Angela stood on the spot like a knot of wood.

In one year, he reached the peak of Haoyue Realm.

What kind of freak came out of the beast clan! !

Could it be another reincarnation master? ? ?

But it shouldn't be, after a group produces a Xeon, the luck within the group is simply not enough to support another Xeon!

This is not tolerated by the law, and the universe does not allow such a situation of breaking the balance!

Xiaoxi couldn't stand it anymore, and said quietly: [Host, please stay calm, don't talk about anything, it will scare the worms. 】

[Yu Long, go out and explain. 】

Yu Long appeared between Jiang Ming's eyebrows.

Angela looked at the spirit body that suddenly appeared with doubts on her face.

"You are... Yu Long, the king of chefs? How did you become a spirit body?"

Yu Long nodded with a smile.

"The body is dead, leaving a remnant soul, making the final contribution to the world of beasts."

Angela was even more confused.

Remnant soul? ?

This is almost immortal, you tell me this is a remnant soul? ?

It's a little bit stronger than your body when you were alive! !

"By the way, I am now Jiang Ming's Dao Spirit!" Yu Long said flatly.

The flatness in the tone is the essence of Jiang Ming.

Angela's expression froze, and she looked at Jiang Ming.

The Spirit of the Great Dao? ? ?

If you want to condense the spirit of the Dao, you must be very compatible with the Dao and have a deep understanding.

In the vast universe, it is not that no one has ever owned it, but all of those people are immortal, and even dominate.

Jiang Ming, a peak of the Bright Moon Realm, was able to gather together!

"Jiang Ming also entered the Dao domain before, with a kitchen knife and a pot, he took the initiative to recognize the master!"

Yu Long said the harshest words with the most plain words.

Angela: ? ? ?

Do you think I look like a fool?

It is exaggerated enough for the peak of the Haoyue realm to enter the Dao domain, and it is said that there is a Dao that takes the initiative to recognize the master, and returning him is two kinds of Dao.

is it possible? ?

Even if Jiang Ming is the son of this universe, it is impossible! !


The system is helpless.

Let Yu Long come out, let him explain.

Fortunately, Yu Long started Versailles for Jiang Ming.

【Yu Long, enough is enough for you. Although Angela can be trusted, she can't tell everyone about everything! 】

Yu Long smiled.

Jiang Ming said, "Angela, do the Zerg have any delicacies?"

"Wait a minute, I'll send someone up." Angela said immediately.

The telepathy spread out and the arrangement began.


Jiang Ming said politely.

In the huge palace, there was silence at this moment.

Angela is still in shock Jiang Ming's talent is terrifying.

While Jiang Ming was waiting for the food, he was bored and was talking with Xiaoxi.

"Small series, demons, how many immortals are there?"

Jiang Ming asked.

In the battle just now, only the 'Yang' and 'Yue' main guns of the Candle God directly killed the two immortals and seriously injured the other.

A Zou-class life battleship has such strength, not to mention the eighteen emperors of the beast clan.

But even so, the world of beasts still lost to the demons.

This means that the demons are immortal a lot!

The system's answer was as Jiang Ming expected.

【a lot of! Those two tauren are not even ranked among the demons! 】

"According to what you said, there are only eighteen emperors in the world of beasts, and these are eighteen immortal and powerful masters..."

When Jiang Ming said this, he stopped, and it would be impolite to continue.

The system also knows what Jiang Ming thinks.

It is nothing more than that there are more immortals in the demon race, and less immortals in the beast race, the two are not comparable, and so on.

