I Own The Sand Table And Create The Strongest Supplier!

100: Ancient Recipe: Ginseng Good Fortune Pills

Qin Yi had a high opinion of Li Dejiang a lot.

There is no short-sightedness, pedantry, and stubbornness of some old people who rely on the old to sell the old.

Li Dejiang was able to say these words.

It shows that his vision can not only face up to the current situation of Chinese medicine, but also anticipate the problems it will face in the future and so on.

For this alone, he is worthy of admiration!

"Okay. With everyone's participation, the weight of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine will increase.

This is of great benefit to our Daxia Chinese medicine practitioners. "

At this time, Zhang Quan also said: "The most important thing in Chinese medicine is also Chinese medicinal materials.

But if you want to vigorously research and develop Chinese medicine, then Chinese medicine is necessary, and the amount is large.

The source of this medicinal material still needs Mr. Qin's concern. "

Qin Yi also smiled: "Don't worry, don't say anything else, as long as there is something.

The Chinese medicinal materials provided by the company are definitely better than wild ones.

The efficacy of the medicine is absolutely guaranteed, and it is also absolutely fresh.

It's up to you how to do it in the future.

And how many people are needed, you can also report.

There are some good seedlings, you can also choose by yourself.

So next, do you want to stay here or go back to Hong Kong Island?

The headquarters is on Hong Kong Island.

And my personal suggestion is to go back to Hong Kong Island.

The Chinese medicine atmosphere there is better, and facing the mainland, there are many people who need help there. It is more convenient for everyone to do things.

To be honest, here is always a foreign country. If you return to Hong Kong Island, your accommodation company will take care of it.

Li Dejiang smiled and said:

"Then go back to Hong Kong Island. I haven't been back in thirty years, so I can just go back and have a look."

Qin Yi also bowed his hands to Li Dejiang in a dignified way:

"Then there is Mr. Lao Li."

Then, let Philip send them back.

Let them handle some family affairs.

Arrange for a ship to take them to Hong Kong Island later.

In the end, Zhang Quan stayed behind, and took out a piece of yellowed paper from his pocket and handed it to Qin Yi:

"Mr. Qin, this one was left by Mr. Li before he was taken away. He asked me to hand it over to you just now.


Qin Yi was a little puzzled.

"It's an ancient prescription, and it's also the reason why Mr. Ji was arrested.

Mr. Li did not know how many people were saved by virtue of his power.

This time, he donated this ancient prescription and handed it over to the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine for research and use.

Qin Yi took the opening with a serious expression.

It is a prescription written with a brush.

The characters are very small, and there are 61 herbs in total.

Dosage, efficacy, and contraindications are also marked.

Among them, Qin Yi also noticed that many of them were precious medicinal materials.

——Wild ginseng more than 10 years old, Polygonum multiflorum; there are also natural rhinoceros yellow (bezoar), rhinoceros horn, tiger bone, tiger knee "gold foil, etc.

The final gold leaf is used to seal the honey pill coat.

"Ginseng Haohua Pills. Consolidate the root and nourish the essence, open up all the veins, stroke failure, wind-cold-damp numbness, convulsions in children with convulsions, purple and white epilepsy! Mr. Zhang, is this prescription really the same as the one written above?

Zhang Quan firmly said:

"As long as three pills are needed, the disease will be almost gone! It will recover after one or two months of recuperation! This is something we all know, except for those who are terminally ill.

"Hiss~ so powerful?" Qin Yi was extremely surprised.

Can a stroke be cured after eating for three days?

"This prescription is very valuable!" Qin Yi sighed.

"Then let's go first." Zhang Quan said.

After sending the person out, Qin Yi put away the prescription.

The effect of this ginseng fortune pill is extraordinary.

Of course, 61 herbs are indispensable.

Even if it is an alternative, it may not have this medicinal effect.

But he doesn't need to think about it that much.

Tigers, rhinos, and others can be raised in sandboxes all over the world.

Have as much as you want.

The same goes for medicinal materials.

Even, he was thinking about what year of medicinal materials can be cultivated in the world sand table?

As for the bezoar, it may be feasible to understand the cause of it, and artificial intervention?

"In the future, it will be interesting if some special medicine can be researched."

Then, he took out his phone and called Xing Yiyun's office.

Explained something about the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the arrangement of residences for relevant personnel.

And Ji Yiyun also reported the acquisition of some factories.

Among them are not only Chinese medicine factories, but also Western medicine factories.

He got so many western medicine formulas, so naturally he couldn't just leave them alone.

When Ji Yiyun reported the work progress to Qin Yi.

Far away in the Stars and Stripes.

It was 11:30 in the evening.

12 hours behind Bacteria time.

Located in the twisted NBC newspaper division.

Dominique is busy arranging the front page of tomorrow morning's paper.

——Shocked! The Mali rebels in Feizhou were all wiped out in one day!

This topic was taught by Qin Yi.

The shock body is very eye-catching.

In addition to the rebels, one day, being wiped out, it will fully arouse the sense of anticipation.

At this time, he took the final sample for confirmation.

After confirming that it was correct, he immediately said to the editor-in-chief who was full of faces in front of him:

"OK! Todd, just follow this. Send it to the printing department immediately for printing. The news that must be seen when those people wake up is ours!"

Tomorrow, our newspaper sales will definitely increase!"

Todd asked; "Editor, they might be more interested in where there is new work."

Todd! I know the current economic climate better than you do, but they also require a mental shift.

After they read this news, they will cherish the peace now even more!

well, you are busy!

Damn, I'm so busy! I have to go out tomorrow. If it is printed, you pay attention to it. "


Todd didn't dare to continue talking.

It is sent to the printing department with the finalized version.

The machine starts to run.

As a large number of newspapers appeared one by one, time passed by every minute.

When the sky was getting bright, tens of thousands of newspapers began to pass through vehicles and be transported to various newsstands.

Also pass some people on bicycles.

Before eight o'clock, the newspapers were delivered to the doors of some households who subscribed to the newspapers.

With the opening of a new day.

The Star-Spangled Nation's contract contract has once again entered a busy stage of high-speed operation!

Many people are on their way to work.

Will easily spend 2 cents to buy a newspaper.


When the first person saw the NBC newspaper and saw the first bright red (Nord's) headline, he couldn't help but slow down, read it, and even forgot to hurry.

Also gradually.

More and more people are involuntarily slowing down.

Some people are curious, so he can't help but look closer.

For a moment, he was also attracted by the bright red title content.

This is what happened on the originally busy street, but the crowd suddenly slowed down.

Some people are in a hurry, so they can only temporarily suppress their curiosity and go to the newsstand to buy a copy.

Then tuck it under the armpit and go to work.

one morning.

"Third World Company", "Ghost Security Company", "Mari Rebels", and "Six Ways Club" are known by many people.

Some people scolded directly after reading it.

It's just an ordinary local war news, with such a big and amazing headline.

I thought there was going to be a third world war!

But that can't stop NBC's newspaper sales.

When it came to reprinting, the editor-in-chief Todd was extremely excited and immediately arranged for people to reprint it.

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