Uchiha didn't want to mess with the people behind Jia Baili, but he wasn't necessarily afraid of Luo Hao.

After all, he has already offended the other party to death, naturally there is no need to grovel, so he said coldly: "Luo Hao, don't be shy, I Uchiha will not bow my head easily, but for the safety of the ninja world, I temporarily give in for the sake of my ideals." "

Luo Hao's face suddenly turned cold, and he raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean... I can't destroy your world? "

Uchiha Ban clasped his hands to his chest and said arrogantly: "I don't know, but Lord Qin Zheng didn't say anything, so you don't necessarily have such power." "

"Hmph, I killed all of your people, isn't that it?" Hearing this, Luo Hao just smiled disdainfully and said coldly.

Destroy the world?

What a simple thing, I am a god killer!

With strong power, it can easily change the changes in the heavens and the earth, causing phenomena such as the collapse of mountains and rivers, is it difficult to kill you?

"If that's the case, then I can't sit idly by." Saitama's painting style changed, staring at Luo Hao with amazing momentum, and said with a serious expression.

If Luo Hao just killed Uchiha alone, Saitama would not interfere, it was a fight between the strong, and he didn't have to care about 960.

But if Luo Hao planned to kill the humans of the Fire Shadow World, then Saitama would definitely intervene.

Luo Hao glanced at Saitama coldly and said coldly, "You think I'm afraid of you?" "

At this time, Qin Zheng's face suddenly changed, and the powerful momentum in his body came out, which directly shocked everyone, and said coldly: "Okay, you guys don't say hi, you can kill at every turn, where do you have the courage to talk like this?" "

"I'm not saying hi."

Luo Hao was under the great pressure given by Qin Zheng and stubbornly spoke.

She didn't feel like she was saying hi, she was just proving that she had that power.

"If I don't let you pass, you can't even kill Uchiha, what proves?" When Qin Zheng saw Luo Hao so stubborn, he naturally snorted coldly and said unpleasantly.

I condone you, is this connivance that something went wrong?

Yes, you can increase the difficulty later, and all of them will arrange unknown punishments for you, see how stubborn you are at that time!

Luo Hao: "..."

Well, he's right, if I can't get by, I really can't even kill Uchiha.

"Ahem, I think... Why not get back to business? After Jia Baili found that the atmosphere was not right, she quickly changed the topic, trying to get everyone's attention back to Blowing Snow to answer the question.

"That's right, the blowing snow side has been ignored, let's still talk about answering the question." Lias coughed lightly and quickly echoed.

Chuixue also quickly nodded, and specially asked: "That's right, so where did you just say?" "

Before Jia Baili and the others could answer, Qin Zheng said in a flat tone: "Jia Baili suggested that it was Tiantai, and Lias said that it was a café, which do you think?" "


Blowing Snow hesitated a little and frowned.

Which one?

Honestly, the only thing I know is... The classroom is definitely not right.

It's too ordinary and doesn't have a bit of romance, so it certainly won't be a classroom.

As for the café and the rooftop, Blowing Snow thinks that the possibility of the café is not very large, and the probability is that it is on the rooftop.

Because high school students don't have the time to go to cafes anyway, and even if they do, they can't say that they met like this, so it's more likely that they will meet on the rooftop.

So, it's the rooftop.

And the rest of the ramp ... Blowing Snow didn't plan to choose from beginning to end, she thought it was more ordinary, so she simply ignored it.

"Blowing snow, believe me!"

"No, trust me!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing Chuixue so hesitant, Lias and Jia Baili both opened their mouths to believe in themselves.

However, the performance of the two of them caused Kaguya Otsuki to complain.

"You guys were still back and forth with Blowing Snow just now, and now you're starting to analyze it for her again? Honestly, what is your situation? "

And Datumu Kaguya's complaint immediately caused the dissatisfaction of Jia Baili and Lias (aefi).

"It's okay with you."

"Yes, shut up!"

Kaguya Otsuki: "..."

On this side, Datumu Kaguya was stunned and had nothing to say, while Blowing Snow came forward to stop Jia Baili and Lias, and said that he already had a choice.

Then, in order not to let the situation expand, Chuixue quickly spoke: "Okay, okay, you all stop, I already have the answer, that is, to choose... Yes, that's right, it's the Heavenly Terrace! "

"I won!"

Jia Baili chuckled, and the smile on her face was amiable.

But it was different in Lias's eyes, and she frowned and asked with confusion, "Why?" Blowing snow, do you think my choice is wrong? "

"How do you say it? I didn't feel like so, so I chose the rooftop. When Chuixue saw Lias find herself, she immediately felt a slight headache, but she could only talk to her.


Hearing this, Lias subconsciously raised her eyebrows, and said with a hint of unhappiness: "You really feel unreliable." "

Jia Baili didn't wait for Chuixue to speak, and said first: "Lias, don't think that people have problems just because they don't choose the choice you give, such an attitude is unacceptable." "

But Lias directly snorted coldly, and threatened mercilessly: "Jia Baili, you fallen angel don't talk to me like this, and... Don't you want money? Do you think that Kaguya Otsuki can provide you with stable funds, or can I, a demon who has already decided to take power and has a small town as a territory in the human world, can provide you with more funds? "

Seeing Lias so confident, Kaguya couldn't help but remind: "Lias, don't forget, the concubine body has a ninja realm. "

Lias didn't look at Datumu Kaguya, the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked, and said contemptuously: "Come on, don't take out a backward place like you, the place I am in charge of Juwang Town is not small, and the industry is countless, pay attention to sustainable development, and what is the use of your predatory wealth?" Besides, the money I give is also universal, and what do you compare with me? "

Kaguya Otsuki: "..."

When she said this, how could I...

Datuki Kaguya suddenly remembered that she didn't know anything about these things, so she really couldn't compare to Lias, plus people have a stable territory, and they still need to fight Jiangshan, this... Well, it's really incomparable.

Jia Baili's face was gloomy, and she asked unpleasantly: "Lias, are you showing off your wealth in fancy ways?" "

Lias shrugged her shoulders and said lightly: "No, I'm just telling the truth, won't I?" You don't even have money, do you? "

"Say what? I'm also a rich man! Chuixue snorted coldly, showing his coat and shawl, indicating that he was also a rich man.

"Oh, that's good." Lias replied disapprovingly, obviously not taking Blowing Snow's words to heart, she thought that even if Blowing Snow had money, it couldn't be compared with herself.

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