I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 674 Crabs Are Not Meat: I Have Never Met Such A Noble Spiritual Chef

Looking at the excited diners, Jiang Ming couldn't help but be taken aback.

To be honest, he didn't expect that just using demons as spiritual materials could bring about such an effect.

"Old crab, I understand what it means to use."

Xie Burou shook his head, and said quietly: "Jiang Ming, you don't understand at all. Popularity is only a small part of it. The demonic energy of the demon race is extremely contagious and extremely indelible, so no matter what level you are Demons are not listed as spiritual materials."

"And the entire Spirit Chef Alliance can use demons as spiritual materials to make spiritual meals, no more than the number of hands, and they are all spiritual chefs in the Immortal Realm or even the Dominant Realm!"

When Xie Burou said this, his face became awkward.

"Jiang Ming, my next question may be a little impolite, but can you tell me how you deal with the demons? In exchange, I'll give you all the spiritual meals I'll have, no problem!"

For the spiritual chef, every spiritual meal is made after countless experiments.

The painstaking efforts, financial resources and time spent in it are all huge.

Crab doesn't know that his question is inappropriate, but he is really curious.

This is a cooking demon!

Jiang Ming smiled awkwardly.

"Old Crab, if you want to learn, I will leave it to you after the business hours are over, but whether you can learn it or not depends on yourself, my method may not be suitable for everyone."

"Thank you very much." Xie Burou thanked Jiang Ming repeatedly, and bowed deeply to Jiang Ming.

At this time, Xie Burou was full of respect for Jiang Ming!

The way to deal with the demonic energy, even if you say it, you will give it, without mentioning the benefits!

Crab Burou has never met such a noble chef!

Seeing Xie Burou's excited appearance, Jiang Ming sighed inwardly.

Jiang Ming, who has dealt with the demons, understands that it is not the demons that exude demonic energy, but the demonic energy that allows the demons to survive!

The demon energy cannot be said to be engraved in the bones of the demons, but is engraved in every cell in the demons. Even if the demons are dead, the demonic energy will still regenerate!

If you want to deal with it well, you have to clear all the magic energy at the same time, so that the 'demonic' nature in the magic energy will disappear, and only pure energy will be regenerated.

This is also the reason why demons of the same level are better than other spiritual materials.

But Jiang Ming relied on his spiritual knowledge to do it easily, and other spiritual chefs wanted to clean up the magic energy without damaging the energy in the spiritual material, and it was as difficult as heaven.

When the time comes, he really has to learn. He is afraid that he will be autistic if he doesn't have meat.

Xie Burou drank the milk tea happily, and then began to feel the changes in his body carefully.

"Huh? Jiang Ming, in this Enlightenment Milk Tea, apart from the energy between the little Enlightenment Tree and the demon spirit material, there is also a mysterious energy, that is, this energy, which can actually stimulate my Tao! But I Why can't I find out what kind of spiritual material this trace of energy comes from."

Jiang Ming chuckled.

"This is my secret method, it is not universal."

Xie Burou's complexion changed, and he hurriedly said: "Jiang Ming, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious about energy."

Xie Burou was already grateful enough for Jiang Ming to teach him how to deal with the demonic energy.

"It's okay." Jiang Ming said indifferently.

In the final analysis, this secret method is to integrate Jiang Ming's own Dao rhyme into it.

The magical effect of Dao Yun was discovered by Jiang Ming yesterday when he was making spiritual meals in the super training room.

Injecting Dao Yun into the milk tea directly sublimates the effect of the Dao Enlightenment milk tea, which even Xiaoxi doesn't know what's going on.

In the end, it can only be explained with "innate Taoism".

Jiang Ming didn't know what was going on, but it didn't matter if he didn't know, as long as the result was good anyway.

When one's own strength improves, one will naturally understand the principle.

Xie Burou was afraid that Jiang Ming would misunderstand, so he stopped talking, found a chair and sat down, and entered the state of cultivation.

Although the Enlightenment Milk Tea is only of Haoyue Realm quality, it is of little help to him.

But you know, it is the Tao that helps! !

Naturally, crabs do not dare to neglect.

At this time, Xie Burou and He Yong were both in the state of cultivation, Jiang Ming had no one to chat with, and the pleadings of the diners in his ears were still incessant.

Some diners have already increased the price by a hundred times, but Jiang Ming still doesn't care.

It’s not that we don’t make it for them, the store has already sold it, and Wudao milk tea is on the price list, so it must be sold.

But not yet.

At present, when a new store opens, the most important thing is publicity.

It is a surprise that the spiritual meal made by the demons as spiritual material is so popular in the Alliance of Spiritual Chefs.

But the most important thing about spiritual meals is the effect!

Now only He Yong has entered the state of enlightenment after drinking it alone.

He Yong is a genius chef of Siqiman civilization. He takes Wudao milk tea, which may be accidental in the eyes of diners.

I can't really realize the effect of Wudao milk tea.

Jiang Ming made an extra copy of Chenxing Realm Super Enlightenment Milk Tea for Yata.

Little Yata has good talent, at a young age, her strength has reached the 8th level of the Star Realm, and she is also a 3-star peak spiritual chef.

Jiang Ming could feel that Yata was already at the pinnacle of the fourth stage of the domain, and with another kick, he could reach the fifth stage.

And this Enlightenment milk tea is the finishing touch that Jiang Ming prepared for him.

He Yong has already entered the state of enlightenment, and if Yata breaks through the field on the spot, no one should doubt the effect of enlightenment milk tea.

Yue Lan had already finished drinking the Enlightenment milk tea, and the effect of the spiritual diet took effect, and she also entered the state of cultivation.

However, she felt that although the help of this cup of enlightenment milk tea at the peak of the Haoyue Realm was not small, it was far from the effect that He Yong entered the state of enlightenment on the spot.

what reason?

Yue Lan was puzzled.

First of all, you can't rule out your own qualifications!

Both parents are Immortal Realm, how could my aptitude be poor?

Definitely the difference between regular Enlightenment Milk Tea and Super Enlightenment Milk Tea!

Yue Lan was determined in her heart.

But Jiang Ming has no intention of selling Enlightenment milk tea at all now, otherwise she will quit the cultivation state directly and order another cup of super Enlightenment milk tea.

If you can let yourself feel the state of enlightenment, let alone 1 million sounis, even 100 million sounis are worth it!

But... Jiang Ming is quite business-minded, and he even understands hunger marketing!

This perfect boy who is smart, handsome, and can cook, was unexpectedly met by me! !

Do you want to tie him back to his home planet?

Yue Lan was thinking wildly in her heart, a blush appeared on the blue skin of her cheeks.

At this time, the kitchen door opened.

Yata came out with the spiritual meal.

Looking at the scene in the hotel, he was stunned.

(⊙﹏⊙)b? ?

Why are these diners crying for their fathers and mothers?

Some even knelt down to Master Jiang Ming.

What happened in the restaurant during the ten minutes of making the spiritual meal? ? ?

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