I Own The Sand Table And Create The Strongest Supplier!

063: Two Things Brought By Xiang Fei; Business Introduction!

The three sisters of the Yang family and everyone in the world sand table.

From the beginning to the end, they watched the rapid construction of the building in the way of watching gods.

In their eyes, Qin Yi is a fairy!

If you are not a god, how can there be this world~world?

If you are not a god, how can you control everything here at will?

It's not a fairy, why can all the animals and plants in this world grow up in the sky?

That's why they train so hard.

Qin Yi said that if you want to follow him, you have to show a useful side.

And not just a vase.

After more than a month of super-intensive training.

Their physical fitness, martial arts fighting, and shooting training have basically been completed.

The rest is all about building more life skills and administrative skills over and over again.

These have been trained by other people in the world sandbox.

This is also Qin Yi's explanation.

Qin Yi ignored the gazes of everyone in the world sand table.

After the scheduling was completed, he wrote down a list of materials based on the materials needed for some munitions and weapons.

Finally, Boris was summoned directly.


Boris, who was sleeping, suddenly found himself in the world sand table, and greeted Qin Yi quickly and respectfully.

Qin Yi handed the notebook to Boris and said directly:

"I need a lot of resources, you can buy them according to the list above.

I will give you 10 million dollars to buy these materials.

All supplies were sent to Melas Ranch. Let Quinn be optimistic and pay attention to waterproofing. "

Boris looked at it and asked: "Master, why don't you just buy these construction demolition companies? They can continue to produce in the future.

"Not interested." Qin Yi replied.

He naturally thought about starting four such companies.

In the future, we will continue to produce and store, and we can take as much as we need in the future.

But he wasn't interested.

It needs to be bought with money, and once he needs it, it will be tens of thousands of tons, or even more than a hundred thousand tons.

In the future, he will also be able to place such orders in Daxia, which can be regarded as taking care of his own country.

In addition, places such as Nanfei, Yinni, Kangaroo Country, and the Republic of China are also acceptable.

This kind of business can also be used as an exchange of interests.

Place an order of tens of millions of yuan to some countries, and spend a little money to buy the mining rights of some gold mining areas for half a year.

This kind of benefit exchange is very good.

Those countries thought they had earned it, but they earned more.

As for the materials needed to build arms, they are not too advanced, and they can basically be bought in the Stars and Stripes.

These purchases will take some time, and he will need them in the future.

During this period, he will go for a walk in the small life.

Before all parts of Xiaotian Kingdom are on alert, enough has to be taken.

So, the next week.

Qin Yi hardly did anything, just visiting various cities in the country.

Millions of tons of construction materials were taken away.

It was not until companies from various countries panicked and sent people to guard the warehouse at night that they stopped this behavior.

Later, he spent money to let people spread ghost retribution in Xiaori Kingdom.

It was the people who died in the battle that year who came to avenge Yunyun.

This statement, on the contrary, has become the greatest possibility among the people.

It has also become an unsolved mystery!

Indirectly, it also makes many companies go bankrupt and switch jobs, leading to rising raw material prices.

But these are not what Qin Yi cares about.

He had left the east longitude and returned to Melas Ranch.

The munitions manufacturing materials purchased by Boris were taken away.

and a lot of building materials.

He doesn't think there is too much warehouse space in the world sand table.

It took another week for Qin Yi to obtain millions of tons of materials.

It can be considered that the construction is completed covering 5,000 mu of land, with ten 20-storey super large warehouses and factories.

The total reserves are as high as 470 million cubic meters.

Of these, eight serve as warehouses and possible future factories.

The last two were used as arsenals.

Each floor can be divided into three small factories.

It specializes in the production of 50 kinds of arms and weapons including AK, as well as temporary storage warehouses.

The growth line and the raw material processing growth line are all ready-made in full set.

Although there is only one set, the production speed is comparable to ten sets!

In addition, copper, iron, aluminum, magnesium, silver, rubber, wood, nylon, etc. are readily available.

As long as the raw materials are fed in, weapons and ammunition will be produced automatically.

Tanks and fighter planes are not produced for the time being, but portable individual weapons.

Such as RPG, AK, M16, 92 type pistol, heavy machine gun grenade launcher and so on.

