I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 667 Yata's Decision

In the meat eater restaurant, the atmosphere fell into silence at this moment.

The creature that was split in half on the ground was still twisting and wriggling crazily, with blood splattering everywhere, making the atmosphere even more weird.

Jiang Ming was still sitting at the seat near the door, quietly waiting for Yata's reply.

On the badge placed on the table, 4 stars shine brightly.

Behind Jiang Ming is Pei Lie and his party.

Pei Lie's expression was uncertain, looking at Jiang Ming whose back was turned, his eyes flashed a little fierce.

Spiritual power gushed out of his body, and just as he was about to make a move, his companions held him back.

Pei Lie turned his head, saw his companion shaking his head, and at the same time saw the panic and fear on the faces of the younger brothers.

And behind the little brothers, he saw the crowd gathered to watch the play, and among them, there were people from the law enforcement team of the Spirit Chef Alliance maintaining order.

Pei Lie's expression was unwilling, and he stared at Jiang Ming fiercely, but he had no choice but to feel that the 4 Lingling chef's badge on the table was very dazzling!

"Yatta, this guy wants to be in charge of your restaurant. You have to think about it. I kicked the restaurant today, and he happened to be here. What does this mean? You are not stupid, you should understand? Give me the restaurant , I will give you a settling fee, and you are also a three-star chef, so your strength is enough to go to other regions to kick off restaurants and open stores."

Pei Lie said quietly, as he spoke, a card appeared on his wrist, he flicked his fingers, the card flew and stopped in front of Yata.

"There are 1 million Sunis in the card. If you agree, this card will be yours."

Now that the law enforcement team has arrived, they can no longer move the 4 protoss chefs who suddenly appeared.

Pei Lie could only work on Yata.

Yata put the card aside, showing some hesitation.

What Pei Lie said is correct, with his skill as a spiritual chef, he can indeed open another restaurant in other places.

But the meat-eater is the painstaking effort of his father, and he grew up among the meat-eaters since he was a child.

If he wanted to leave, Yata would not bear it.

He looked at Jiang Ming.

Yata was very tempted by what this handsome and outrageous human man said before!

Yata understands that he will definitely not be able to keep the meat-eater by himself. If Jiang Ming can fulfill the conditions previously offered, Yata is willing to hire him to be the master of the meat-eater.

Pei Lie has given out one million suni, this is his sincerity.

Yatta was ready to see what the sincerity of this human being was.

But the result let him down.

Jiang Ming still sat indifferently, without saying a word, and never looked at him.

Yata's face was tangled, his eyes wandered back and forth between the bank card and Jiang Ming, and he didn't know how to choose for a while.

"Yata, have you made up your mind?"

Pei Lie urged impatiently.

Yata took a deep breath, his spiritual power surged, and he returned the card.

"Sir, I agree to your terms!"

There is only one chance, and Yatta would rather stay in the meat eater restaurant than 1 million suni.

Even if it's just for a second longer.

Yatta is ready to take a gamble.

Even if this human repented, it would not be too late for him to leave and open a shop elsewhere.

But if this human being doesn't repent, he can still stay in the meat eater restaurant to make spiritual meals!

When Pei Lie heard Yata's decision, he raised his face and clenched his fists tightly. The veins on his face were exposed, and even the fangs on his face were trembling with anger.

A smile appeared on Jiang Ming's face, he stood up lightly, faced Pei Lie, and smiled politely: "Hurry up if you want to kick the hall, if you don't need it, I'm going to open now."

Pei Lie was short of breath, that smile was so annoying to him, he wished he could step forward and tear Jiang Ming's face apart!

Roared: "Of course I want to kick!"

"Then let's start now." Jiang Ming's tone was flat.

With a movement of consciousness, the surrounding tables and chairs were piled up together, and an open space appeared in the meat eater restaurant, which served as a competition venue.

Pei Lie took a step forward, his face still angry, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The appearance of Jiang Ming is just a little more variable.

He is also a 4th star chef, but Pei Lie has never met Jiang Ming before. He can be sure that the latter is definitely a 4th star chef who has just been certified as a 4th star chef, and his skills as a spiritual chef should be similar to him!

Most importantly, this human has no companions!

And you need to know that to kick the hall, you need 3 spiritual chefs of the same star level or 1 spiritual chef with a higher star level than your own as the referee!

There were five 4 star chefs present, except for him and this human, the other three were all my friends!

The level of spiritual chefs is not much different. At that time, even if the spiritual food made by humans is better, and the referee is my friend, I will still win in the end!

Just when Pei Lie thought he had the chance to win, there was some commotion behind him.

"I'll go, it's Boss Crab!"

"Why is Boss Crab here? The Skiman next to him... seems to be He Yong, the 4th star chef!"

"Did they come to see the theater like us?"

"Don't be stupid, let's get out of the way!"


Pei Lie turned his head and saw a road among the crowd, among which Xie Burou and He Yong were walking towards each other.

Xie Burou is wearing a white chef's robe, which is embroidered with the cartoon crab logo and the Huihai Pavilion logo, and wears the 5 Star Spirit chef badge on the right shoulder sleeve.

But He Yong was full of joy, and his pace was much faster than that of crabs.

The two of them, why are they here?

Pei Lie was puzzled, but seeing He Yong who was getting closer, Pei Lie didn't think much about it, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"Master He, please stay safe."

He Yong, like him, is a chef of 4 star spirits, but He Yong is a Siqimanian!

The status is naturally higher than him.

Facing Pei Lie's gracious greeting, He Yong didn't even look at him, just skipped him, and came to Jiang Ming with an excited expression.

"Jiang Ming, you made me look for you so hard!!"

After a day of searching and waiting, the grievance in He Yong's heart was vented the moment he saw Jiang Ming, so that there was a little crying in his words.

Jiang Ming was stunned.

Why don't you cry!

"What's wrong?"

He Yong's face was filled with endless resentment. "Our Siqiman..." Before he finished speaking, He Yong realized that there were many people here, so he stopped talking. "I'll talk about it later. By the way, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Ming said indifferently: "Find a shop to open a shop."

He Yong understood, turned his head and glanced at Pei Lie behind him, and then said to Jiang Ming: "With your strength, I am afraid that there is no 4-star spirit chef in the spirit chef alliance that can surpass you, so I won't help you. Let's go according to the normal procedure. After finishing what we were talking about before, I asked my superiors for instructions. The price this time is definitely the highest. playing with you."

After He Yong finished speaking, he found a seat and sat down.

With Jiang Ming's strength, he doesn't need his help at all!

The fish head with chopped peppers was spicy enough for my ancestors, and most importantly, the ancestors are likely to continue to eat it!

You must know that the fish head with chopped peppers is only a portion of the Bright Moon Realm spiritual meal, and the Bright Moon Realm spiritual meal actually makes even the strong Dominant Realm lose their composure and cannot stop!

Most spiritual cooks are haughty.

He Yong felt that if he went to help himself, he would be slapping Jiang Ming in the face!

Seeing He Yong and Jiang Ming being intimate, Pei Lie had a bad premonition in his heart.

It seems that I may not be able to win the meat eater restaurant!

This human actually knew He Yong.

Could it be that you also know Boss Crab? ? ?

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