I Own The Sand Table And Create The Strongest Supplier!

095: Hiring And Training Are Business!

Kuman's eyes lit up when he heard that he could actually help other countries train soldiers.

"Can it be trained to be as strong as your people?"

Qin Yi shook his head slightly:

"Not necessarily, General Kuman. What you see are all soldiers selected after training by tens of thousands of people in our base!"

"You have to know that everyone's physical fitness and potential are different. Then the training results they show are also different.

"If you want to reach our level, you need not only high-intensity training, but also the development of various physical potentials."

Kuman listened and pondered.

After a while, looking at Qin Yi, he asked solemnly:

"Can I hire your people to train our soldiers? How much will it cost?"

Qin Yi smiled slightly:

"Of course it can. What our third world company is doing is business. Hiring and training are all business!"

"General Kuman, our charges here are not cheap, they are calculated on a per-person basis. At the same time, it depends on how many people you need to train.

Oh, by the way, as long as the fee is paid, the third world company will be responsible for all subsequent needs.

As long as they can successfully pass the screening, they can become as strong as ours.

Of course, if you fail, the fee will be refunded.

As for the price.

From training, to potential development, all the food, drink, etc., these costs are not low.

Ordinary people hire and train, with a minimum of $100,000 per person.

The equivalent of gold is about 110 kilograms of gold.

Mari is our partner country and our long-term partner in the future, does General Kuman agree with this?"

"Hahaha, of course." Ku Chen said with a smile: "But the price is too high, we can't afford it.

"That's natural."

Qin Yi said: "So, the price we give to Mali is 50 kilograms of gold per person. There is no limit to the quantity."

"50 kilograms of gold?" Kuman frowned, "The price is still very expensive.

However, Qin Yi shook his head and said:

"No, General Kuman! Do you know how much it costs to hire our people as bodyguards a month?


As long as our people are there, the employer will not be injured or die!

Unless our people are besieged and killed first.

Otherwise our one-to-three is not a problem.

You have also seen this point on the battlefield.

"Right now, major politicians in the Stars and Stripes, Suo Guo, and others are all employed by our people. They are all afraid of death because they have offended too many people."

"Right now, 50 kilograms of gold can train a top soldier, we are losing money, and you are making a lot of money.

This is still in the face of Mary being our long-term customer. "

Speaking, seeing Kuman still hesitating, Qin Yi finally added:

"You can't decide on this matter. You can talk to your President, Mr. Rudman.

Of course, you can choose a person, and I will send them to our base for training. If his potential is A-level, he can achieve this effect in a month.

Potential B-level, the time needs to be three months.

Potential grade C, we will send it back for you to exchange.

This C-level one can only be an ordinary soldier, not a special soldier!"

"Mr. Qin, are you sure you can try it for free?"

"Of course. There is no charge. When you see the effect, you will find that it is worth it."

"Okay! As long as you can let us see the real results, a fifty kilograms of gold is not a problem.

In Kuman's view, even a society can train its own soldiers after returning.

If Qin Yi knew what he was thinking, he would just scoff.

Waiting for them to taste the sweetness, but thinking of just one, it can only be said to be too naive.

If the future military training business is so simple, it will be for naught, and he is still doing a fart!

After sending Kuman away, Qin Yi came to the temporary command room.

When taking those phones away, Dick said with great emotion:

"Sir, this thing is so easy to use. If everyone has one, the battle on the battlefield will be better!"

Qin Yi said with a smile: "I have asked those scientists to study this stuff.

When all the technology is stripped out and it can be manufactured, it will naturally be possible to make one for each person in the future. "

Many scientific and technological products and finished equipment will be researched by those scientists.

Some cannot be disassembled, and can only be understood and studied slowly.

Things that cannot be disassembled, such as his satellite phone.

There are 100 units, and it is also possible to use one for stripping technology research.

If all of them can be thoroughly researched and produced, it will be worthwhile.

"Okay, tell me about the battle situation this time.

Dick slowly told the situation of each combat team.

It is also the same as the plan before the battle.

After the manpower arrives at the designated location for combat, use air planes to carry out long-range strikes.

When the opponent is in chaos, cooperate with each other to kill or injure them.

If you can use a gun to destroy their counterattack ability, use a gun. You need to be close, and you are not afraid.

It can be said that facing a group of untrained rabble who are not as good as themselves in weapons, fighting methods, and strength.

It took less than a day to complete all the battles, which is nothing to brag about.

But this fight will be advertised!

A mysterious mercenary group from outside helps Mari destroy all the rebels!

The news is enough to spread the word.

He immediately arranged for Dominic to come. Let him write a manuscript based on this battle.

At the same time, a few more rhetorical questions as Dominic at the end;

——What is the identity of the Nether Security from the third world company?

According to relevant personnel, is the third world company still a world-class supplier?

——The legendary Six Ways Club, which can obtain various resources, intelligence, and military power, what mysterious members are there?

——Third World Company, who is the boss behind it?

This explosive topic attracts the most attention.

The current third world companies have reached the initial stage of cooperation with big countries, enterprises and individuals.

"Yves, are you sure NBC will run this interview?"

Yves Dominique smiled and said:

"Master, with your help, I am now the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. Articles of this kind of topic are extremely controversial, and the sales (finished) must be very good. NBC is very happy

"Okay, but. There is one thing you need to confirm."

"Can you buy NBC alone?"

Qin Yi is well aware of the popularity and history of NBC.

He didn't waste his free time, and almost all of it was reading some history books of various countries.

Have the ability of photographic memory, let them understand what later generations can't, belong to the historical data of the past.

The world's first black and white TV!

The world's first color TV!

It's all about NBC!

NBC is now a subsidiary of RCA.

But Yves shook his head and said, "Sanov will not sell. Many companies have approached him, but he has strongly rejected them all."

Speaking of this, Yves looked at Qin Yi firmly:

"But Master, if you come forward in person, maybe he will be very happy. He may even give it to you. Master, he is 69 years old now."

Hearing this, Qin Yi instantly understood the meaning of Eve's words!

Life Shin!.

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