I, Patriarch Uzumaki, Inherit Hell Blood Demon God At The Beginning

Chapter 73 You Have To Accompany Me For A Thousand Years, And You Can't Die If You Don't H

The country of fire.


Senju clan land.

In fact, he didn't have to ask the Konoha ninja where the Senju Clan is located.

His perception unfolded, and there was no way Konoha could hide anything from him.

But I haven't seen it for decades, and there will always be some emotions in my heart.

Su Feng didn't want to greet each other with Chakra, but a warm hug would be more appropriate.

"You should know what to do."

The Adamantine Sealing Chains loosened and Su Feng restored Danzo's freedom.

It's nothing to be burdensome about going to see my cousin.

And having come to Konoha Village, Danzo has his own mission.

"To raise money."

Danzo nodded quickly.

One thing to say, he never thought that his life could really be bought with money.

After all, in Danzo's cognition, the strong are not very important to that kind of money.

But Uzumaki Su Feng seems to be just the opposite of his cognition.

In front of money, he will naturally negotiate business with you like a businessman.


This is a real money junkie.

But if you dare to provoke him and don't abide by the trading rules with him, you will definitely die a miserable death.

So after he regained his freedom, he immediately chose to go to the former Shimura clan's clan land.

He needs to redeem his life first before making other plans.

But no matter how he calculated, he really didn't want to have anything to do with Uzumaki Su Feng, unless it was absolutely necessary.

Danzo left.

Su Feng stood at the entrance of the Senju clan for a long time, and a familiar figure appeared in his mind.

That figure, when he was a child, would follow behind his buttocks, shout Su Feng big brother, and ask himself some strange questions.

After so many years, that voice has never changed in his memory.

With nostalgia on his face, he stepped into the Senju family's clan.

Completely different from the original book, there is no deserted feeling here at all.

The Senju clan who came back to live in the tribe seems to have brought the land back to life.

One of the members of the Senju clan recognized Su Feng's identity and hurried over to salute and bow.

"Are you here...... to see Mito-sama? Or to see Tsunade-sama?"

The clansman asked respectfully.

The patriarch has an ambiguous relationship with the ancestor of the Uzumaki clan.

For the time being, he is not sure how far this person has developed.

But no matter what, the relationship between the two is a good thing for the Senju family.

After all, the two sides are staunch allies.

"Take me to see Mito, Tsunade, don't worry."

Su Feng waved his hand, signaling him to lead the way.

The clan territory of the Senju clan is not small.

If Su Feng looked at the panorama of Konoha in his previous life, this area was eventually demolished.

As for who did it, you can guess it by just thinking about it.

After all, the Senju clan was completely finished at that time, and Uzumaki Mito also died of old age. Keeping this area will always remind the villagers of the former Senju clan.

So dismantling is inevitable.

But now, everything still exists, Tsunade and Sarutobi Hiruzen are engaged in a fierce battle of wits, guarding the one-acre three-point land left by their ancestors.

"It's just ahead, you can go there by yourself, we can't go in there without authorization."

The Senju people are very sensible, they chose to leave their own space for the two, and did not get involved.

Su Feng nodded, walked into the small courtyard, and came to the door of the room.


When the door of the room opened, a figure leaped into his arms like lightning.

familiar breath.

Su Feng put his arms behind the opponent and took a deep breath.

But a sense of surprise followed.

The feeling in my arms is not wrong, but compared with decades ago, it seems that there is not much difference.

The only difference is that the scale seems, something is not quite right.

Looking down at the woman with eyes full of tears, Su Feng was stunned.

The Hundred Healings Mark on the forehead does exist.

But she still maintains her former appearance.

The difference is that the innocence has completely disappeared, and she has transformed into an extremely mature and elegant queen.

"Brother Su Feng..."

"Waiting for you to leave the customs is really hard.

In front of Su Feng, she showed only weakness.

Sticking to the man's ear, she told her missing.

Then, before he could respond, more shocking words came into Su Feng's mind.

"Brother Su Feng, what is true happiness...?"


The atmosphere was completely ignited.

"Hashirama, it's not a brother, it's not a person...it's really..."

The screen can be turned around.

In the sealed space, Nine Tails stared with doubts in his eyes.


Why can't I see the content behind?

Could it be paid content?

It shouldn't be.

Who severed the link between Jinchūriki and Tailed Beast?

Kurama has question marks all over his head, which means he is very puzzled. (cebh)


It's just pure curiosity, what are these two people going to do when they meet again after a long absence?

Humans are fucking incomprehensible.

Still waiting to watch TV.

It's a pity that this wave of signals was cut off too decisively and thoroughly, and it couldn't perceive any external situation at all.

