In the main hall, Angela on the throne felt the breath, and her complexion changed.

Looking at the direction of the breath, there is endless resentment in it.

She has thought about this breath for thousands of years, and she will never forget it no matter what!

This is the dog she has been thinking about!

But...why doesn't he want to see me?

Angela pouted, taking advantage of the alcohol, staggered towards the room prepared for Jiang Ming.


In the room, Dabao finished merging the Devouring Dao, and the dog's face was full of joy.

"Woof~! (Second Treasure, Little Treasure, Big Brother will protect you from now on!!)"

Er Bao rolled his eyes and didn't speak.

This stupid dog has become the ultimate working dog and is still complacent.

Xiaobao was very cooperative and said, "Okay, big brother, big brother is mighty and domineering, I will rely on you from now on!"

Dabao nodded his head.

After recovering his strength, he felt a little giddy.

"Dabao, is your aura about to reach the master state?" Erbao asked.

"It's coming soon. During the period of recovering my strength, I have gained a lot of insights. Now that the Devouring Dao has returned to me, and the fusion of perceptions, the Dao has gone one step further. This also allows me to see how to lead to the Master!" Dabao proudly said, wagging his tail Flying, obviously very happy.

Jiang Ming opened his eyes at this moment, looked at Dabao, felt the mighty power emanating from his body, and his eyes showed surprise.

As soon as Xiaoxi reminded him that Dabao broke the cocoon, Jiang Ming hurriedly exited the super training room.


Shouting excitedly, Dabao turned into a ray of black light, rushed into Jiang Ming's arms, and kept rubbing his head against Jiang Ming's chin.

Jiang Ming smiled from ear to ear.

Not just happy for the update of the strongest combat power.

What's more, it's just purely happy for Dabao's recovery of strength.

Jiang Ming has long regarded Sanbao as his family, and the happiest thing is for the family members to recover from injuries.

Knock Knock Knock~!

"Inugami, why don't you want to see me?" Angela's resentful voice came from outside the door.

Jiang Ming's complexion changed, and he looked at Dabao.

Dabao didn't dodge this time, and walked slowly towards the door. During the process, Dabao's figure slowly changed.

When he got to the door, Dabao's appearance changed drastically.

The body is nearly two meters long, with thick hair, like a sharp weapon, exuding a cold aura. Under the hair, the muscle lines are clearly visible, highlighting a violent beauty, and the vertical eyes between the eyebrows make him even more majestic Worse!

Dabao raised his paw and opened the door.

Angela was stunned, looking at Dabao with fascination.

Surrounded with both hands, he buried the big treasure dog's head in the bottomless ravine.

"Inugami, you are so cruel!"

A sense of suffocation came, making Dabao a little intoxicated, but finally broke free from the ditch.

"Angela, it's impossible between us." Dabao said quietly.

When Angela heard this, she seemed to have expected it, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

"I know, we have different ideas, but what does it matter? I want to see you because I like you, but it doesn't mean we have to be together. I'm weird, but you have been reluctant to see I."

Dabao was taken aback.

Angela's words made him a little confused.

Angela stroked Dabao's hair and said reminiscingly: "Inugami, remember when we first met, you were like this, I'm glad you still remember, you still like me? "

Dabao was silent for a long time, and finally nodded.

Angela smiled and didn't speak any more. She brushed Dabao's face with her hand again, felt his soft hair, and then turned and left.

Jiang Ming watched from the sidelines without daring to breathe.

"Dabao, come here."

Dabao turned into a little milk dog again and jumped into Jiang Ming's arms, but the dog's eyes were full of melancholy.

"Dabao, Angela, what's going on?"

"Father, who are you asking me??"

Dabao was speechless.

“Then what exactly happened between you and Angela?” Jiang Ming asked again.

Dabao was silent for a while, and then said quietly: "At that time, I was at the peak of the sun, and I ate the little princess of the Phoenix family. The Fire Emperor was furious, so I decided to go to the central star field to avoid the limelight. But in the central star field, I still couldn't bear it." Stop, I ate the prince of the land of elves, and my divine eyes are also from him, and the most powerful civilization in the land of elves issued a wanted order, and then I can't stay in the central star field."

Jiang Ming grinned slightly when he heard this, Dabao is really a talent.

Eat wherever you go, regardless of your status!

"Then, how did you go to the insect world?"

Dabao looked helpless.

"Father, I can't go to the Beast Realm, I can't go to the Central Star Realm, I can't go to the land of chaos, right? There are only three places where I can go, the Celestial Star Sea, the Mechanical Star Realm, and the Insect Realm. No, the mechanical star field is a pile of iron lumps, chewing and chewing, the only way is to go to the insect world! The insect race is endless, and the amount is full!"

"The guards of the king's court in the town of elves chased and killed me all the way. When I arrived at the border of the Zerg race, I was seriously injured. Then I met Angela who was still in the Bright Moon Realm. The Bright Moon Realm is too weak. Even if I eat her, I can't recover much from my injuries. .”

"Angela saw that I was cute, and took me back as a pet. After that, I was with him for thousands of years. Many things happened, and then things became simple. A secret love affair came naturally."

"But... But at the moment of reaching the bridal chamber, Angela took out two knives!!!"

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