I Own The Sand Table And Create The Strongest Supplier!

093: Give Li Qingshan A Reason To Sweep Up And Unify Hong Kong Island Associations

Li Qingshan talked to him about the underground world that unified the entire Hong Kong Island.

In this way, no matter what you do in the future, you don't need to consider so many community relations.

It is also convenient for future business development on Hong Kong Island!

The most important thing is that the bootlegging business can completely cover the entire Hong Kong Island, and even export to Southeast Asia, the Americas and other regions.

Become Hon Hai's source of cash flow!

As for the Hong Kong Island families behind the club, Qin Yi didn't care at all.

Among the four big families, only the Bao family and the Huo family deserve his respect.

Back in the ward, Qin Yi said to Mother Lin:

"Auntie, here is 10,000 yuan, you can use it here.

The doctor said that the body is not a serious problem, mainly the head.

But I have already had surgery, so as long as I can wake up these few days, it will not be a problem.

The doctor also said, if you shout more here, Uncle Lin is eager to survive, and maybe he will speed up his recovery.

"Okay, okay, thank you, Xiao Qin! This money was borrowed from my family, and I will definitely repay your "860" in the future. I will definitely repay it.

Mother Lin was also very grateful, but Qin Yi firmly held her when she wanted to kneel down.

It was hard for her to imagine how Qin Yi got such a huge sum of money.

This favor is too great.

"Okay, just treat it as mine."

Seeing Mother Lin's insistence, Qin Yi didn't say much.

"Xiaomi and Jiacheng have been calling me brother, and I can't ignore it. The matter of money will be discussed after Uncle Lin recovers."

"Okay, okay." Mother Lin said gratefully.

Qin Yi didn't stay long and left the hospital alone.

in the ward.

Lin Xiaomin also told her mother what happened outside the hospital just now.

After Lin's mother finished listening, she touched the 10,000 yuan in her pocket and felt more and more heavy.

If you are a gangster, you must have sacrificed your life to get the money.

This is already life owed money!

She looked at her daughter with a determined look:

"Xiaomi, you must remember this favor!

There is no need for him to help us so much. But he did!"

"It doesn't matter if he's really interested in you. Or really sympathy;

It doesn't matter whether your father can wake up in the future, but your father's debt of favor, you and your brother have to admit it!

We Chaoshan people don’t do anything without conscience, do you hear me?”

"Mom! I remember."

Lin Xiaomin also nodded emphatically: "I will definitely make money in the future!"

Qin Yi has returned to his home in Tianshuiwei.

back here.

Li Qingshan has already caught a few forty-nine boys and is waiting here.

Four forty-nine boys knelt at the door of Lin Qiukun's house with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Some neighbors in the neighborhood are watching from a distance.

Li Qingshan and the others were watching from the side.


Li Qingshan shouted immediately.


The rest of the younger brothers also shouted.

Qin Yi walked in front of the four boys and saw that they were as thin as monkeys, with tattoos on their bodies.

What bulldog, what eagle, what wolf head.


Qin Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense, and talking harshly to some bad boys was lowering his own status.

Said to Li Qingshan:

"You can handle it yourself, and let them know that Tianshuiweishan and Huawu Village are Hon Hai's territory. Anyone who dares to make trouble will be crippled and sent to a private prison.

Social waste also has uses for social waste.

The seedling used to grow me was the best. How many people are there?"

"Yes, boss! There are now 78 people. I am building a larger basement here. It is like a prison, and can hold 500 people at a time."

Qin Yi nodded slightly.

Li Qingshan immediately looked at his younger brothers:

"Catch it back and throw it in the basement, don't kill it."


The younger brothers immediately dragged Sijiu Zai, who was gagged and desperately begging for mercy, away.

"Boss, then I will start to attack Yuan Lang tomorrow?" Li Qingshan asked.

"You decide for yourself. I guess you have endured it for a long time.

If it wasn't for this accident, don't even think about it.

Here's your chance. You have the weapons here, go to Qiao Yiyun for the money.

Finally, leave a point here. People in your own territory cannot be bullied by outsiders. "

After that, Qin Yi didn't go back, but turned around and went to the villa in the mountain.

I will live here from now on.

At the same time, he also released Yang Xiaoting.

The three sisters who are more and more similar to Zhang Junning really make Qin Yi pleasing to watch. Said to Yang Xiaoting:

"In the future, if I live here, you will be in charge of my daily life here, and if you don't, you will sand the table to the world.

Yang Sanmei happily said: "Yes, master. It's almost night, I'll go back and get some food. Master, what do you want to eat?"

"Stew some mutton soup for me. The weather is cold, suitable for drinking mutton. By the way, your big sister and your second sister called out to eat together.

In addition, stir-fry some green vegetables, and you can figure out the rest. Anyway, there are a lot of ingredients. "


Sanmei Yang said happily.

Taking advantage of some spare moments, Qin Yi got some meat in the space and also made a metal fishing rod.

Made a very interesting fishing rod and went to the pier....

This pier is private.

There is also a small house.

Qin Yi transferred two officers to take turns to guard.

There are no fish in the space, and he didn't raise them either.

Otherwise, with the reproduction speed of the fish, it would be a disaster.

Sitting by the pier, Qin Yi's thoughts also became complicated.

He thought for a long time, and felt that there were still many things he hadn't done.

But a lot of things are also arranged.

Negelin is in charge of all military weapon development and manufacturing in the world sandbox.

Biology professors like Morris and Steve are responsible for all the improvement and breeding of food seeds.

Benedict, and other majors in the Department of Chemistry are responsible for the research and development and manufacture of chemical materials.

Leopold and other physics professors, mathematics professors and others went to develop their own topics.

At the same time, it cooperates with the data calculation of other departments.

I remembered that the gold mine in Daxia hadn't been collected yet.

I remembered that Nanfei hadn't gone to talk about it yet.

I remembered that the junior cabin hadn't been upgraded yet, and the reward analyzer hadn't been used yet.

I also thought about the letter from the previous two days.

Bonds, should we use them or not?

"Huh? Here comes the fish!"

Suddenly, I felt the fishing rod sink.

He swung it suddenly, and a 30-centimeter-long totoaba was thrown up.

Qin Yi was overjoyed, and quickly pulled him over.

"This yellow croaker is quite big. The fish at night are all gone."

Quickly put it in the bucket.

These days, there are still a lot of wild yellow croakers.

It's just that they were all fished wantonly later, which made them almost extinct.

4.2 No Air Force is the biggest reward for Anglers.

Continue to hang a small piece of meat and go into the sea.

There is no one with such a simple and crude fishing method as him.

Sit down and continue to connect the thoughts that were just interrupted.

Do you want to accept the domestic bond method!

One of these is indisputable.

The first head and the second head endorse, and perform name engraving on the bond.

It means that this bond is fully recognized by the big boss and the second boss, but they must not break their promises.

"But there's one more problem!"

"These bonds are for Third World companies, what will Indigo think if he uses them at will?"

This time, he thought again.

Thinking about how to use the name of a third world company to purchase something from the mainland.




In other words, how to invest in bonds in the Mainland?

There are many things, and he has to take care of them. .

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