ming finished speaking, a piece of dough, a piece of sweet bean sauce, and some side dishes floated out of the kitchen.

"Of course the roast duck must be rolled. The dough is made from the flour of the tenth-level mysterious material. During the kneading process, lark flower juice is also added. The taste of the roast duck will complement each other even more when it is rolled."

"I prefer sweet noodle sauce, so I only made sweet noodle sauce. If you want to eat garlic with soy sauce, or chili sauce, or white sugar, I can make it on the spot."

"Among these side dishes, the ones that look like cucumbers are Miaoguo, and the ones that look like scallions are Overlord Onions, both of which are spiritual materials of the tenth level of the Mysterious Order."

Jiang Ming pointed to the pile of things and explained.

But Peng Ning didn't listen at all, her mind is now full of the roast duck in front of her.

"Sweet bean sauce is fine, I just like sweet bean sauce."

Peng Ning responded perfunctorily, picked up a slice of duck meat, and put it directly into his mouth.

She didn't care if it ruined the beauty of the work of art.

It's been almost ten minutes since such a delicious roast duck was in front of her, and now she can finally eat it, she can't care about it anymore!

When the duck meat enters the mouth, the first thing to eat is the crispy skin on the outside. With a crisp "creak" sound, Peng Ning is intoxicated by this wonderful taste.

?*??(ˊ?ˋ*)??*?: "My God, why is there such a delicious roast duck??"

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