Send Morris to the Stars and Stripes, and also send two bodyguards to follow.

At the same time, Morris was also given some cash and an acquisition contract.

As long as the person he persuades is willing to sign the contract.

After finishing these things, Qin Yi sent the materials for making guns and ammunition to the factory.

This large amount of material is enough to make hundreds of thousands of them.

This batch of goods can be sold to Feizhou and other countries in the future.

A large number of African nations became independent this year.

When you need a weapon.

It is completely possible to exchange weapons for resources.

The premise is that his asset contract experiment works!

"For some poor countries, resources can be exchanged. But some countries can only use money."

"There are still 73 kilograms of gold. There are 3.79 million U.S. dollars, 490,000 Hong Kong dollars, and 360,000 pounds. This money is not enough. More money will be needed to replace mining areas in the future."

"But first and foremost, try the contract."

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, he returned to his home in Tianshuiwei and continued to study his contract.

And at this time in the Stars and Stripes.

Jiaji Company, in the company of the contracting branch.

Housman was listening to his assistant's report with a gloomy expression:

"So, after two days of investigation, you told me that this company can't find any registration information in China?"

The assistant said nervously:

"Manager, I suspect that he is not a company from the Stars and Stripes. He is from the Asian state."

"I don't care where his company is, I just want the result! OK?

Keep investigating for me. Dare to take Jiaji's business, dare to take business from me, Hausman!

This is not only provoking Jiaji's authority, but also provoking me!

This is breaking the contract, no company has dared to do this! "

"Also, continue to keep an eye on Henson Company! Contact his terminal dealer and let him know that Henson Company has offended Jiaji! Let them think for themselves!"

"Yes, manager!"

The assistant turned around and left, as if afraid of being scolded.

After the assistant left, Housman pulled his tie, took the phone on the side, and dialed a number to go out.

After a while, Housman's expression changed instantly, and he said with a smile:

"Hey, Paul, it's me, Hausman... Of course, something must be up. You know, I'm a guy who never does anything that doesn't make sense.

That's right, isn't your JBS company researching new beef varieties?

I heard Henson's found a business called Third World Corporation.

Say they have a new breed of beef they have developed. I have also eaten... The quality, well, I have to admit, this is no different from the Wagyu from Xiaori Country.

But I didn't find anything about this company.

Your JBS company has a branch overseas, so I would like you to help me investigate this company... yes, a third world company. The other party said so.

OK! Then I will wait for your news! "

After hanging up the phone, Housman smiled slightly, thinking about it.

'With the greed of JBS Corporation, maybe I can see a good show. '

next morning.


Guangdong Province Military Region.

Li Changyun personally delivered the batch of weapons and ammunition to the military area early in the morning.

"Old leader! Things are here!!"

It wasn't the first time Li Changyun came here, he asked people to park more than a dozen cars and then went to find his old superior.

Zhang Changshan, already in his fifties, came out of the command room at this time.

"All here?"

I was also extremely happy when I bought 80,000 brand new AKs from outside and 2 million bullets.

Things are finally delivered.

Although it is not a new gadget, but compared to the 56 charge produced by itself, the workmanship and quality are much worse.


The main reason is that the quantity is not enough.

56 charges are basically only equipped by non-commissioned officers of a certain level.

The rest are old-fashioned guns.

Li Changyun immediately took his old superior to the parking area.

Along with baskets of guns, bullets were unloaded.

Zhang Changshan was a little stunned:

"What? So poor that you don't even have a box?"

Li Changyun said with a smile: "The other party said that it is more loaded and convenient to transport. I also checked, and they are all new guns!"

"Gao Shan, pull your company out, and then choose to give it a try."

As he said that, he looked at Li Changyun: "Whether it works or not, you will only know if you try it on the spot!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The middle-aged man behind him saluted, happily responded, and left quickly.

In my regiment, I can finally get a batch of new guns!

However, he didn't know that his idea fell through.

Here, Li Changyun asked: "Old leader, did the higher-ups say they will send a batch up?"

Zhang Changshan said, "It's not the top, it's the west."

Li Changyun said solemnly: "That news, confirmed?"

"pretty close."

Zhang Changshan said:

"Okay, you've left the army, so serve the people well, that's the top priority. Defending the country is a soldier's business. Don't worry too much.

Also, that third world company is good, and it is worth keeping in touch. If you have a chance in the future, ask if you can get better weapons.

What anti-aircraft weapons, fighter jets and the like. Whether it's finished products or technology, as long as you have it, you can buy it. "

"Yes, Captain!" Li Changyun saluted, then smiled wryly:

"It's really hard to say. Now even these are exchanged for materials. There is no money.

This can be regarded as a bargain for us, exchanging materials for ready-made ones, which is equivalent to saving our processes and doing better than us. "

"The other party must use gold? Can't Da Xia coins? What about IOUs?"

Li Changyun was speechless: "Do you really think this is a domestic enterprise? State-owned enterprises still have to make money to survive."

"Then dig for gold!"

Zhang Changshan rubbed his chin: "I heard that a gold mine was discovered in Dongshan Bohai? I need to talk to the brigade commander!"

Soon, Gao Shan came with his soldiers.

Following Zhang Changshan's signal, Gao Shan excitedly made people jump and reload the bullets.

Then find a place to try.

Following the sound of gunfire one after another, Zhang Changshan also said with emotion:

"Listen. You can tell how the workmanship is by hearing the sound.

Changyun, I won't say anything else, I will arrange these things.

The next time you meet someone from a third world company, ask if there is anything better. "

"Yes, Captain!"

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