I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 662 The Frightened He Yong

Seeing that He Yong hadn't moved for a long time, the old woman waved lightly, and the chopped pepper fish head was in front of her.

The aroma became more intense, and a look of joy appeared on the old woman's face.

He Yong and the Kobold were uncertain about the quality of this spiritual meal, but the old woman knew that this spiritual meal had already reached the level of immortality.

Even...beyond the ordinary fairy food!

The level of the spiritual meal represents the population corresponding to the effect of the spiritual meal.

But if you want to talk about the taste of the spiritual meal, it depends on the quality of the spiritual meal!

The higher the quality of spiritual meal, the better the taste must be!

The old woman lived endless years without eating such a quality spiritual meal.

The spiritual power surrounds the head of the chopped pepper fish, and with a light flick, a large piece of white and tender fish immediately falls off.

He Yong watched this scene, and for some reason, his eyelids were jumping wildly!

He has a bad feeling!

I saw the old woman put that large piece of fish into her mouth, and in an instant, the old woman's face changed!

His skin was dripping red, his eyes doubled, his mouth was foaming, he sat on a chair and danced to a disco, oh no, it was convulsions!

The dense and long tentacles on the top of the head are like snakes, turning their heads crazily, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

He Yong: (((;???;)))! ! !

Young birthday!

The ancestors couldn't stand the spiciness of this fish head with chopped peppers! !


He Yong just wanted to shake people, but his mouth was blocked by a mighty force, and his voice stopped abruptly.

It's Daoyun!


The door was instantly closed.

The hall, which was originally brightly lit, turned into darkness at this time.

The throne was flipped, the old woman turned her back to He Yong, and started to dance disco.

The old woman is in a very bad condition at this time.

If it wasn't for the concentration of spiritual power in this spiritual meal that told her that it was indeed a bright moon realm spiritual meal, she would have thought it was a biochemical weapon that could kill the Juggernaut Realm! !

But...is this too spicy? ? ?

Even the willow chili peppers are not that hot! !

This kind of spiciness can no longer be said to hit the soul directly, it feels like it is going to dissipate the soul!

After eating it, every cell in my body trembled, it had nothing to do with my cultivation, I couldn't suppress it at all! !

But although it is spicy, the wonderful taste in the mouth is hard to extricate yourself from!

This is an extremely contradictory spiritual meal!

So who is Jiang Ming? ? ?

In addition... she is the only king of the Siqiman civilization!

The ugliness was seen by a junior, so she didn't want to lose face?

Do you want to silence it?

The old woman thought to herself.

And He Yong's danger perception frantically warned, but he couldn't do anything except tremble in fear.

I could only kneel down, with my head close to the ground, pretending that I didn't see anything.

After a while, the old woman came back to her senses, and the throne turned back, returning to its previous graceful and luxurious appearance.

With a wave of his hand, he swept He Yong out of the hall, and immediately, the door was closed tightly.

The Siqiman civilization has too few high-end combat powers, so after repeated hesitation, the old woman did not choose to silence her.

He Yong got up from the ground, the cold sweat still flowing uncontrollably, and the voice of his ancestors came from his ears.

"Go to Jiang Ming, and provide three copies of all spiritual materials below the Sunburning Realm! This is the sincerity of our Siqiman civilization! Also, keep your mouth shut!"

He Yong breathed a sigh of relief.

Life saved!

He bowed deeply towards the hall.

Just as he got up and was about to leave, he saw the closed door and the darkness inside the windows of the main hall.

He Yong seemed to have thought of something, his face froze.

The chopped pepper fish head is still in the hall!



The ancestors still want to eat it?


Nina's 2 Protoss Chef assessment is much easier than Jiang Ming's 4 Protoss Chef assessment.

After all, Jiang Ming went in wearing a 4 protoss chef badge!

As soon as the three examiners entered, they saw the four star badge on Jiang Ming's chest.

The originally well-behaved spiritual chef assessment almost turned into a father-recognition scene!

Nina simply made a heaven-inducing spirit meal, and the three examiners scrambled to eat it, and then passed it on the spot!

At this time, Jiang Ming was taking Nina to join Fuguier and the others.

On the aircraft, little Nina is holding the badge, loving it.

Girls, all like this kind of sparkling stuff.

2 Protoss chef badge, only two functions, call for help, and summon a spirit body whose strength is comparable to the peak of the star realm.

"Master, I feel that my spiritual chef has tested the water well. Those examiners look at you and want to flatter you."

Jiang Ming smiled helplessly. "It's like this no matter where you are. The weak have no talent, and if they want to live better, they can only curry favor with the strong. But... what happened when you just made the spiritual meal? There were so many mistakes, and in the end the spiritual meal The quality does not even reach Tianpin, only the pinnacle of treasures."

Nina shrank her head and said weakly: "The examiner is too enthusiastic, and I am a little nervous."

"The mental quality is not enough, go back and practice more."

Jiang Ming is still very caring for his apprentice.

"Okay!" Nina happily replied.

She wished Jiang Ming would teach her how to make spiritual meals every day.

The aircraft drove unhurriedly on the street, Jiang Ming observed the restaurants on both sides of the road.

Ling Chef qualification has been certified, all he has to do now is to find a restaurant to open!

Which one to find is also particular.

It's not about location selection, no matter where it is, as long as it's on this street, there will be no one to worry about!

This is the main street connecting the home planet of the Siqiman civilization, so there is nothing to say about the flow of people.

With his own strength as a spiritual chef, Jiang Ming believes that as long as he opens a store, it will be popular.

What Jiang Ming is looking at now is to see which restaurant is not pleasing to the eye, and then come to kick the restaurant!

Kicking the restaurant is the only way for every spiritual chef who wants to open a store in the spiritual chef alliance.

And open a restaurant.

Eyes are very important!

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