I opened an elf breeding house

Chapter 716 An encounter at the hunting ground

These elves living in wild hunting areas have been domesticated and raised for a long time, so not only are they not resistant to humans, most of them are also very gentle.

Some of the more daring ones will even approach tourists to beg for delicious food.

However, Hua Jianming did not see the elf that he was satisfied with, so he never had the intention to take action.

However, his continuous distribution of energy cubes caused more and more elves to gather around him.

They seemed to be interested in Hua Jianming's long-term meal ticket, and wanted Hua Jianming to throw the hunting ball to conquer them.

The kind that promises not to resist.

However, Hua Jianming didn't meet any elves that suited his liking, so he didn't conquer any of them.

The wilderness hunting area in Shancheng City is very large, and Hua Jianming took his elves to visit it all morning without finishing it.

"How's it going? Are you guys hungry? Do you want to take a break and replenish some energy?" Hua Jianming asked.

In fact, Hua Jianming himself was a little tired.

In the end, Hua Jianming decided to stop and rest for a while, while finishing lunch for himself and the elves.

Today was just for fun, so Hua Jianming felt there was no need to embarrass himself.

So Hua Jianming found a small river bank, spread a tablecloth, and then sat on it to rest.

Hua Jianming also prepared a lot of food to share with the elves.

Just after eating, Hua Jianming saw a green cloud suddenly appear in the distance.

When the green clouds got closer and closer, Hua Jianming realized that they were a group of natural birds and sparrows.

Hua Jianming was quite surprised when he saw it, because elves such as natural birds and natural finches usually live in the Neon Alliance.

But after all, it is a wilderness hunting area, so it is not strange to have such elves.

Although the fighting power of natural birds and natural finches is not particularly strong, they have one of the three most favorite attributes of humans, the superpower system, so they are still quite popular among trainers.

The natural bird has a pair of long white wings with red and black stripes on the top of the wings. Its neck is black, and the pattern on its chest looks like a pair of red eyes. There are two long red feathers on the back of its head and two yellow stripes on its waist. Its paws are red and its toes are white. Female natural birds have two markings, while males have three.

It is said that the natural bird has the incredible power to predict the future and is a strange little elf that watches the movement of the sun day after day without moving.

They will quietly watch the rising sun in the morning and offer their prayers, then spend the entire day almost motionless.

There is a saying in the Neon League that his right eye can see the future and his left eye can see the past. But it may be because the changes in the future are not what you want, so it will stay motionless.

The natural birds and natural finches also seemed to come for Hua Jianming's energy cube.

They stopped on a tree not far from Hua Jianming, looking at Hua Jianming with cute and wise eyes.

Upon seeing this, Hua Jianming threw a few energy cubes over.

The natural birds and natural finches looked very happy.

Hua Jianming briefly observed the information panels of the natural birds and natural finches while they were eating.

Unfortunately, none of these natural birds and finches stand out.

At least Hua Jianming was not satisfied.

But he had no choice but to give up, even though he originally had a yearning for natural birds and natural finches.

"Let's go check out other places!"

After eating a little full, Hua Jianming took the elves and moved on after packing up.

When I was packing up the garbage and preparing to leave, suddenly a green onion duck flew to the river and drank water by the river with its butt sticking out.

This scallion duck is different from the normal scallion duck.

It is stronger than the average green onion duck, its feathers are darker, its eyes have become sharper, its "V" shaped markings have become more like eyebrows, and it has been carrying huge green onions.

Hua Jianming opened the system and checked:

Elf: Green Onion Duck (Xenomorphic Form)

Level: Level 42

Gender: Male

Qualification: Green

Attribute: Fighting type

Characteristics: Unwilling to admit defeat (When the opponent's ability is reduced, the attack will be greatly increased.)

Props: green onions

Skills: Peck, shake sand, glare, continuous chop, Iai split, swallow return, air blade, knock down, point to point, split, close combat

Genetic skills: Feather Qi, Divine Bird Attack

Hua Jianming's eyes widened when he saw this alien green onion duck.

Although the qualifications of the heterogeneous green onion duck are not high, they still have great advantages compared with other neighbors!

"You guys wait for me here."

After Hua Jianming whispered something, they all picked up the net and started to take action.

Except for Dark Chaomeng who has been protecting Hua Jianming, the other elves are waiting in place with bated breath.

Hua Jianming put on what he thought was a kind expression and walked toward the alien green onion duck.

At this time, the alien green onion duck by the river had just finished drinking water. It turned around and saw Hua Jianming approaching it.

However, due to long-term contact with humans, the alien green onion duck was not afraid of Hua Jianming, but looked at him blankly.

This unhurried calmness.


A lackluster but essential opening.

Hua Jianming casually approached the exotic scallion duck and greeted it gently.


The heterogeneous green onion duck called out to Hua Jianming with a male duck's voice as a response.

Seeing this scene, Hua Jianming suddenly felt happy: This is the rhythm of drama!

He took out an energy cube made of gladiatorial fruit as the main material and said to the alien green onion duck in front of him: "Would you like to try this thing called an energy cube?"

The exotic scallion duck had just finished drinking water, and now his stomach felt empty.

So the heterogeneous green onion duck pointed the green onion to the sky while leaning its head towards it.

After several trials, he finally took the energy cube into his mouth.

After eating the energy cube, the green onion duck's eyes lit up: It's delicious, very delicious, much better than the food I've eaten before! "

The usual food of the heterogeneous green onion duck in the wilderness hunting area is aquatic plants, occasionally mixed with some insects and small fish.

These foods are definitely not as tasty as the energy cubes.

After swallowing the energy cube, the alien green onion duck stretched out the green onion in front of Hua Jianming.

At first Hua Jianming didn't understand what this meant, but when the mutant duck handed the green onions to him again, Hua Jianming guessed that the mutant duck wanted to give the green onions to him.

Whether it is a scallion duck or an exotic scallion duck, they all cherish the scallions they have.

For all green onion ducks, the green onion they hold in their hands is an important weapon. It can be wielded like a knife and cut off many things. Without the stem, it cannot survive.

Hua Jianming didn't expect that the alien scallion duck would be willing to share some of it with him. (End of chapter)

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