I Own The Sand Table And Create The Strongest Supplier!

084: "Second Class Mining Area Mortgage Contract"

"The second type!"

Almost in unison, the three responded to Qin Yi's question at the same time.

Martin immediately said:

"Mr. Qin, with so many resources in Kai District, only 50 tons of gold are mortgaged, which is really too little.

Rahman and Komara also nodded in agreement.

Qin Yi didn't argue with them either. Just smiled and said:

"No, the price is very fair. You didn't consider two points. First, the exploration data is estimated.

Mineral mining requires manpower, equipment, and capital. And later washing, refining and so on.

All of these require a large amount of input, and it is not a one-off.

Once it is worn out, it needs to be replaced or repaired.

At the same time, the mining time is calculated in years.

You may also be able to imagine the cost of investment during the period.

Second, what you see is ore, not pure.

The gold ore here, to be honest, the gold ore grade is only 7.78 grams.

This data is not high, but there are quite a lot of alluvial gold. But the value of alluvial gold is much lower than that of gold.

8632 tons of gold ore, at most 70 kilograms will be raised. Of course, if you count alluvial gold or something, then there are several tons of 22.

The reason why they are willing to give this price is because of the rest of the mineral resources.

And, the price is also a premium. "

"So, you decide whether you want Kay or Curry."

Now, the three of them actually communicated in the Bambara language.

It was chattering, which made Yi feel a little confused.

This is like a foreigner who has just learned Daxia Mandarin, hearing the local dialect.

Dude, let yourself know the secret in French?

But he didn't care either.

Anyway, the pit has been dug, and it's up to them whether they want to jump or not.

Cay is rich in iron and bauxite throughout the country, but most of the gold is in the Curry Coro area.

Kay is just a small part.

He took Kay out, except that gold mines can pay back, and he mainly valued iron ore and bauxite.

Currently his factory needs a lot of aluminum and iron ore.

Need to add a wave.

At the same time, it can also be sold to the mainland.

The mainland needs iron, and it happens to be able to sell a batch of it.

However, the current iron ore price is not high, and the international price is only about 12 US dollars per ton.

Although the world sand table has the advantages of the world sand table, it also has its disadvantages.

That is everything is purified.

However, not all substances are suitable for purification.

Iron is one of them!

Pure iron has a limited range of action.

What he extracted last time was pure iron, which is only suitable for high-tech, high-tech aspects.

The manufacture of some precision equipment requires pure iron,

In industry, life, etc., pig iron is more suitable.

At the same time, the price of pure iron is higher.

Adding 1% nickel, manganese, carbon or silicon to pure iron later can change the crystal structure to varying degrees.

Of course, with the current conditions.

Whether pig iron is purified to pure iron, or pure iron is made into other materials.

The cost will be high.

After about four or five minutes, they also discussed a result.

"Mr. Qin, we have unanimously decided to use Curry Coro's mining area as collateral.

However, since it is the entire region, we would like to increase the mortgage amount to 100 tons of gold.

Qin Yi smiled, this greedy person will never be less.

100 tons, so you can explore the data yourself.

If it was someone else, I would have been scared away.

He shook his head slightly and said:

"Sorry, it doesn't mean you say as much as you say.

"We need to conduct exploration, and then give a reasonable mortgage price based on the due value.

But given the current situation, we don't want to continue exploration.

Next, we will take Curry Coro as an example to carry out regional mortgages. You don’t know what minerals are underground, and neither do we.

Similarly, the storage capacity is not known.

Then, take the price of 50 tons of gold as collateral.

Fifty tons of gold in one area, you can use whichever you want as collateral. Even, all mortgages are fine.

"Full mortgage?" Ruhman was stunned.

Is the appetite of this third world company a bit bigger?

Directly include the country of Tamari?

"Do you have so many supplies?" Martin asked.

Qin Yi smiled and said:

"This is not a one-off. Of course, there are conditions. That is, these mining areas are mortgaged to us, and we have the right to do anything.

For example, selling mineral rights to other companies or something.

Of course, the relevant responsibility information, we will conduct transactions through you.

How much to sell is our business.

If you need time to think about it, I can come back later. I also have to go to Namfi, where supplies are also needed.

Our supplies are not unlimited.

It can only be said that whoever signs the contract first will supply first. "

Saying that, Yi stood up.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Qin!" Martin said immediately, "Just give us a few more minutes."

As he spoke, he immediately looked at the president and the prime minister, and quickly discussed in a language that the three of them could only understand.

Qin Yi sneered in his heart.

Don't rush you, you still want some more.

"Then you guys talk first, I'll go to the bathroom.

"no problem."

Under the lead of the soldiers, they came to the toilet of the presidential palace.

After locking the door, he immediately entered the world sand table [temporarily modified ten mortgage contracts.

"Mine Mortgage Contract"

Contract Number:

Party A: Third World Company (Qin Yi)

Party B:

In order to clarify the contractual relationship between Party A and Party B, a mining area mortgage agreement has been reached after both parties reach a consensus:

1. Party B has full control over the mining area and it is true and effective.

2-Party B mortgages the mining right located in 【】to Party A;

No matter what individual or enterprise is mining now, they will not have the right to continue mining the minerals. And Party B shall resolve all conflicts in person.

3‧After the exploration agreement, the value of the mining area is [], which is used to exchange for the equivalent negotiated item []; Party A will pay Party B in [] months/times by [installment/full amount].

The time is from【】to【】to complete the payment of all fees. If the payment is overdue, Party B has the right to unilaterally take back the mortgaged mining area.

4. The term of the mining area mortgaged by Party B 450 is [1/3/5/7/10] years; the interest is (year term*0.35%); upon maturity, the principal and interest will be repaid【】;

5. If the mortgage period expires and fails to repay the fee, Party A automatically obtains the ten-year mining right of the mining area, and Party B shall not interfere in any way.

6‧Party A owns all the rights in the mining area, including but not limited to transfer, gift, etc. Once the mining rights are transferred, donated, etc., Party B's permission is not required.

7 After the contract is signed, the contract becomes effective when the first payment starts; Party B has no right to exploit the area without authorization, otherwise it will be deemed a breach of contract and the contract will be invalidated).

8. If Party B deceives Party A to have full control over the contract, resulting in damage to Party A's interests, the contract becomes invalid②.

(Note ①②: The contract expires, and Party B’s transaction gains will be fully returned to Party A; and Party A will automatically receive 50% of the transaction amount in the mining area as compensation, which will be converted into gold, without the consent of Party B!)

9. Party B shall not disclose the contents of this contract without the permission of Party A.

10. Party B cannot investigate Party A in any way and do any behavior that damages the interests of Party A.

11. If Party B violates Article 4-5-6, at least Party A has the right to unilaterally collect all materials in the mining area; at worst, it will be blacklisted by third world companies and will never cooperate!

12. All final interpretation rights belong to Party A.

Appropriately modified a brand new mortgage contract for this situation.

"Then let's call it "Second-Class Mining Area Mortgage Contract".

Save it in the contract library, and condense 11 copies in the bag.

Then he went back to the President's office. .

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