Now he has no base, although the space can be stored, but future delivery needs a place.

Waiting for the future, he found an island as an arms trading area.

Hong Kong Island is not suitable, it is very sensitive here!

All those who want to buy weapons from third world companies should pick up the goods in a place that is convenient and accessible to all countries.

Instead of sending him to your door.

If there is a super freighter in the future, it doesn't matter if it is delivered to your door.

Global freight, the mission must be achieved!

"There are so many things."

He looked at the time, and it turned out that it was already October 4th.

More than half a month before and after, it can be regarded as busy watching the construction of the warehouse factory.

All the equipment has been arranged and ready for the following work.

In the past half month, Morris in Stars and Stripes and Philip in Xinjiabo have come in to report some situations.

In addition, Li Qi called.

But he was busy building things and kept Maurice and Philip waiting.

As for the affairs in the mainland, it was temporarily delayed on the grounds that people were working in Feizhou.

Later, it's time to deal with their affairs.

After a while.

"Manager Li, I'm Qin Yi......Yes, I've returned to Hong Kong Island, I'm dealing with some things in the industrial park...Come here? Is it convenient...OK, I'll let someone Pick you up from Nehringding

At the residence in Tianshuiwei, Qin Yi hung up the phone.

Looking at the energetic Luo Qing, he also nodded slightly.

Put this guy here for more than a month, still in the soul state.

Not afraid of the sun, not afraid of all changes in the external environment.

He doesn't know whether the soul is really not afraid of these, or is affected by the rules of the world's sand table.

But since it doesn't appear to dissipate, there's no need to keep staring at it.

Philip also found relevant professionals.

Intelligence agencies, it's time to start!

"What? Going out again?"

When going out to lock the door, Lin Qiukun at the door was a little suspicious.

"You just came back, your butt is still hot, right? Why are you busier than some big bosses doing business.

Qin Yi joked, "Why, Uncle Lin is not willing to part with me? Would you like to let Xiaomin be my girlfriend?"

"Push the street!"

Lin Qiukun picked up the wooden stick beside him and was about to beat him.

Qin Yi laughed, turned and ran.


He teleported to the industrial park.

The current industrial park is basically completed and is already finishing.

There is currently no water or electricity here.

But when needed, one of the super batteries he rewarded can be taken out and connected to use.

As for water, there are so many sand tables in the world that there is no end to it.

after an hour.

At the gate of the industrial park, I saw Li Qi, Xiang Fei, Li Changyun and two other five people whom Joel picked up.

The company was a little surprised to see this person's symptoms, apparently because of the mortgage contract.

It's not the first time we met each other, we shook hands and greeted each other.

Regardless of the attention of the rest of the finishing construction personnel in the industrial park, they took these people to the cleaned up factory building.

A tea table has been prepared over there, where you can chat while drinking.

Along the way, Xiang Fei also said with emotion:

"I didn't expect to come here for the first time, or through this method.

The factory on Mr. Qin's side is really surprising. "

Qin Yi smiled: "Hong Kong Island is a problem left over from the mainland, and it was also leased to Suo Ying.

97 is a 100-year lease, which will naturally be taken back depending on the location. "

Qin Yi's words were greatly appreciated by Xiang Fei and others:

"That's right, this is Daxia's territory, no one can take it away."

Li Changyun asked: "Is such a large factory building used by Mr. Qin as a factory?"

Qin Yi smiled: "No, this is just a convenient transportation point for third world companies to connect with Hong Kong Island in the Mainland.

This place will only serve as a warehouse, a transfer station, etc., not a factory. "

Li Changyun said with emotion: "It's a pity that such a large place is only used as a warehouse."

Qin Yi said with a smile: "There is nothing to regret, each has its own use.

I went to Feizhou some time ago, mainly to deal with some business. Sorry for delaying everyone for some time. "

Xiang Fei immediately said:

"Mr. Qin, you are being polite. Naturally, it is mainly about company affairs. We are here this time mainly for two things.

"The first thing is the matter of the mortgage contract.

After the above survey and positioning, basically selected 5 sure mining areas.

The remaining five places are not sure yet, but they are also marked out and filled in.

