I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 486 The Fall Of The Black Pig

Dabao Erbao followed the guidance.

The sky was filled with golden light, and countless black holes erupted.

"Roar~!" The black pig roared, under the successive attacks of the Great Treasure and the Second Treasure, most of the armor on its body was directly destroyed, and there were only a dozen or so light spots of spiritual consciousness left on the armor.

And the consumed magical energy did not return to the body, but rushed towards Jiang Ming!


Dabao yelled impatiently.

Right now, the recovery of strength is too little, the most powerful means is the golden light from the vertical eye between the eyebrows.

If the strength recovers a bit, the armor can be broken easily, and there is no need for such ink marks.

It's really annoying!

"Meow~!" Er Bao looked at the overwhelming black giant beast, and after reminding Da Bao, he dodged away.

Seeing this, Dabao's eyes became fierce, aggrieved, so aggrieved!

In the world of beasts, he was hunted down all the time when he was weak. After he reached immortality, he secretly swore in his heart that he would never run away again!

But now, a trash pig in the Star Realm dares to make trouble in front of him!

"Dabao is back!" Jiang Ming shouted, and at the same time a spiritual meal flew out.

He knew what Dabao was thinking in his heart. When he was resisting the aristocratic family before, Dabao had the idea of ​​breaking the seal and cultivating himself.

But the current situation is far from the point where it needs the strength of the three treasures to unblock!

Sanbao has injuries in his body, and if he unblocks it forcibly, it will only make the injuries worse.

"Wow~! (Okay, Dad!)"

Dabao looked at Lingshan, shouted happily, and with a flash, came to Lingshan, and swallowed it happily.

At this time, a mighty aura appeared, pressing down on the black pig suddenly, and the black pig suddenly felt as if it was carrying the weight of a planet, unable to move.

"Roar~!" The black pig roared angrily.

"Old Liang, don't stand still, I can only hold it for three seconds!" Li Fugui gritted his teeth and shouted, blood poured out from the seven orifices as if he didn't want money.

The field of the fourth stage corresponds to the Chenxing realm. At this time, Li Fugui's overdraft broke out and he can barely suppress the black pig.

"Fuck!!" Liang Ping roared angrily, once again mobilizing the spiritual power of his whole body, gathering it in the Sky Splitting Axe, and the Sky Splitting Ax burst out with endless divine light, and slashed out violently.

The ax light seemed to have the power to split the sky, caused by the ax light, the void shattered for an instant, revealing a deep black light.


The nodes of the five divine senses were broken again, and there were only 13 nodes on the armor on Hei Zhu's body.

The light of the ax dissipated, and the light of the spear had arrived. Li Xiang held the Star God Spear and stabbed towards the void in front of him. The four spear lights were like shining meteors, and the nodes of his consciousness shattered into four pieces again!

"Ah~!" Yinyin roared angrily, as if giving the master another admiration.

Li Xiang's body shook, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he touched Yinyin's head.

He said softly: "You barked very well, don't bark again next time!"

Yan Hai looked at the nine nodes and was worried. His high damage rate reached 75%, and he couldn't use a variety of powerful attack methods. The only thing he could use was the spiritual nuclear bomb...

At this time, a dragon's roar that frightened all directions came from beside his ears.


The power of Qi and blood in Zhang's whole body exploded, shaking the world, his figure flickered, like a swimming dragon, and he was in front of the black pig in an instant.

The fist shadow blasted out, as if traveling through the void at a speed, blasting out nine punches in an instant!

"Boom boom boom~!!"

There was a manic explosion, and the last nine spiritual power nodes on the black pig's body were smashed, and the armor on his body disappeared immediately, and could no longer be condensed.

Zhang's figure appeared next to Yan Hai, with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he smiled weakly at Jiang Ming, and then passed out.

"Damn it! Damn it!!" the black pig roared, and it was a little scared at this moment!

These people are obviously ants, why can they launch such a strong attack? Just now, not only the armor was broken, but its body was also severely traumatized, almost unable to stabilize the strength of the star realm!

Jiang Ming looked at this scene with a smile on his face showing a little touch.

"You guys... oh!"

Why are you fighting so hard?

The big treasure and the second treasure can't blast through the armor at one time, wouldn't it be good to come twice more?

Now, exhausted and weak girls one by one!

And that Fu Guier, you have the strength to control the black pig, let me tell you earlier, when the armor is broken, if you control it for two or three seconds, the black pig will be dismembered by me?

But... thanks anyway.

Next, it's my turn to perform.

Jiang Ming swallowed the last Yunshen fruit to boost his energy to fullness, behind him he spun a hundred kitchen knives, and his spiritual consciousness covered the whole body of the black pig.

"San Bao, cover me."

Jiang Ming flew out and quickly approached the black pig, guarded by the big treasure and the second treasure beside him, and the little treasure escaped into Jiang Ming's beast-monitoring space.

The Realm of the Beast is in Jiang Ming's body, which means that Xiaobao is in Jiang Ming's body, and the original divine fire erupts, wrapping Jiang Ming tightly.

"Roar~!" The black pig looked at Jiang Ming with a little fear on his face. With a roar, countless black giant hands appeared from all directions.

And Jiang Ming seemed to be able to predict in advance, the black hand couldn't catch his figure at all, and could dodge in advance every time.

With his spiritual consciousness, he is really too lazy when fighting alone!

Wherever the spiritual consciousness covers, are his eyes, no, it is a bit inappropriate to say that the eyes are a bit inappropriate, after all, the spiritual consciousness can also make Jiang Ming feel the spiritual power changes in every place!

When the black hand forms a siege, Jiang Ming can always catch the extremely small gap and ride the big treasure to escape.

After a while, Jiang Ming was in front of the black pig.

The kitchen knife swung around, and dozens of streamers swung out violently.

The black pig's expression changed, although his risk perception at the Chen star level did not tell him that there was danger, but this boy can ride the dog god and the emperor Pixiu, how can he be a mortal? How can you do useless work?

The magic energy erupted, and a rainbow of magic power pierced through it, but the kitchen knife seemed to have eyes, and quickly avoided it.

The magic Changhong knocked down a dozen kitchen knives, but there were still a few streaks of light approaching.

The demon pig's eyes were terrified, but the severe pain imagined did not come, but the few kitchen knives it didn't guard against returned to the boy.

"Hahaha, I thought it was something, this kind of power, it can't even tickle your grandpa pig." The black pig laughed.

"Idiot!" Jiang Ming shook his head.

The kitchen knife produced by the system is unparalleled in sharpness and specially designed for cutting spiritual materials.

Really when he undressed the frog, he died painlessly, just talking?

The black pig's laughter stopped abruptly.

He only felt his body lighten suddenly, and the huge pig's head fell downwards under the force of gravity.

During this period, it saw that every part of the skin of its body fell off from the bones like a flower blooming.

"Bang bang bang~!"

Pieces of huge pork fell to the ground, and then turned into wisps of black air, flying towards Jiang Ming.

Before the black pig died, he saw that a black pig skeleton slowly turned into "divine power", and that "divine power", like the "divine power" transformed from its flesh, rushed towards Jiang Ming.

The foreign races call themselves the 'Demon Race', but they themselves call themselves the 'God Race'!


The black pig couldn't figure it out, why did he die when there was no pain at all?

It was obvious that there was nothing but a bunch of rubbish in front of him, but the dog god and the Emperor Pixiu didn't do anything at all!

The strength of the Chenxing Realm was really overthrown by a group of Yintian?

Hei Zhu couldn't figure out why his 'divine power' could be absorbed by that boy, obviously that boy was not a protoss...

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