I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 625 Dabao, Come And See Your Thousands Of Long-Lost Brothers

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, the man in black moved!

With a wave of Jiang Ming's hand, tens of thousands of scorching sun-level kitchen soldiers scattered, approaching the demon army as fast as lightning.

The Zerg immediately beamed with joy.

It's reinforcements! !

The moment Jiang Ming's Scorching Sun Realm army moved, the Zerg army also moved, roaring and rushing towards the demons.

For a moment, attacks made of spiritual power overflowed, as if this time was not a battlefield, but a mighty meteor shower!

Everyone in the demon clan looked horrified.

In terms of combat power, without the two immortal-level tauren, although they are stronger than the Zerg in terms of combat power, their strength is limited. Before, they relied on their own talents to suppress the Zerg.

But now among the new force that suddenly appeared, there are tens of thousands of people at the Sunburning level.

It's okay to say that it is tens of thousands of Sunburning Realm.

There is such a saying circulating in the universe, one cannot become immortal, one will eventually become an ant.

However, the mysterious black-robed man can drive tens of thousands of scorching sun realms, so how could his own strength be weak?

At least the Immortal Realm is the bottom line! !

His own Immortal Realm powerhouse is being crushed and beaten by Zerg Immortals, and the situation is precarious.

Now there is another Immortal popping up in the place, it's still a thump! !

Demons are just warlike, not stupid!

The demon army was timid, fighting and retreating towards the battleship group behind them.

Soon, tens of thousands of scorching sun-level kitchen soldiers joined the battlefield, and the mysterious black-robed man, Jiang Ming, who made many demon powerhouses terrified, was still quietly suspended in the universe, without moving.

This made the demon army breathe a sigh of relief.

"They're not very strong!!"

After a scorching sun-level demon smashed the kitchen soldiers, his spiritual power surged and turned into a medium for sound transmission, and he shouted happily.

The voice echoed across the battlefield.

Then, one after another, the demons discovered that something was wrong with the kitchen soldiers.

Although these creatures exude spiritual power fluctuations around the fifth level of the Sunburning Realm, they don't seem to have a domain!

His own combat power is only equivalent to the first level of Sunburning Realm.

Even the demons at the peak of the Haoyue Realm were able to fight back and forth with a kitchen soldier.

But before the demons had time to rejoice, they discovered another terrifying thing.

These Scorching Sun realms that suddenly joined were taken out individually, and their strength did not match the realm.

But the moment they joined, there were a large number of demon casualties!

And none of these Sunburning Realm powerhouses died! !

They cooperate tacitly, as if their hearts are connected!

Formed in twos and threes, the defensive ones resist attacks, the fast ones harass, the ones good at attacking look for opportunities, a fatal blow!

These scorching sun environments are like precision machines, and everything that everyone does is perfect!

Moreover, they seem to be able to see the overall situation. Obviously, the battlefield spans a huge range, but they can always feel the need wherever there is a need!

In this chaotic battlefield, all kinds of attacks emerge in endlessly. The strength of these creatures does not match their own realm. They should have been excellent for assassination and decapitation.

But the demons found that there was no chance at all! !

It seems that when they approached, these sun-burning realms already knew how to move and started to dodge.

Jiang Ming stood where he was, with a smile on his face covered by the black robe.

Of course he knew the disadvantages of the kitchen soldiers.

There are realms in the sky, but there is no perception of the Dao, so the strength is naturally much lower.

But he has consciousness! !

The talent of spiritual consciousness can be said to be specially born for the battlefield, and Jiang Ming himself is a born commander on the battlefield!

What's more, these kitchen soldiers are not like creatures, which need reaction time to accept orders, and sometimes they may not obey.

And the kitchen soldiers can completely and quickly follow Jiang Ming's instructions!

When the natural battlefield commander has a group of tireless, obedient, powerful, and emotionless killers under his command!

The reaction it produced was terrifying!

Individually, these scorching sun-level kitchen soldiers can only act as first-level scorching sun-level powerhouses, but under Jiang Ming's control, the role they can play vaguely exceeds their own realm! !

Tens of thousands of cooking soldiers in the Sunburning Realm were like a sharp sword, slaughtering melons and vegetables in the demon army.

not far away.