I brought it here this time, and I want your company to take a look and learn more about it. See if it meets the requirements of a third world company. "

Qin Yi took the mortgage contract that Xiang Fei handed over and read it in detail.

Each of the five places is distinguished above in detail.

...asking for flowers...

Basically in Dongshan Province, there are also located in Nanyun Province and Gumeng Province.

Mainly in Dongshan Province.

As for the uncertainty, it is also in Dongshan Province and several areas in the northwest.

He looked at the rest of the place in detail, then took the pen, and ticked off the place to be explored.

The contract has basically been established.

Later, based on the exploration results, a new contract will be signed.

Then Qin Yi asked:

"Director Xiang, the five uncertain places have been discovered before, but they can't be confirmed, or are they just guesses?"

Li Qi and Li Changyun both looked at Xiang Fei. The latter said:

"It has been discovered, but it is not sure that there must be. It is just a subject of suspicion.

As for the other 5 parts, it is confirmed that they have been dug out, and the estimated storage volume is about 20 tons to 100 tons, right? I don't know much about the details. "

Qin Yi nodded slightly.

These locations are written in great detail.

The area ranges from tens of thousands of square meters to hundreds of thousands of square meters.

The area is not small.

And these reserves are relatively abundant.

But for him, it is very little.

The 80 tons of gold he got from East Longitude was more than some gold mines.

Of course, compared to the world-class amount of thousands of tons, this is indeed very small.

It's just that this is not important, as long as he goes to explore it will be clear.

Even if it is fifty tons, the value is extremely high.

Qin Yi put it aside:

"That's no problem. I will hand over these 10 contracts to a third company.

At that time, they will send professionals to accompany me into the mainland for further investigation.

Conduct exploration to understand.

Then make a suitable mortgage price based on the exploration results.

So, what's the second thing besides that?"

Now, Xiang Fei also said with a smile:

"Didn't you say before that you would let the Mainland introduce your business?

The countries on Feizhou are short of food and weapons because they became independent this year.

So, would like to introduce you here. "

"Although we can also provide, relatively speaking, the mainland has more demand for resources than exports.

Therefore, after careful consideration above, I will introduce it to you. "

When Qin Yi heard that there was actually a business introduction, he laughed and said:

"Thank you very much. If you can really attract a new country customer.

My level will be raised faster. I don’t know which country it is? Tell me specifically. "

"It's good to help you!"

Xiang Fei said happily: "The name of this country is Mari. It has been about half a month since the declaration of independence.

Independence was declared on September 22.

This country is quite friendly to our Great Xia.

Because this country is in the Gobi Desert.

Therefore, food is relatively scarce.

They contacted us through us and wanted to import some food from us.

But you also know the situation in the Mainland.

So the above simply introduce it to you, it may be good for your promotion in the company.

This will also promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between this Feizhou country and our Great Xia.

In addition, if done well, some nearby countries can also use this relationship to connect them with you.

This means that all three of us benefit. "

Qin Yi nodded slightly, understanding what he meant.

In other words, Daxia acted as a middleman, and was blamed by both parties.

This ensures that Daxia's food is guaranteed and helps Ma Li. It can also guarantee the convenience of Qin Yi's position in the third world company.

According to the normal way of thinking, if the salesperson's business is good, he will naturally be promoted quickly.

If he is promoted quickly in the company, he will be able to bring more benefits to Da Xia.

This is a very clear idea.

Qin Yi naturally understood.

He showed a happy look and responded:

"This really helped me a lot. If I can be promoted to level five, I can get in touch with some arms sales.

Don't worry, it's not a problem, I'll go there myself.

It happened that some time ago I was at Feizhou, and I was talking to the people of the company about the acquisition of a gold mine in Nan Africa.

It will be dealt with later.

Coincidentally, this time I will go to Mali to make contact. "

"Okay, okay."

Hearing that there are still two levels of Qin Yi who can sell arms, Xiang Fei and the others are also very happy.

If the mining area can be mortgaged, it will not be a problem to buy food and arms!

Ten years!

They are all confident that they will return the money with interest after ten years.

"That's fine, we won't waste your time. When you want to go to the mainland for prospecting, please contact us at any time. We can also make arrangements for you."

Qin Yi smiled and said, "Naturally."

PS: There is no manuscript, among the crazy code words... six....

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