When Takatsuki Izumi saw this scene, he was in a very bad mood.

If you can work hard, will you have a chance?

Thinking of the three prizes obtained by Lily Bell and the little evil god just now, namely gourmet tablecloths, 10,000 years of life, and four-dimensional space pockets, they are all very useful things.

Of course, for Takatsuki Izumi, it must be the most useful life span of 10,000 years.

With a life span of about 10,000 years, Takatsuki felt that he could do a lot of things, and even become stronger through it.

After all, a 10,000-year-old turtle's has become stronger, right?

Not to mention that he himself has this strength foundation, if he lives for ten thousand years, he will definitely be stronger, but the premise is that he can live safely.

And in his current situation, it is obviously impossible to live in peace.

While Gao Tsukiquan was still pondering, Qin Zheng waved his hand and told Belmod that it was time for her answer.

"Sister Bei, here, get ready, your topic is here."

[As we all know, the black-clothed organization is also known as a winery, so which of the following distillery backbones is the second or fifth of the organization? ] 】

1. Rum

2. Gin wine

3247. Vodka

4. Belmode

[Correct reward: gun fighting! ] (Note: It's useless to talk about bells and whistles, in short, bullets will turn, believe it, you should understand.) )】

[Wrong answer punishment: the art of mouth escape! ] (The punishment that only I can see, I understand it after reading it, there is no need to speak out, smart people know what to do.) )】

As soon as the title came out, Belmode's eyelids jumped wildly.


Well, it seems to make a lot of sense.

However, having said that, what is Erwuzai?

As a person from the beautiful country, she still had difficulty understanding what this meant, so Belmod blurted out subconsciously.

"No, what does this Erwuzai mean?"

Of course, not only Belmod did not understand, but also people such as Takatsuki Izumi, March and others, but Lily Bell glanced at Belmode thoughtfully, as if he already knew what it meant.

As for Erin, she is a little interested in punishment, and the so-called gun fighting technique is not in her eyes at all, in her opinion, it is a useless thing, and it is not as interesting as punishment.

So, Abchlyn had some thoughts about this mysterious punishment.

What she was thinking was... Your own punishment won't be the same, right?

If it was really this unknown punishment, Erin could be said to be very uneasy, or she hated the feeling of not being controlled by herself.

Of course, now in such an environment, Erin also knows that she has long been unable to control the situation, and she is also meat on people's chopping blocks, slaughtered by others.

This is the case, even if Erin herself does not want to admit it, but she is indeed pinched to death by Qin Zheng, it can be said that there is no way.

Erin pondered the question of punishment alone, and Yayunzi and Lingmeng, like Belmode, also did not understand the so-called Erwuzai.

Therefore, the two also inquired about this.

"That's right, can you explain?"

"Master Qin Zheng, in the future, we still have to be normal, don't fix these flower heads, we can't understand it!"

And hearing the complains of Bayunzi and Lingmeng, Qin Zheng said with an expressionless face: "The so-called Erwuzai, you can understand that they are traitors, nests and hengs, who do not care about things, and often do things that harm the interests of the organization. "

Madge's face was a little strange, staring at the name of Belmod on it, and couldn't help but interject: "Since there is Belmode, that means that this guy is not a safe master?" "

If Belmod is a good person, it is understandable, but it seems that this guy is not, and he is still loved and trusted by the boss.

So, what is this guy for?

Belmod looked gloomy and said nothing.

Her gaze just lingered on a few options, and then she already had the answer in her mind.

Rum, gin are impossible. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Vodka needless to say, a humble, don't expect this guy to have any skills, so such a thing as a traitor is impossible, so after excluding three answers, it is only herself.

Of course, Belmode's attention was quickly drawn to the punishment, and then she was silent.

Good guys, is there still such a punishment?

Belmode's expression changed a little, but she still controlled it very cleverly, and glanced at Qin Zheng vaguely.

If I answer incorrectly, I won't be able to do it then...

Thinking of this, Belmod subconsciously touched his mouth.

The red lips opened lightly, and the shell teeth bit the side of the lip lightly.

Belmode's eyes flashed with enchantment, but they quickly disappeared, became extremely cold, and continued to remain silent.

Of course, Belmode's silence was only temporary, and could not be maintained for long.

The reason is that people like Lingmeng, Yayunzi and others, they are not only interested in the topic, if it is punishment, it is undoubtedly more interested.

Therefore, Yakumo Zi was the first to speak up, and asked about punishment with a smile.

"Belmode, what is this punishment?"

Lingmeng immediately responded, and she also asked, "Yes, what is the punishment?" Old lady Zi often talks nonsense, but this wave is not wrong, about this punishment ... What exactly is it? "

Belmode: "..."

What is it?

Alas, I have nothing to say about this!

Belmode doesn't want to reveal too much about this.

It's just that the people who want to know are not only Yakumo Zi and Lingmeng, but also Erin and Lily Suzu, especially Erin is very interested in this.

Erin is a very paranoid and strong person, she really wants to take this opportunity to improve herself, and even get rid of the problem of dragonization, but if there is unacceptable damage to her interests in the process, then Erin will undoubtedly reconsider the answer.

After all, some punishments cannot be made public, only the parties can see it, it is difficult not to make people suspect, such as Irene, a paranoid and always strong queen, must be unacceptable.

"Belmode, huh? You'd better make it clear, otherwise..." Erin stared at Belmode coldly, and the tone of her voice made the latter feel a chill in her heart.

Damn, what should I do?

Belmod had cold sweat on her forehead, she could say that she was helpless, but in the face of the strong Erin, and the smiling Yakumo Zi on the side... Alas, apparently there is no way.

Therefore, Belmode chose to respond to the question anyway, but she did not reveal much about it, but only said something vaguely.

All in all, you understand everything, and if you don't understand, you can only forget it.

"Sorry, I can't say it, but I can say... In fact, the punishment is not the kind of punishment that makes you uncomfortable, but for women it is a little... Well, how to say it? It is necessary to pass the level in your heart, as long as it can pass, then everything is easy to say. "。

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