I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 650 Friends, My Name Is Crab But Meat

Make spirit meals.

Jiang Ming saw that the aisle in Baiweixuan was spacious enough to put down the stove, so he didn't ask Mr. Crab to borrow the kitchen.

With a gesture, the stove appeared.

As for the spiritual materials, it is even simpler. These creatures were dealt with for nothing before?

One pot stew will do!

With a flick of Jiang Ming's wrist, the kitchen knife flew out again, cutting off the essence of these creatures.

With a piece of flesh missing from their body, the balance is broken and the creatures fall to the ground.

And the moment their bodies touched the ground, they instantly turned into powder.

The crab girl's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

Boss Crab's face is solemn, and the tentacles on his head are all erect.

They were turned into powder by external force, which meant that all the essence of their bodies had been cut out, leaving nothing behind.

Speaking of Jiang Ming's method before, Boss Crab thinks he can do it too.

But now, Boss Crab feels that he can't do it!

Who is this human being?

Doubt came to Mr. Crab's mind again.

Jiang Ming smiled at Boss Crab, then closed his eyes, let out his consciousness, multitasking, and carefully comprehended the spiritual materials.

This is the first time Jiang Ming has seen these spiritual materials. The first step is to find out the nature of these spiritual materials.

Mr. Crab was still thinking about Jiang Ming's identity, but soon, he had no time to think about it.

Jiang Ming has already started production.

Those spiritual materials, some were sliced, some were cut into sections, some were diced, and some were chopped into pureed meat.

The process of processing spiritual materials is not gorgeous, but very simple, just holding a kitchen knife and chopping there.

But it seems that there is a natural feeling, which makes people quite enjoyable.

The crab boss is immersed in it.

Only he understands the horror of Jiang Ming. These spiritual materials have been processed, and the spiritual power in them has more than doubled!

And when this human being closed his eyes before, he was clearly feeling the characteristics of spiritual materials.

In such a short period of time, the spiritual material was perfectly processed.

Even if Jiang Ming is only at the peak of the Haoyue Realm, Boss Xie still regards Jiang Ming as a spiritual chef of the same level as himself, and dare not underestimate him in the slightest.

Mr. Crab's eyes showed a bright light. Now he is looking forward to the spiritual meal made by Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming's behavior is still ordinary, first heat the pot, and then add the seasoning.

Smashed and diced garlic, sliced ​​peppers, sliced ​​ginger...etc.

These condiments are all spiritual materials from the Haoyue Realm in Yulongdao Realm, and when they are stir-fried in a wok, the whole Baiweixuan is filled with fragrance.

"Father, this man is amazing, this fragrance..." the crab girl stopped talking halfway.

Mr. Crab smiled wryly.

How could he not understand what his daughter meant, he clearly wanted to say that he couldn't cook such a fragrance.

But... so it is!

This human being, even the spiritual material used as condiment, its inner taste and spirituality, are perfectly displayed by it.

When the seasoning was fragrant, Jiang Ming put the previously processed spiritual materials into the pot again.


A gust of hot air instantly evaporated.

Boss Xie's eyes shrank, and he couldn't help taking two steps forward, carefully observing the conditions of the various spiritual materials in the pot.

The more I watched, the more frightened I became.

There are more than a dozen types of these spiritual materials, and they are of different levels from Yintian Realm to Bright Moon Realm. If they are stewed in a pot, it is easy to cause spiritual disorder and lead to the scrapping of the spiritual meal.

But now?

Those spiritual materials were slowly fused together in Jiang Ming's ordinary stir-fry without any rejection!

Mr. Crab froze the whole crab, his face full of disbelief.

This is impossible! ! !

The person in front of him is only at the Bright Moon Realm!

Why can such a spiritual meal be made? ?

Spiritual materials from different strength classes are fused with each other, and those who can make this kind of spiritual meal, in the Spiritual Chef Alliance, are all spiritual chefs in the Immortal Realm.

Boss Crab didn't believe it was true, but the facts were in front of him, so he had to believe it!

Holding the spatula and the pot, Jiang Ming began to stir the pot in a non-fancy but skillful way.

