I Own The Sand Table And Create The Strongest Supplier!

040: [Third World Company Employment Contract]

"Buck, it's my idea to buy the ranch."

"I have something I want to talk to you about. If you will stay and help me with the ranch, I will pay you $1,000 a month.

You don't have to move out, you can live here forever.

After you pay back the money, there will be more than 10,000 dollars left. That's a lot of money, but it won't make your home comfortable in the long run.

In the future, your children need to go to school and go to good schools to receive higher education.

This requires a lot of money.

You have three children.

And the salary I give you is comparable to the salary of the most sought-after airline captain.

You know, Maude, who is like a vampire, also has a salary of three hundred dollars. "

Buck was indeed moved by the salary.

Without the ranch, he'll need to find work.

There are a lot of jobs, but the salary is only two to three hundred. The family of five can only be said to be very average.

As for the fifteen thousand dollars, some small debts have to be repaid, and there is basically not much left.

Of course, what he is more excited about is that he can continue to live here.

This is the home he lived in since he was a child!

"Mr. Qin, are you sure you can manage the ranch?"

Qin Yi smiled slightly; "Of course, but a contract also needs to be signed."

"OK! I agree."

"Okay. But it's getting late, and we don't have a car to go back. Can you take us back to the city? Come over tomorrow to sign the contract."

"OK! That's not a problem, boss!"

"Hahaha, Buck, this will be the most correct choice you made!"

Boris, the old guy, also laughed out loud when Buck entered his own status.

Back in the city, Boris arranged two rooms in the hotel, one for each person.

After dinner, Qin Yi was in the room, called up the contract template, and drafted a new contract.

Some people can buy contracts with their souls.

But some people don't.

Like Buck.

I only need him to take care of the ranch, as long as I make a contract that I can't betray myself.

Ten minutes later, a brand new contract appeared.

【Third World Company Employment Contract】

Agreement Number:

Party A (authorized party): Third World Company (Qin Yi)

Party B (authorized party):

In order to clarify the relationship of rights and obligations of Party B, the following agreements have been reached after consultation and consensus between the two parties:

Party A employs Party B to take care of the Melas Ranch as the manager of the Melas Ranch. And pay Party B a monthly salary of 1,000 U.S. dollars, and pay annually (12,000 U.S. dollars).


1: Party B shall not divulge all the secrets of Third World Company in any way; Party B shall not disclose the content of this contract to any existence.

2: Party B cannot investigate Party A in any way and do any behavior that betrays the interests of Party A.

3: Signing means that Party B agrees and is satisfied with the terms of this contract, and will try its best to manage the Melas Ranch.

3: Even if the agreement is signed, Party A still has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement and terminate the employment relationship at any time.

4: If Party B violates Article 1.2, Party A has the right to take all actions unilaterally, including but not limited to soul trials from third world companies.

5: All final interpretation rights belong to Party A.

Looking at the contract, Qin Yi also nodded slightly.

There is no need to adjust that much.

As long as you don't allow betrayal and do things that harm your own interests, that's enough.

As for the fourth article, the judgment of the soul from Satan, it means that once violated, the soul belongs to oneself.

It is equivalent to signing a soul contract in a different way!

But in the eyes of outsiders, it is just a curse of the devil added by believers.

Atheists, of course, wouldn't bother.

But often, the price is something they cannot bear!

Work out this contract.

There are three types of his contract library.

the next day.

Qin Yi and Boris came to Melas Ranch again.

He didn't plan to change the name of the ranch, it didn't make sense.

In the study.

Buck read a simple contract from Qin Yi.

Although this clause was a bit weird, he didn't pay much attention to it.

As long as it doesn't violate it, it's fine.

But it seems that there is nothing wrong with violating it?

As for soul judgment, what is that?

But when the other party signed the contract, Qin Yi first said:

"Mr. Lawrence, before signing the contract, there is something I need to clarify with you."

"Next, I will send some people to live here to protect the ranch.

Second, your family is better off moving to the city. You are in charge here.

You have free time and you can go to the city to meet your family at any time, or even live in the city. "

"As long as you agree, the contract can be signed."

"Why must my family move to the city?" Buck asked puzzled.

"Mr. Lawrence, we hired you, and you have the money to buy a nice house in the city, and you have the ability to make life easier for your family.

Let your wife and children get in touch with people in the city and new life.

No more living this life on this ranch.

Your wife and children will be happy that even if you lose the ranch, you can still get a high-paying job that countless people would envy.

What you have to do is to make them work harder because you can give them a better life.

The first step is to let your family live in the urban area.

Then the twelve thousand dollars is your salary for this year, and I will pay you in advance. "

Boris on the side also took out a stack of beautiful knives.

Buck was moved by Qin Yi's words.

Because his wife had said last night that maybe they could move downtown.

Let the children contact more people and make more friends instead of staying in this ranch all the time.

Finally, he glanced at the pile of beautiful knives beside him and signed the contract.

For the sake of money, moving anywhere is not a problem!

As the contract was signed, Qin Yi and Buck shook hands.

"This money is your salary for the next year. Every week, you have two days to spend with your family in the urban area.

You can always get in touch with Boris if you need more time, leave of absence or anything.

You will contact him directly in the future. He is completely in charge. "

"Okay, I have no problem here."

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