I Own The Sand Table And Create The Strongest Supplier!

060: 15,000 Pounds In Exchange For Mining Rights Of 78.5 Square Kilometers!

After hearing Qin Yi's words, a smile appeared on the corner of Andison's mouth.

"Interesting. Go ahead."

Andison continued to smoke his cigar with a relaxed expression.

"Secondly, we can exchange 5,000 tons of wheat or 5,000 AK47s for six months of exploration and mining rights here!"

"5000 weapons?" Andison was a little surprised.

Qin Yi nodded slightly: "Yes. Now that Maple Leaf Country has become independent, it urgently needs weapons, right?

We have a batch of weapons in Alaska worth $300,000. Can ship here. "

As he spoke, he added in a low voice: "An extra £5,000 for you."

Then, Qin Yi continued:

"We only need six months. Exploration, mining, six months is not a long time. For you, it is totally worth it. Isn't it?"

'5000 pounds. '

Andison has been heartbroken.

After six months of exploration and mining, basically not much can be mined.

A batch of weapons, plus £5,000 from private pockets.

This money is more than his ten-year salary.

damn it!

If he didn't get it from outside, how could his salary be enough for his social and living expenses!

This seems to work fine.

But after thinking about it, he said without changing his expression:

"Sir, you have to know that the procedures for mining are very complicated, and it's a bit difficult to do."

When Qin Yi heard this, he sneered in his heart.

Damn you, you're quite greedy.

He changed the subject and just asked, "Mr. Andison, can I ask a question first?"

"you say."

"Are you sure you can decide the dominance of this area?"

When Andison heard it, he was a little unhappy and said:

"Hey, young man, I'm the one who decides the use of Maple Leaf Country's land in China. What are you doubting!"

'What I want is your words! '

Qin Yi took out the purchase contract from his bag, took the pen aside, wrote some information, and put it in front of Andison. Whispered:

"Arms cancelled. We only have six months of prospecting and mining!"

After signing your name, the money is yours. "

As he spoke, he took out stacks of pounds from his bag.

A stack of 5,000 yuan!

A total of three stacks.

"£15,000! Our team is only here for six months.

At that time, you can send someone to look at the situation.

If we're still digging, you can drive us away, can't you? "

"Besides, in the past six months, we have to conduct exploration and mining, and this time is almost wasted on exploration.

In this way, our losses will not be too great.

Because we can't guarantee there's gold in this place!

Six months may be enough for us to recover the £15,000.

After half a year, if we want to continue mining, we can re-sign the contract, can't we?

Sign it, and the £15,000 is yours.

If you don't want to, then we can only talk to your boss.

Perhaps he will be happy to give you instructions. At that point, you get nothing. "

Six months is just a cover, not an hour of real time is needed.

"OK! Boy, your goal has been achieved!"

With Qin Yi's last words, Andison directly dismissed the idea of ​​adding money later.

15,000 pounds, with Paul's greedy heart, he will definitely do it!

Only six months!

Immediately he reached for the money.

But Qin Yi held down the money with his right hand, and with his left finger pointed at the contract on the table, he said with a smile:

"Mr. Andison, the contract can be signed first."

"You're such a jerk!"

Andison immediately looked up.

Seeing that there is no problem, under Qin Yi's signal.

He filled in an area 60 kilometers northwest of Stewart as the center.

It has a diameter of 10 kilometers and a total area of ​​78.5 kilometers.

The time is six months.

The cost is £15,000.

Finally signed the place of this approximate mining area.

[The contract is signed, and you can exploit all the resources of the land at any time. Please go to this area to operate. 】

For only £15,000!

This is as if Tsarist Russia once sold Las Vegas to the Stars and Stripes for $7.2 million!

Nail that tsar on the pillar of shame!

Now, he bought the mining rights of this area for 15,000 pounds!

It is also now that no one knows that there is a gold mine here.

Otherwise, Carl Andison will also be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

But for Qin Yi, the benefits are simply unimaginable!

Corruption, cheap Qin Yi!

In other words, things that can be solved with money are not things!

"Mr. Andison, thank you very much for your support! If we can find a gold mine, we will come to you to sign a new contract in half a year.

If you don't come after half a year, it means that there is no gold mine in this place. "

Andison put away the three stacks of brand new banknotes, continued to smoke his cigar in a good mood, and said with a smile:

"That's natural. I hope you gain something."

"Thank you for your blessing, I will go first."

I also have to say that this guy's brain is useless.

Are you really not worried about threatening him with this thing?

He has no such interest.

However, it does not mean that Maple Leaf State-owned New Gold Mine may not be able to use this contract to continue cooperation in the future.

At least one more "priority cooperation right".

Well, the premise is that this guy is still in the position of the head of the country!

"The contract is settled, and the next step is to investigate!"

The mining right filled in the contract does not limit you to only mine gold!

Everything in the ground can be mined by him.

Whether he wants it or not, he has the final say!

Leave the office building and leave with five bodyguards.

With a no-man's land, the bodyguard was included in the world sand table, and he also left.

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