[Immortals are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. If the two tauren were alone, the three treasures could win the battle now, and even Yu Long could not rely on the kitchen soldiers, so evenly matched! 】

[Due to the particularity of their talents, the demons are destined to be very easy to be born strong. They have no domain, and they can go all the way to the peak of the Sunburning Realm by killing them! Comprehension of the Dao is the threshold of immortality! They have no insight, and it is extremely difficult to enter immortality. 】

[But the devil lord was born, after gathering resentment, destruction, killing, and all kinds of avenues, he found a avenue that had never been discovered by anyone! Mo Dao! 】

[And the most powerful can bestow the Dao! 】

[Da Dao, you can also become stronger! And the key to the Dao becoming stronger depends on the creatures who practice this Dao! The demon lord bestowed the Dao to the demons at the peak of the Sunburning Realm, so they achieved immortality! 】

[But this kind of forced indoctrination, lack of insight, is only the weakest immortal after all. The demons invade the world of beasts, and the beasts are all enemies with one enemy, and the weak defeat the strong. 】

Jiang Ming nodded upon hearing this.

No wonder when he entered the Dao Domain before, there were lines connected under the phantom of the soldier master, all of whom were his migrant workers.

Xeon Realm, this realm is not nonsense.

There are countless beaters under his hands, even if they are not strong!

"Kitchen, it seems that there is no Xeon?" Jiang Ming wondered.

Of the seven Xeon civilizations, by name, none of them have anything to do with cooking.

And the Spirit Chef Alliance, as the largest spiritual chef force in the universe, has not been planned as the strongest civilization (power) by the small department.

[Yes, the kitchen has not yet been born Xeon. 】

Jiang Ming's heart felt hot.

There is no Xeon in the kitchen! ! !

Are there many spiritual cooks in the universe?

Definitely a lot! !

In the Dao Domain, there were dense phantoms on the pot and the kitchen knife, much more than giant swords and long knives!

If you can become a strong chef...

While Jiang Ming was fantasizing, the gate of the palace opened, and a caterpillar-like Zerg squirmed in.

A portion of steaming spiritual food was dragged on its back, and the aroma filled the air.

Jiang Ming came back to his senses and looked intently.

Those were spherical spirit meals of different colors, and their quality had reached the peak of the Bright Moon Realm.

"Try it. This is the spiritual meal made by the strongest spiritual chef on Ante." Angela smiled confidently.

Jiang Ming smiled, stretched out his spiritual power, held up a red ball, put it in front of him, and observed it carefully.

The ball was about the size of a ping-pong ball, warm and moist as jade, with an extremely smooth surface, and there was a streamer faintly emanating from it, carrying the fragrance of flowers.

Put it in the mouth, bite the teeth lightly, the skin will be broken at the touch of a touch, and the juice inside will fill the mouth.


This is Jiang Ming's only feeling.

This kind of sweetness is just right, the sweetness of the fruit is not greasy to eat, and it has a refreshing and appetizing feeling.

The peculiar taste made Jiang Ming feel rather novel.

But after eating one, Jiang Ming looks like the rest of the spiritual meals.

After a round of eating, Jiang Ming sat on the seat and slowly savored it.

It's delicious, but it always feels a bit off.

All the spiritual meals made him feel like a 'standard', mass-produced, nothing new.

And there are few spiritual materials used in it, and the different spiritual materials are made into a unified appearance with a unified method!

However, this method is also relatively clever, and can fit these spiritual materials, allowing the original taste of these spiritual materials to spread out.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Angela asked expectantly.

Jiang Ming smiled and nodded, pointing to the red ball Lingshan he ate first.

"It's delicious, but can you give me a copy of the raw materials for making this spiritual meal?"

He likes the sweetness of Yuanqiu Lingshan.

Angela nodded, and soon, the spiritual materials were brought up.

Looking at the spiritual material, Jiang Ming smiled.

As expected, the spiritual material is very simple, with only two red fruits.

Then try making a dessert.

Jiang Ming thought in his heart, the momentum changed, the domain spread out, and he was surrounded by a vague charm!

Angela's face froze, her eyes widened!

That that... that trace of charm.

Tao rhyme? ! !

This is the standard configuration of the Domination Realm! ! !

Is what Yu Long said true? ? ?

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