I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 616: Central Starfield, Alliance Of Spirit Chefs

Jiang Ming wanted to cry, but Xiao Xi said that, and he hummed the melody of this song uncontrollably in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhu was so bad that he let him out.

But the explanation couldn't be explained, Li Fugui and the others had already entered the Candle God.

"Boss Jiang, this battleship is so gorgeous!" Li Fugui exclaimed.

"A battleship about the size of Blue Star, my God, if it crashes into Blue Star, will Blue Star not be destroyed directly?" Qin Feng looked like he saw a ghost.

"Boss Jiang..." Chen Fang hesitated to speak.

Women are more delicate in mind and think more about problems than Li Fugui and Qin Feng.

If Boss Jiang's previous actions could still be called human beings, but now this warship that completely subverts cognition appears.

Chen Fang became a little suspicious about Jiang Ming's identity.

Jiang Yue looked surprised, looked at Jiang Ming, hesitated for a while, and still didn't speak.

Jiang Ming couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

If his sister doubts his identity any more, Jiang Ming can only tell the truth.

Of course, you can't talk about the matter of wearing your own soul!

"Master, where is this place?" Bei Ling asked, tugging at the corner of Jiang Ming's clothes.

Jiang Ming looked down, Bei Ling's eyes were full of curiosity, but there was no sign of panic or fear.

He reached out and picked up Belling. "Lingling, this is a spaceship. Only by sitting on this can you move in the universe."

Belling's eyes sparkled. "Spaceship, is it the spaceship in the cartoon?"

Jiang Ming nodded and smiled, "Yes."

"Okay, Master, I want to see what it looks like inside the spaceship!"

Seeing Bei Ling's cute appearance, Jiang Ming couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

This little girl is not afraid at all, she is really talented.

"Master will show you around."

After Jiang Ming finished speaking, he said to Xiao Zhu: "Give them an upgrade, and all facilities in the Candle God will be open except for the control device. Then tell them about the structure of the Candle God."

"Okay, Master Jiang Ming."

Xiao Zhu responded, and immediately a series of data emerged, intertwined, and finally constructed into the internal landscape of the Candle God.

There are corresponding text explanations next to each facility.

Everyone is fully involved, immersed in the power and magic of the Candle God.

After a while, the data dissipated.

When everyone came back to their senses, they were all stunned!

"Damn it, this is a spaceship. I believe it's a planet!" Bei Caizhe yelled.

Inside the Candle God, there are all kinds of facilities for cultivation, life, entertainment, leisure...etc!

And the environment is diverse, including the living environment of most species. Now the hall they are in is completely constructed according to the blue star's air proportion and gravity.

Even for species living in special environments, such as aquatic organisms, anaerobic organisms, etc., there are corresponding environments in the Candle God for them to survive.

"Explore by yourself. If you don't understand, ask Xiaozhu. She is the artificial intelligence of the Candle God battleship, and also the core of the Candle God. This trip to the universe is controlled by her." Jiang Ming said to Xiao Zhu again : "Send me to the lounge."

He still had doubts in his heart and didn't ask Xiaoxi!

"Okay, Master Jiang Ming!"

Xiaozhu waved his hand, and a teleportation array appeared beside Jiang Ming.

The interior of the Candle God is huge, and entering the corresponding room is through the teleportation array.

Jiang Ming entered, and the next moment, he appeared at the door of the room.

look up.

The five characters of "Captain's Lounge" came into view.

"Why not just teleport into the room?" Jiang Ming wondered.

"Master Jiang Ming, your status is honorable, I will not control you in your lounge."

Jiang Ming understood.

Although Xiaozhu claims to be an artificial intelligence, he can already be regarded as an intelligent life.


Jiang Ming praised and entered the door.

The room was large, and Jiang Ming could smell a faint fragrance, which made him feel at ease.

But Jiang Ming is not picky about the room, as long as he can rest.

The most important thing now is to ask the small department.

With a move of consciousness, Jiang Ming drew out the diagram of the structure of the small system in his mind, pointed to the red dot, and asked, "This is our current position?"

【Yes. 】

Jiang Ming's complexion changed.

The light group closest to the red dot is half a picture away!

And the scale at this time is relative to the entire universe!

"It's so far away, how do we go?? And...where are we going?"

[Travel through space, go to the central star field! 】

[Civilizations in the universe, or forces, are also very simple to divide. If there is the strongest, it is called the strongest civilization. The strongest is the master or has the power to kill the master. The civilization is called the master civilization. Those who are the strongest are immortal or can kill immortals, they are called immortal civilizations, and those below are collectively called vassals. 】

[However, it can also be divided into powerful civilizations and vassal civilizations. When the realm of dominance was established, there were no superpowers, but now, even the dominators cannot truly control their own destiny. 】

[The insect world is friendly with the beast clan, we will first transfer in the insect world, and then travel through space again to the central star field! 】

"Insect Realm? Is it the closest light group to us?"

【Yes. 】

"Since you have a good relationship with the Zerg, can you pull the Zerg in when the time comes to counterattack?"

[... Between civilizations, no matter how good the friendship is, without enough benefits, it is impossible to jointly declare war on another powerful civilization. The Zerg can let us transfer, which is already the limit. 】

[The central star field is not named casually. It is located in the center of this universe. It is said that it is the place where life was first born in this universe. Bing Dojo. And the biggest force of spiritual chefs, the Alliance of Spiritual Chefs! 】

[The place you are going to is the Spirit Chef Alliance! There, coupled with your innate Dao body, the strength of the spiritual chef will get a qualitative leap. 】

Jiang Ming's heart was shocked as he digested the huge news.

"Has the universe been fully explored?"

[Of course not, the chaotic place like Lanxing has not been explored, and there are some other dangerous places that have not been fully explored. 】

"Then why do you say that the central star field is the center of the universe??"

[Said by the Lord of Space. 】

"The Xeon of the starry sky orcs?"

[Yes, the ultra-long-distance teleportation array we are about to carry out is the work of the master of space, the master of space, a powerhouse who has thoroughly comprehended the way of space! 】

[The Lord of Space, an unstoppable powerhouse, travels through the universe on the avenue of space all the time. Before he appeared, there was no communication between the major star domains, and they all thought that the star domain they were in was the leader of the universe. center. 】

[And after he appeared, he built a space channel that can shuttle stably, and joined hands with the Mechanic Lord to develop battleships, and the five star regions were united. 】

[The Lord of Space also confirmed that the universe is not vast and boundless, there are barriers! On that day, when the news was announced, all five star fields shook! On that day, the Lord of Space disappeared from public view. 】

[Thousands of epochs later, it never appeared again. For a while, there were different speculations. Two speculations were the most widely circulated. One is that the Lord of Space travels through the universe, strays into dangerous places, gets trapped and even dies. The second is that the Lord of Space relied on the power of space to pass through the barrier and enter another world. 】

[The Demons have waited for endless years, and if the Lord of Space does not appear for a day, the morale of the Starry Sky Beasts will drop a bit, while the confidence of the Demons will increase. Clans wage war! 】

[In that battle, the demon clan was born to be strong, and the starry sky beast clan was wiped out! Xinghai was renamed Tianshen Xinghai! 】

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