I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 664 Meat Eaters Restaurant

After Jiang Ming talked with Xie Burou again, he left Baiweixuan and entered the restaurant that was about to be kicked out.

The restaurant is called 'Meat Eaters'.

The space is huge, with dozens of tables.

But the number of diners in the restaurant is pitifully small, and most of the tables are empty.

There was an elf boy wearing a chef's robe on the counter. The boy had a handsome appearance, his brows and eyes were full of sorrow, he was wearing a chef's robe, and there were three stars on the badge on his chest.

Seeing Jiang Ming coming in, the boy hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Welcome, what do you want to eat?"

Jiang Ming smiled kindly. "One of your restaurant's signature dishes will do."

But the young man showed embarrassment.

"I won't......"

Jiang Ming frowned.

He doesn't know any of the signature dishes in a restaurant, although the 'meat eater' should be opened by the boy's father, and the signature dish should be the Bright Moon Realm Spirit Dining, it's normal for the boy not to know it.

But the boy admitted directly... Isn't that too sincere?

How can anyone open a restaurant like this?

"Then just give me your best spiritual meal. By the way, it must taste good!"

The boy nodded immediately. "Guests wait a moment, the spiritual meal will be ready soon." With that said, the young man entered the kitchen.

Jiang Ming found a seat at random and sat down.

There were a few diners chatting in my ears.

"Now the restaurant is supported by the little guy Yatta...I don't know how long Lenny will recover from his injury."

"Well, no matter how long Lenny recovers from his injury, the 'meat eater' will cease to exist tomorrow."

"Damn it, Uncle Lenny is such a good elf. Now that something happened to him, there are even some creatures that make trouble. Even if he succeeds in kicking the restaurant, I will never come to patronize his restaurant!"

"Come on, I'm a 4 star spirit chef, I don't need you at all, but it's a pity for the meat eaters, if you want to eat meat to your heart's content...it will be difficult!"

The diners were talking, and their words were full of regret and reluctance.

It can be seen that they are regular customers of meat eaters.

Jiang Ming also learned from it that the elf boy was named Yata.

Lenny should be Yata's father's name.

"Guest, this is your spiritual meal."

Yata put a huge cauldron on the table, the pot was half the size of the table, and it was full of big bones of Jiang Ming's unknown beast, piled together, filling the whole cauldron.

The fragrance that emanates from it is pure.


Under the pot, there is also a dark purple spiritual fire to keep it warm.

Jiang Ming couldn't tell the name of the spiritual fire, but he could feel the energy emanating from the spiritual fire.

The breath from the spirit fire blends with the big bone, making its meaty fragrance more intense.

Yata, an elf boy, explained: "This spiritual meal is called stewed big bones. You said that you are after the taste, so the level of this spiritual meal is the second level of the Star Realm, but the quality has definitely reached the heavenly level. It is my best. The spiritual meal of..."

When Yata introduced the spiritual meal, his eyes were full of brilliance, his tone was much more cheerful, and his words were full of pride.

Jiang Ming smiled.

Relying on his spiritual sense, he could feel Yata's joy from the heart.

This child really loves spiritual meal.

Yata was still eloquently introducing the spiritual meal, and Jiang Ming did not interrupt, listening patiently from the side.

"Little Yata, if you say any more, the spirit fire will dissipate."

It has been a long time, a woman among the diners reminded.

Yata came back to her senses, a blush crept up her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, my guest. I've said too much. The stewed bone tastes best when the spirit fire is still burning. Eat it quickly."

After finishing speaking, Yata returned to the counter, but kept staring at Jiang Ming, wanting to see Jiang Ming's expression when he ate the spiritual meal he made.

And Jiang Ming looked at the big bones piled up in front of him, with a wry smile on his face.

This meat is really too much!

Jiang Ming picked up a big bone, tore off a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

The taste is unexpectedly good. The juice in the meat is locked, and the meat juice overflows in the mouth after one bite. The stewed meat is also very soft, and it can be swallowed with just a few chews.

After swallowing, the lips and teeth are fragrant, and people can't help but eat the second piece.

Jiang Ming ate five big bones in a row without feeling greasy at all.

Then, Jiang Ming picked up a large bone and looked at the marrow inside.

The bone marrow was milky white, and there were incisions at both ends of the big bone. Jiang Ming sucked lightly against the incisions, and all the bone marrow went into his mouth.

After chewing it a few times and swallowing it into his belly, a smile could not help appearing on Jiang Ming's face.

The bone marrow is still not greasy after eating, and the taste is creamy and mellow.

This spiritual meal is not bad.

As the boy said, the quality has reached Tianpin.

Jiang Ming looked up, looked at the boy, and smiled.

Yata looked at the smile on Jiang Ming's face, and quickly turned his eyes away.

Jiang Ming looked helpless.

This kid is also a little thin-skinned. It's just a good seed for a spiritual chef.

He entered the restaurant before, and the sadness on the young man's face was definitely not fake.

His father was injured, and the restaurant he had been running for a long time would be handed over to others tomorrow. Under such a blow, Yata would never have been able to make such a delicious spiritual meal if he hadn't had a sincere love and respect for making spiritual meals.

Jiang Ming became somewhat interested in Yata for a while.

Contact again, if Yata is really what he thinks, and if Yata is willing, Jiang Ming wants to accept Yata as his apprentice.

Relying on Lan Xing's own strength to resist the monster of the Demon Race, it is obviously a bit whimsical.

It is one purpose for Jiang Ming to enter the universe to improve his own strength, and another purpose to seek other civilizations or creatures to jointly resist the demons!

Accepting apprentices, teaching apprentices, making friends, cultivating his own team, spreading branches and leaves in the universe, and growing rapidly, this is Jiang Ming's plan.

But what Jiang Ming needs are like-minded people.

Creatures that want to destroy the Demon Race may be difficult to find in other places. After all, the Demon Race is too powerful, and no one wants to find it to be unhappy.

But this is in the Spirit Chef Alliance!

In the Spirit Chef Alliance, among the ten spiritual chefs whose civilization has been destroyed, there may be seven or eight, and the culprit for the destruction of civilization is the Demon Race!

It's just that no one took the lead. They couldn't see the hope of destroying the demons, so they didn't dare to take the lead. They could only linger on in the Spirit Chef Alliance for the continuation of civilization.

And Jiang Ming is ready to be the leader

Jiang Ming shook his head.

It's too early to say these things, and no matter what he does, he has to be strong enough to let other civilizations see hope before they can implement it.

And even accepting Yata as an apprentice will have to wait until the end of the anti-kicking hall tomorrow.

What's more, when we met for the first time, Jiang Ming only had this idea.

Jiang Ming began to eat the big bones in suspense.

When it comes to food, Jiang Ming is always tolerant.

A pot full of big bones was finally wiped out with Jiang Ming's unremitting efforts.

After belching and paying the money, Jiang Ming left the 'meat eater'.

This restaurant gave Jiang Ming a good impression.

Now, just wait for tomorrow to come!

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