I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 492 Spicy Rabbit Head

The relaxed Tutu looked at the will-o'-the-wisp pepper in front of him.

The ghost fire pepper is red and red, as if it is a carrot in its eyes.

Although the rabbit was wondering why he couldn't smell it.

But Tutu has completely believed in Jiang Ming, and lightly took a bite of the ghost fire pepper.


A kind of extreme spicy erupted from Dunkong Rabbit's mouth, and spread all over his body in an instant, all the pores on his body opened, and all the bright gray hair fell off immediately.

(?(˙??˙?)?)??????! !

Spicy dead rabbit! !

Dunkong Rabbit struggled violently in Jiang Ming's hands with all its strength, but was held tightly by Jiang Ming, and at the same time, his consciousness was firmly locked.

Struggling is useless!

Tears of remorse flowed from Dunkong Rabbit's eyes.

(???︿???)! !

Tutu is still too innocent to believe this human being so easily! !

Feeding rabbits and rabbits peppers, is this a human thing?

And Jiang Ming's eyes lit up, he didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest, very good, save the process of plucking hair.

But there is no hair...... Why is this product so ugly?

Jiang Ming felt a little disgusted.

"Eat, why don't you eat?"

That extremely gentle voice sounded like the whisper of a devil to Dunkong Rabbit.

Although Tutu couldn't stand the hotness anymore, he still kept his mouth shut.

Is this something rabbits can eat?

ah? ? ! !

After taking one bite, the hair on the whole body will fall off, and if you take another bite, the skin will not peel off?

Tutu is wronged, but Tutu can't say it, because the devil wants to make Tutu eat chili as soon as he speaks!

But is it useful to shut up?


With a move of consciousness, Jiang Ming forcibly opened the mouth of Dunkong Rabbit, and stuffed the ghost fire pepper inside.

"Wasting food is a bad habit. Be obedient and eat quickly."

Dunkong Rabbit felt the foreign body sensation in its mouth, and the double torture of body and mind caused its young mind to suffer 10,000 points of critical damage.

It now has the heart to die.

((???|||))! !

The soul is weak!

Can you give me a good time! !

You can eat me if you want, but please don't torture me! !

【...Host, it’s almost enough, the rabbit is also quite pitiful. 】

At this time, even the system can't stand it anymore.

Jiang Ming used to make spiritual meals to keep the beasts from dying without pain, but now this rabbit has been subjected to inhuman torture.

Do you want to torture him just because he is cute?

Thinking of this, the system felt a chill.

She seemed to have discovered some incredible hidden attribute of the host.

Jiang Ming suddenly came back to his senses, and realized that making the spiritual meals this time was different from the previous ones, so he smiled awkwardly.

But he was also forced to be helpless!

This spicy rabbit head meal really needs to be made this way!

With a movement of his consciousness, the ghost fire pepper that had entered the rabbit's mouth was squeezed and cut by his consciousness, and turned into pepper foam, which flowed into the belly of Dunkong rabbit.

Empty Rabbit: (ヾ????)......

Fortunately, the pain didn't last long.

Jiang Ming has been using his spiritual sense to guide the ghost fire peppers, soaked in the meat of the Dunkong rabbit, and then used a special massage technique to gather the spiritual power in the meat in the head of the Dunkong rabbit.

Three minutes later, the knife was raised and lowered, and a cold light flashed.

Dunkong rabbit's head moved, and a sense of relief could be seen on the rabbit's face.

Jiang Ming said proudly with a smile on his face.

"Should this be considered a 'happy death'?"

【...Host, you are a fucking talent. 】

"Stop swearing!"

Jiang Ming reprimanded, and chopped Shenglinglongjiao, Wanyuanlingjiao and ghost fire pepper into cubes.

Each of the three peppers was the size of an adult's arm, and the rabbit's head was the size of a large dog's head.

A rabbit head with three peppers is just right.

Jiang Ming began to process the rabbit head again, cutting off the ears, eyelids, throat, etc., and then carefully rinsed it repeatedly with the spiritual spring water of the sixth level of the holy rank.

After that, take the pot, boil the water, put the rabbit head in after the water boils, and remove the remaining blood in the rabbit head.

During this process, Jiang Ming began to process three more peppers, took a large bowl, put more than half of the minced peppers into it, and added the accessories produced by the system, cooking wine, ginger, green onions...

Spiritualized the mixer and started to stir crazily, while observing the situation in the marinade with spiritual consciousness.

The ghost fire pepper is red, the living dragon pepper is yellow, and the Wanyuan Ling pepper is green. The three colors are mixed together and rotated rapidly, and it looks strange for a while.

After the rabbit head was stewed and decontaminated, the marinade was also prepared. Jiang Ming put the rabbit head into a large bowl, and then put the large bowl into a glass cover that can control the time and flow rate, and started to marinate.

An extremely spicy smell filled Bei Changshun's office.

Jiang Ming sniffed it sharply, the spicy smell went straight to the top of the sky, and he only felt a burst of relief.

This taste is equivalent to spicy cool and spicy jump, and it will definitely taste exciting when the time comes!

Bei Changshun, who was on the side, smelled the spicy smell, his nostrils grew big, his face became a little red in an instant, and even his eyes were a little bloodshot.

w(°o°)w! !

This spiciness is really scary!

I'm getting old, what should I do if I can't bear it?

Bei Changshun was anxious.

To learn the spirit chef, one must not only rely on the eyes to see, but also rely on the nose to smell.

Bei Changshun kept his eyes wide open, sniffed his nose fiercely, studying like a fascination, even though he felt uncomfortable from the heat.

Three minutes later, Jiang Ming's spiritual sense sensed that the spiritual power in the rabbit's head had perfectly merged with the spiritual power in the marinade, and with a movement of his spiritual sense, he lifted the rabbit's head up.

Take the pan, heat the oil, pour in the remaining chili powder and sauté until fragrant.

"Zi la - wow -!!"

The spiciness in the room suddenly rose to another level.

Add the rabbit head and begin to stir fry constantly.

Another three minutes passed, and the spicy rabbit head was finished. Jiang Ming took out a white jade plate and put the rabbit head on a plate.

Jiang Ming's God of Cooking domain opened, and a white jade radish fell into his hand.

Holding a carving knife and starting to carve, radish crumbs were flying, and after a while, a lifelike rabbit appeared in Jiang Ming's hands.

"Xiaoxi, pour in sour plum soup."

It should be said that the rabbit head was between spicy cool and spicy jump before, but now after another stir-fry, the taste of the rabbit head is infinitely close to the spicy fly!

If there is no sour plum soup, the officials outside will definitely not be able to eat it.

【OK! 】

The sour plum soup was poured in, and Jiang Ming put the white jade radish rabbit on the white jade plate.

Next to the white jade plate is a white radish rabbit, and inside the white jade plate is an empty rabbit head.

The white radish rabbit is vivid, even the rabbit fur is distinct, as if it is real.

The head of the Dunkong rabbit is steaming, and at the same time exudes a strong spiritual power. The red, yellow, and green peppers are dotted on the red rabbit's head. Just looking at it makes people salivate.

This spiritual meal is full of compulsion!

[Congratulations to the host, the preparation of this spiritual meal spicy rabbit head Ou with the ability to restore the space activity of the beast master to the beast master has been completed. 】

【ヾ(^Д^*)/: You are the best! 】

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