I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 644 Spirit Chef Alliance

Among the oncoming warships, the most powerful ones are only in the star-level state. When Dabao threw a stick at that place, he only exuded the aura of the sun-burning state. They were so scared that they didn't dare to run. They obediently stopped the warships and waited for the fate. trial.

"Let's go."

Jiang Ming said calmly, and flew towards the battleship.

Everyone followed in confusion.

The life in the battleship is different, there are beasts and human races, the leader is a lion-headed man with star power.

At this time, the lion man was kneeling on the ground tremblingly, and the sweat secreted from his forehead soaked his hair.

"My... my lord, I...all my savings... are in these battleships, please...please...don't you... ....No......"

Jiang Ming sat on a chair made of pure gold. This chair belonged to the lion-headed man, but it was requisitioned by Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming looked at the lion head man helplessly.

Unexpectedly, this thing is still a stutter.

Then don't ask him.

It took a little bit of effort to communicate with other creatures one-on-one with his consciousness. Jiang Ming knew that the creatures in these battleships survived by smashing, looting, and killing people was commonplace.

Anyway, there is nothing good.

And the dilapidated warship in front was a commercial warship transporting goods. They didn't mess with them, and the protection fee was paid, but these people were still not satisfied, and that's how the scene just happened.

After knowing the whole story, Jiang Ming let go of the tattered battleship. As for these warships, they were requisitioned by him.

Jiang Ming didn't kill the Lionhead and his men, but just invited them out of the battleship.

The treasure of the lion head man, Jiang Ming, was also not wanted.

Some things are treasures for some people, but for Jiang Ming, it's rubbish.

Keep it occupied.

Then, let Xiaozhu control the battleship and drive away, leaving the lion-headed creatures in chaos in the universe.

Inside the battleship.

Li Fugui and the others were stunned.

What just happened?

Several warships belonged to others a few seconds ago, but now they are their own? ?

"Boss Jiang, what happened?" Li Fugui asked curiously.

He already had the answer in his heart, but he wanted to confirm it.

Jiang Ming looked at the eyes of everyone seeking knowledge, so he had no choice but to explain to them, by the way, where he was now.

"Brother, I think it's really too cheap for you to just drive them out." Jiang Yue said angrily.

The rest of the people also nodded one after another.

Jiang Ming smiled without saying a word.

In that place, within the scope covered by Jiang Ming's spiritual consciousness, there is no living planet at all. Among them, only a small number of Lionheads are in the Star-Star Realm, and the rest are in the Heaven-leading Realm.

It is almost impossible for them to find a living planet by themselves.

By keeping them there, Jiang Ming has already sentenced these people to death.

The rest of the people looked filled with righteous indignation, but Li Fugui was the only one.

There was light in his eyes!

The sixth sector, a paradise for robbers?

Sounds like fun! !


Junk warships like this travel through the universe, flying normally for short distances, and relying on small transition devices for medium and long distances. The distance that can be moved at one time is not long, and it also takes time to recharge before the next transition .

A few days later, a bustling city floating in space appeared outside the porthole of the battleship.

"Fuck, what is that??" Li Fugui bluffed.

"My god, this is one of the most prosperous places in the universe? Isn't that too exaggerated?" Qin Feng also let out an uneducated admiration.

The rest of the people were even more dumb, staring blankly at the headquarters of the Spirit Chef Alliance, speechless in surprise.

The headquarters of the Spirit Chef Alliance is really like a bustling city suspended in the universe. Ten planets form a ball, and materials made of countless precious spirit mines are added to form bridges in the universe, connecting the planets to each other. Connect, expand.

There are extensions on both sides of these bridges, which differentiate into huge platforms with countless houses on them, and there are small bridges connecting the platforms. In the center of this 'bustling city', there is a huge steel fortress.

The area of ​​the Spirit Chef Alliance is probably comparable to that of the Milky Way.

Among them, countless spaceships are flying, leaving colorful light bands in the universe, combined with the miraculous scene of the Spirit Chef Alliance, and countless distant stars as the background, the picture is beautiful for a while!

"Is this the Spirit Chef Alliance?"

Jiang Ming murmured softly, his words trembling, unable to hide his excitement.

"Boss Jiang, I'll go, it's so big!"

"Is this the civilization in the universe?"

"Boss Jiang, do we really want to live and practice here in the future?"

After a brief shock, it was replaced by excitement!

Jiang Ming took a deep breath to suppress his restless mood.

He is the backbone of everyone, if he also looks ignorant, the influence will not be good.

At this time, Xiaozhu's sweet voice came from the radio.

"Master Jiang Ming, we are about to enter Airport No. 366. Someone will come to interrogate us at that time. The identity information has been forged. Be careful not to reveal your secrets."

Xiaozhu finished speaking.

A light curtain appeared in front of Jiang Ming.

"Race: Mu'a race, name: Jiang Ming, strength: peak of the Bright Moon Realm. Identity, Mu'a race survivor..."

After that, there will be some news from the Mu'a tribe, so as to avoid mistakes during interrogation.

Jiang Ming learned from the light curtain that the Mu'a people are an immortal civilization, similar in appearance to the Blue Star humans, but in a sudden cosmic disaster, the home planet was destroyed, and the immortal powerhouse among them died because of resisting the disaster. No one on the planet survived.

Only a small part of the Mu'a race escaped from the outside world, but without their home planet, they could only become wanderers, scattered all over the universe.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Jiang Ming had already memorized this information in less than a second.

The identity of the homeless is very suitable for them.

With a sweep of consciousness again, the identities displayed on the light curtain in front of Li Fugui and the others are all Mu'a people.

The spaceship shook and stopped, and the hatch slowly opened.

Xiao Zhu said: "Master Jiang Ming, you go out first, I will be there later."

Jiang Ming nodded and led everyone out of the spaceship.

The outside world is a huge white platform with bright lights, and when you look up, you can see the bright stars.

At the exit of the platform, there is a checkpoint in which creatures stand guard and interrogate.

Jiang Ming thought for a while and released Dabao.

With Dabao, I feel more secure.

As for the arrest warrant...the one wanted is Inugami, what's the matter with Guan Dabao? ?

Dabao is just a little milk dog a little bigger than a slap, as long as he doesn't make a move, who would think it is an immortal?

Even if Jiang Ming is holding a big treasure and telling others that it is an Immortal Realm, the other party will probably think that he has encountered a fool and secretly say that it is bad luck.

PS: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! !

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