As all kinds of meat were jubilantly jumping in the pot, strands of spiritual power evaporated and diffused from the pot along with the heat, and the air was soon filled with the aroma of meat.

With a move of consciousness, Jiang Ming took out a little rice wine that was left on Ante Star before, and poured a little into it.

The rice wine is flavored, colored and seasoned.

Continue to shake the pot until each piece of meat is thickened with a layer of wine-red sugar color, pour rice wine again, cover the pot, and start to simmer.

Don't ask why rice wine can thicken the color of sugar.

This is a spiritual meal!

Ten minutes later, Jiang Ming lifted the lid of the pot, and the billowing white air suddenly rose up, with an incomparably fragrant fragrance.

Jiang Ming took out a piece of emerald green onion-like spiritual material, cut it into fine pieces, and sprinkled it on it.

This spiritual meal is complete.

Everyone stared at the pot.

In the pot, the meat pieces, meat strips, and meatballs are red, as if they were Amber, reflecting the brilliant brilliance under the light.

The strong meaty aroma lingers at the tip of the nose, making everyone's eyes brighten!

Li Fugui immediately took two steps forward, but this time, someone...someone was faster than him.

Boss Crab appeared in front of the stove, his flushed body was somewhat similar to this spiritual meal.

"Can I...can I have a taste?"

Jiang Ming smiled and nodded.

Boss Crab moved his spirit power, held up a meatball, stayed in front of him, and looked at it carefully.

The red gravy wraps the meatballs and draws them, as if they want to drip but don't.

Smelling the scent lingering at the tip of the nose, the scent is very special, the original scent in the spiritual material seems to be sublimated and then released, coupled with the faint sweetness of wine, Boss Crab's face is full of confusion.

Putting it in the mouth, feeling the tenderness of the meatballs, Boss Crab trembled physically and mentally, completely addicted to it.

Judging by the concentration of its spiritual power, it is only a spiritual meal of the Bright Moon Realm, but why is it so delicious? ? ?

How exactly? ?

He could witness the whole process of making Jiang Ming's spiritual meal, and he was really amazed when he processed the spiritual materials, but the subsequent production process cannot be said to be without bright spots, it can only be said to be plain and unpretentious.

Boss Crab couldn't figure out why this thing is so delicious.

Although he was thinking in his heart, Boss Crab didn't stop moving his hands, and he ate nearly 1/3 of the pot in a mess!

Li Fugui became anxious when he saw it, for a moment he forgot that he was a strong man in the Immortal Realm, and angrily said: "That big crab, don't be so shameless, there are so many people!"

Boss Xie was not annoyed, he smiled bitterly, and stopped his movements reluctantly.

Jiang Ming smiled helplessly: "Fu Gui, don't make trouble, this is the Bright Moon Realm Spirit Food, you can't eat it. Boss Crab, if you want to eat it, go ahead and eat it."

Boss Crab waved his hand pretending to be generous. "My friend, my name is Xie Burou. I really admire your skill as a spiritual chef! May I ask your name?"

Jiang Ming raised his brows, the name Mr. Crab is interesting.

"Jiang Ming."

"Brother Jiang, my daughter's rudeness before, I apologize to you, don't take it to heart." Boss Xie laughed with him, keeping his posture extremely low.

The crab girl was stunned, stepped forward and pulled her father's leg, and said via voice transmission: "Father, what are you doing?"

It's just a Bright Moon Realm Spirit Meal, no matter how delicious it is, there's no need for father to do this, right?

Mr. Crab sighed. "Xiao Ni, you will know after you taste it."

The crab girl stepped forward, picked up a piece of meat and put it in her mouth.

When the gravy entered the mouth, the sweet taste made the eyes of the crab girl widen.

"This smell..."

The Crab Girl has a father who is a spiritual chef at the peak of the Scorching Sun Realm. Even if he doesn't know how to make spiritual meals, he has never seen pork but has seen pigs run.

Although I don't want to admit it, the taste of this spiritual meal is many times better than the same-level spiritual meal made by my father!

Li Fugui muttered softly at this moment: "As expected of father and daughter."

Although the crab girl was shocked, she didn't stop moving her hands, and the spirit meal was once again 1/2 short.

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