I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 455 The Mysterious Man, the Light of Erbaiu

At this moment, Bai Yue has completely lost the arrogance and contempt for everything in the flat world.

When Ye Chu passed her by, he just glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, and was shocked to find that Bai Yue had caught his observation.

Immediately showing a lewd smile and licking her lips at the same time, Bai Yue let go of her vigilance towards Ye Chu.

"What a powerful observation!"

Ye Chu was secretly shocked.

Afterwards, Ye Chu immediately let the system enter Yulin City's system with the highest authority, and found out all the records about Bai Yue.

What surprised Ye Chu was that there was nothing wrong with Bai Yue's background.

What's even more astonishing is that Bai Yue joined Yulin City when it was first established.

In other words, Bai Yue is an out-and-out old householder in Yulin City.

Ye Chu remembered that at that time, when Yulin City was just developing, the first batch of people who joined Yulin City seemed to be the rice garden base at that time.

It was just a county-level base. After it was destroyed, Ye Chu recruited everyone in the base, and at the same time had the idea of ​​developing the base.

And Bai Yue joined in at that time.

"Nano's Bear!"

Bai Yue's background has completely overturned Ye Chu's imagination.

Such a No. 1 person is actually in Yulin City.

How many people like Bai Yue are there in Yulin City?

Ye Chu now seriously doubts that this Bai Yue is the chip person who was implanted with the chip.

Fortunately for Ye Chu, the caravan that Ye Chu was in came from Chang'an City, and the unit that connected with them was Bai Yue's unit.

Because Bai Yue has a local household registration, she still holds positions in some local agencies.

It can be said that it is a proper iron rice bowl.

After the items are detected, they are put into storage for registration and management.

These things are all done by Bai Yue.

With the initial contact, Ye Chu first used the system to observe.

But the observed information is just ordinary information about Bai Yue in Yulin City.

So, Ye Chu used the demon mirror to take photos secretly, and found that Bai Yue still had no problems.

Ye Chu used all kinds of methods, skills, and props to distinguish the authenticity, but he didn't find them.

"Is there really no problem?"

Ye Chu had great doubts about this.

"Still, this Bai Yue and that Bai Yue are just two people from different time and space!"

This possibility is very high.

Both are parallel worlds, all modeled after the ancestral planet Earth.

So the same person may exist in another parallel world.

But just when Ye Chu was about to give up, he accidentally discovered Bai Yue's sneaking traces in the surveillance.

Yulin City is full of sky eyes.

Ye Chu has the highest viewing authority.

Therefore, after the transportation task was over, Ye Chu kept monitoring Bai Yue through the eyes of the sky.

Finally, on the fifth day, when the team was about to return to the Chang'an base, Ye Chu discovered that some sneaky men in black had found Bai Yue.

"Boss, it has been confirmed that Journey to the West has been destroyed and all living things have died. After the moon disappeared, Journey to the West has entered an extremely unstable state, and it is no longer suitable for any living beings to live in!"

Through Tianyan's voice system, Ye Chu heard their conversation clearly.

"I'm afraid Ye Chu is the only one who can directly disappear the moon!"

Bai Yue murmured.

"In addition, some time ago, half-orcs cut off one-tenth of the blue star's moon, which caused the instability of the tidal force. In the end, it must have been the half-orcs who launched the star-killing attack, and Ye Chu carried out the moon at a critical moment. Convert, convert the moon from Journey to the West!"

Thinking about it this way, everything unraveled.

"Then what do we do now?"

The man in black asked worriedly.

"Journey to the West is gone, but we still have factories in other parallel worlds, we must speed up, and the higher-ups are urging us!"

Bai Yue ordered coldly.


The man in black responded immediately.

"It's a pity that we don't have Ye Chu's cloning technology, otherwise we wouldn't need to go to other parallel worlds to find people who look exactly the same!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu suddenly realized.

"It turns out that their purpose in other parallel worlds is to find people exactly like this world!"

This kind of thoughtful and terrifying thing made Ye Chu pale with fright.

Perhaps an old couple who have been in love for decades have been replaced by each other after waking up the next day.

This chip can retrieve your original memory and continue to live on your behalf.

Although it is no different from usual, once the Illuminati start the program, all the people who implanted the chip will be instructed to do some heinous things.

"What the hell, you guys can do such a thing!"

Ye Chu's understanding of the Illuminati is still far from enough.

"Since I can't find a way to find you now, I'll look elsewhere!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu took a deep breath.

I can't find it now, so can I find it next year?

If I can't find it next year, can I find it in five years?


That's right, Ye Chu plans to go to the future to have a look.

But just when Ye Chu was about to go to the future, he received the latest news from Lingwu Pavilion in Yulin City.

Chip Man, found out.

Ye Chu immediately contacted Zhuge Yi to learn about the situation.

What Ye Chu didn't expect was that the chip people who were found were the men in black who met Bai Yue and the others last night.

"How were they discovered?"

"I don't know, a mysterious person threw people at the gate of Lingwu Pavilion, and then disappeared, and the backs of these people's heads were all opened, revealing the chips inside."

Through the video screen, Ye Chu saw that there were some chips in the heads of these people.

Opening the screen at that time, Ye Chu saw a black-clothed man wearing black night clothes, wrapping himself tightly, and hitting those black-clothed men with a ray of light.

Then the chips on these men in black were found.

"This is……"

Seeing the light from the mysterious man, Ye Chu didn't know where he saw it.

Immediately, the mysterious man looked up at the monitor, and then slowly disappeared in place.

"What does he mean? Teach me how to find the Chip Man?"

Ye Chu immediately guessed the opponent's intention.

"Also, why is the light from him so familiar, I really want to see it somewhere!"

Ye Chu fell into deep thought.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Chu suddenly jumped up.

"The Light of Saby!"

That's right, it's Saby's light.

After finding the spaceship of the Erbaiu star people, the spaceship of the Erbaiu star people has the ability to distinguish the Sabi star people from the inheritors of the Ye family. This ability is the light of Sabi.

But all of this is a conspiracy of the Sabi Stars.

Ye Chu's parents were possessed by a Sabi star, and the so-called Sabi light they taught was actually used to find the Erbaiu star.

Therefore, this ability should be called the light of Erbaiu.

"I didn't expect that the light of Erbaiu could find the chip man!"

However, how could that mysterious person know the light of Erbaiu?

Could it be?


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