I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 647 The Spiritual Meal In Baiweixuan

Looking at the menu, Jiang Ming understood the price of spiritual meals for each realm.

Yintianjing Spiritual Meal costs between 10-100 sounis.

The price of the Celestial Realm Spiritual Meal ranges from 100-1000 souni.

The price of Haoyue Realm Spirit Dining is also good, the cheapest one is a few thousand, and the most expensive is less than 50,000.

But when it came to the Spiritual Diet in the Scorching Sun Realm, the cheapest one cost 100,000 sounis, and the most expensive even reached several million sounis.

If it was the Immortal Realm Spirit Meal, I am afraid that they would have to add the cosmic bank cards that Xiaozhu gave them together to be able to buy one.

And the price of a piece of spiritual material corresponding to the quality of the spiritual meal is only one-tenth of the price of the spiritual meal.

Chef Ling opened a restaurant, which is really huge profits!

This made Jiang Ming more determined to open a restaurant in the Lingchu Alliance.

At present, the spiritual materials in the Bright Moon Realm are easy to talk about, but in the Scorching Sun Realm, or even the Immortal Realm, at that time, if you want to obtain spiritual materials to enrich the realm of the God of Cooking, you will need an astronomical amount of Suni!

"Boss Jiang?"

Seeing that Jiang Ming hadn't spoken for a long time, Li Fugui couldn't help reminding him.

Everyone present has been looking forward to the delicacies in the universe for a long time.

I want to know if there is any delicious spiritual meal made by Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming came back to his senses.

Looking at the crab girl, she said, "I don't know what to order, so let's order the special dishes in the store. From the sky realm to the Haoyue realm, three dishes from each realm."

With this weird way of ordering food, Crab Girl summed up Jiang Ming as the kind of 'countryman' who came to the League of Spiritual Kitchens for the first time and had no knowledge.

"OK, just a second."

After the crab girl finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Although she thinks that Jiang Ming and others are 'bumps', she is not at all worried that Jiang Ming and the others will not be able to pay the money and eat the king's meal.

Baiweixuan has been in business for hundreds of years, and those who dared to eat Bawang's meal were caught, and they made it into a spiritual meal and sold it to customers in need.

This is the rule of the Spirit Chef Alliance. Anyone who dares to eat Bawang's meal without money will be wanted and sent back to the restaurant after being caught.

Flesh compensation, or life compensation.

After the crab girl left, everyone began to look at the restaurant again.

Qin Feng: "Hey, Boss Jiang, there are so many people in this restaurant. After just a short while, four or five waves of people came."

Hao Ren: "The chef's skills must be there. I observed it before entering. This is the only one-story house that can be seen on this street. The others are high-rise buildings."

Chen Fang: "This restaurant mainly specializes in seafood. The fresh fragrance of seafood is in the air, and the taste should be quite good. Look at the diners around, everyone is eating the dishes with relish, and they don't chat at all."

Li Fugui: "I don't care, Boss Jiang cooks the best food in the world!!"

They all remembered what Jiang Ming said before to be cautious and low-key, and to use spiritual power to transmit sound when speaking.

During the conversation, the Crab Girl came back again.

The girl pushes a dining cart.

On the dining car are nine steaming dishes.

The heat is steaming from the dishes, and at the same time, the strong fresh aroma of seafood is spreading.

With a smile on her face, the crab girl took out the dishes and placed them on the table.

"Hello, this is Yintian Realm Spiritual Meal: Stir-fried Dark Green Squid Tentacles."

"This is the spiritual diet of Yintian Realm: Garlic Sky Crystal Shell."


"This is the Celestial Realm Spiritual Meal: Braised Emerald Shrimp in Oil."

"This is the Celestial Realm Spiritual Meal: Crab Roe and Fish Flour."


"Chen Xing Realm Spiritual Meal: Steamed Star Devouring Crabs."

Every time a spiritual meal is served, the crab girl will explain it.

Li Fugui, Qin Feng, Hao Ren, and Bei Caizhe rubbed their palms impatiently, staring at the dishes, as if they were about to shed their mouths.

Although the rest of the people were not as miserable as they were, they were still staring at the dishes with narrowed eyes.

Among the nine dishes, except for the three dishes in the Haoyue Realm, there were six remaining dishes. At the moment they were served, in terms of the aroma, they felt that they were comparable to the spiritual meal made by Boss Jiang!

Jiang Ming looked at the dishes with a smile on his lips.

It's really the right time to come to the Alliance of Spiritual Chefs. I didn't expect to enter a restaurant randomly, and the chef in charge would have such skills.

These nine dishes are all seafood, in which wisps of spiritual energy are lingering, but the escaping is not obvious, which means that in the process of making this spiritual meal, Chef Ling has adopted a unique method, using spiritual materials The inner spiritual power is stimulated and then locked.

This can make the spiritual material more easily absorbed by the user.

The spiritual energy in the spirit materials of the heaven-leading realm and the star-star realm is perfectly utilized. Jiang Ming pays himself, even if he makes it himself, he can only handle it the same way as the chef at Baiweixuan.

After all, that's the limit.

But whether it is on par with him or not, we still have to try it out.

Thinking in his heart, Jiang Ming picked up the chopsticks and said "Eat." After that, he took the lead in picking up a piece of squid tail and put it in his mouth.

He raised his brows, and there was a little joy on his face.

This squid mustache is not bad.

The heat is well controlled, the entrance is very elastic, and the aroma of squid whiskers explodes in the mouth with the spiritual power of the ingredients themselves.

Moreover, this spiritual meal does not seem to have chili peppers, but when the squid must be eaten into the mouth, there is a spicy taste.

The spicy taste is not heavy, it is just right, it covers up the umami taste of the squid tentacle itself, and it also has an appetizing effect that makes people want to take a bite immediately.

Jiang Ming nodded, and picked up another Garlic Sky Crystal Shell.

The tender and smooth shellfish is very elastic, and it has a thick garlic taste, which is quite enjoyable to eat. The only drawback is that the spiciness is a bit mild.

However, this small flaw is not harmful. The Ling chef in this restaurant is indeed very strong, and should be comparable to Yu Long.

Li Fugui and the others saw Jiang Ming eating so much, they couldn't help but raise their inner curiosity.

The squid mustache is chewy and refreshing, which amazes them.

The delicious shellfish made them reluctant to swallow it in one gulp.

These two spiritual meals are really comparable to Boss Jiang's craftsmanship!

This is their first feeling.

However, as they ate more and more, the enjoyment on their faces became less intense.

The first time I ate it, it was very fresh, and I thought it was very good at first, but now that I have eaten too much, I still feel that there is a gap between the one made by Boss Jiang.

As for the difference, they couldn't tell, they just felt that the happiness and enjoyment brought to them by these spiritual meals was not as rich as that brought by Boss Jiang's spiritual meals.

Everyone couldn't help but slow down their eating speed, looked at each other, and then all looked at Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming was still smiling, tasting the spiritual meal.

He has already tasted all the spiritual meals, and the six spiritual meals in the Chenxing Realm and Yintian Realm have quite small flaws.

But it was the turn of the Haoyue Realm Spirit Food, especially the steamed Star Devouring Crab, the taste was far less delicious than before.

Jiang Ming was immersed in his own world, but he didn't know that the expression of the crab girl beside him had changed.

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