Angela crushed and beat the tauren.

He looked at the man in black robe standing on the edge of the battlefield with a surprised expression.

Who is that man?

Such a powerful command ability!

Angela knew that if it wasn't for the black-robed man, even if he had joined ten thousand sun-burning practitioners, this battle would never have been so easy.

His subordinates definitely suffered heavy casualties!

But... the beast clan, have you never heard of such a battlefield commander?

Doubts emerged in Angela's heart.

The Zerg originally relied on telepathy to control their subordinates, so even though Angela was only at the fifth level of the Immortal Realm, she could feel the existence of the Candle God.

The Candle God is the iconic battleship of the beast clan, so Angela naturally knows who is coming.

The Zerg and the Divine Beasts are on good terms, not to mention that now that the Demons are invading the Zerg World, they have a common enemy.

"Angela, spare my life and join my Protoss. I ask the Lord of God to give you empowerment. When the time comes, you are expected to dominate!!"

The bull-shaped tauren who was beaten begged through voice transmission.

Angela smiled contemptuously, looking at the tauren with mockery in her eyes.

The Keleum galaxy is her territory, and there are nearly a hundred living planets in it, and the number of people exceeds ten trillion!

But the demons invaded, and in just a few years, only the main star of the Keleum galaxy, Ante star, remained on the living planet!

More than 95% of the people died! !

When I was strong before, I talked about how to cut off her head, but now I am weak, and I was beaten to death, but I started to beg for mercy.

Is it that simple?


Angela looked back, and a divine dog standing proudly between heaven and earth appeared in her mind!

If the Divine Beast Clan is defeated, I don't know if he... is still alive?

Angela looked at Jiang Ming again with a look of anticipation.

"Angela, let me go, I ask the protoss to bestow upon you!" the tauren shouted in horror.

"God Lord? Oh, you should pray to your God Lord to save you."

The memory was interrupted, Angela's complexion suddenly became cold, the avenue spread out, and a phantom of a towering giant tree emerged, and the rich life force on it condensed into a fruit on a branch.

Angela waved her hand, the fruit fell off and flew towards the tauren.

The tauren smelled the power of life emanating from the tip of his nose, and his heavy injuries were suppressed a lot. Looking at the fruit, his face showed greed.

The tauren waved his hand and slammed a hammer on the head, and the severe pain brought him back to his senses.

But, it's too late!

The fruit was immersed in the body of the bull head, and the strong life force permeated the body, and the half of the body that had turned into white bones also grew granulation, recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the tauren's face was full of horror at this time.

"no, do not want......"

The injury recovered quickly, but the life force in his body did not weaken, and was still growing rapidly. The tauren's originally huge body swelled like a balloon, and different limbs grew out.

The tauren went crazy and cut off the strange limbs that grew out, and kept begging Angela to let him go.

Zerg, most of them cultivate the avenue of life.

Although this fruit has strong life force, if it is too nourishing, it is poisonous! !

If the tauren was in its heyday, it would not be afraid of this trick, but at this time, the cells in the body divide, grow, and differentiate geometrically. With his current strength, he can't suppress it at all!

What this consumes is his own vitality!

Immortal, although Shouyuan can be called immortal, but it can only be called immortal! !

The tauren could clearly feel the loss of his vitality. If Angela didn't stop, his soul would be annihilated in the near future, and his body would become a tonic for Angela to train new subordinates!

Angela looked at the slowly expanding and proliferating tauren with an intoxicated smile on her face.

It was as if the monster in front of her was an exquisite work of art to her!

The phantom of the giant tree behind him still appeared, Angela looked at the battlefield and murmured.

"The overall situation is settled, let my babies come out to harvest."

As the words fell, Antexing seemed to have received some instructions, and the protective cover opened again, and thousands of black shadows flew out of it.

Jiang Ming could not help shouting as he observed with his spiritual sense.


The thousands of black shadows are of different sizes, but in terms of shape, they all have the shape of a dog. Their hair is black and shiny. Most importantly, there is a vertical eye between their eyebrows!

"Dabao, come out and see your thousands of long-lost brothers!!"

The big treasure dog's face sank, and he growled.

"Crazy, this Angela is crazy!!"

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