At this moment, this situation is very similar to a real prison.


The breath of that man.

Lowering his head, Kurama tapped his ears with his paws, like a tickling husky.

That man was too scary.

Except for the strong blood power on his body, triggered only from the bloodline, he actually felt that the Sage of Six Paths was not enough for this man at all.

If you insist on sorting according to the generation of human beings.

That Sage of Six Paths can at best be that man's son.

This kind of thinking is so strange that Kurama himself can't believe it.

But the facts are right in front of it.

Its beastly intuition will not lie to itself.

It instinctively felt that the man was more dangerous and oppressive than Sage of Six Paths.

If you fight against that man, it will definitely die!

And it's the kind of death where, after death, there's no way to reunite with Chakra's resurrection.

scary man.

Kurama shook his head, too lazy to think about it.

outside world.

When all the dust settled, three hours had passed.

With an incredulous look on Su Feng's face, he looked at Mito with question marks all over his head.

"Brother Su Feng didn't tell me that I, Uzumaki, don't have to marry and form an alliance with Senju.

Seeming to see his doubts, Mito lazily leaned against him and explained.

"But if you tell me, after you retreat, the clansmen will all be farting."

There is nothing wrong with this statement, when Su Feng left the customs, all he saw were a herd of sheep.

"And I can't stand Senju Hashirama, as if what I said makes sense, the marriage was facilitated."

"But I didn't marry him."

"Just a little girl from the Uzumaki clan who worshiped Senju Hashirama, my maid, who died twenty years ago."

"I'll take care of Tsunade in her place."

Winking at Su Feng charmingly, Uzumaki Mito is very naughty at the moment.

"That idiot knew that it was impossible for me to marry him, he just used Uzumaki's name, and he knew that I had long coveted Brother Su Feng, respected me very much, and even called me sister-in-law in private.

"As for why I came to Konoha, the Senju brothers begged me to come."

Uzumaki Mito snorted coldly.

"They feel that in some respects, Su Feng's remarks and practices are necessary for Konoha to learn from, but Su Feng has already retreated, so they can only ask me for help."

"Unfortunately, even if those two brothers have some skills, the third generation is still a waste. I don't want to stay in this poor village for a day."

Good boy.

Put a green hat on your own head.

Hashirama, that's really yours.

Su Feng fell into deep thought.

If this is the case, it makes sense.

"Then, did Hashirama rush?"

Su Feng wanted to point out something, and whoever he was referring to was naturally Miss Dai'an.

"Otherwise where did Tsunade come from?"

What is ripe is good, Mito understood this very quickly.


Su Feng nodded leisurely.

This kind of thing, Mito has taken the initiative, he will not be polite.

So everything that happens in the room is very natural.

It's just a direct lineage, not a close relationship. It's normal for a direct lineage to be closely related to each other. Otherwise, where do you think the pure bloodline comes from?

Just go and go.

"Okay, we'll leave after the black leaves are finished."

Su Feng made his decision quite quickly.

"Brother Su Feng is so short of money? Do you want me to take away the property of the Senju clan?"

Uzumaki Mito said very emotionally.

"Save some for Tsunade anyway, it's not easy for her.

Not so naughty, Su Feng rolled his eyes when he heard the words.

"Heh, it's Senju Hashirama's granddaughter after all, she's quite attractive to you.

Mito sneered, as if he had seen through Su Feng's true thoughts.

No way, I grew up with Su Feng, so I know Su Feng quite well.

"Let's not talk about this first."

Su Feng coughed and quickly changed the subject.

"Just now, I felt that your body was very strange.

Her bodily functions are not old, she is still the same as when she was young, both physically and internally, she is a young Mito.

Hundred Healings Mark can do this, but it doesn't seem to be so perfect.

"I stole Nine Tails' Chakra, and every time he messed with me and prevented Hundred Healings Mark from keeping his looks, I stole some.

Still the master who doesn't suffer.

Su Feng suddenly realized that since it was Chakra from Nine Tails, it made sense.

"But this is not enough."

The man showed a gentle smile, and the next moment his body was full of blood, and Uzumaki Mito next to him covered his mouth and let out a cry of surprise.

But the man's action was not too late, he put one hand on Uzumaki Mito's forehead, and then let out a low cry.

"Blood gas diversion!"


When the thick, full of vitality flowed into Uzumaki Mito's limbs and bones, the feeling of rebirth made her lose her strength instantly and fell into Su Feng's arms.

It was a comfort that came from the soul.


In the blood and energy diversion, in the job transfer temple, the skills that the Hell Blood Demon God had deleted, Su Feng was able to learn because of the patriarch's authority.

Directly import the torrential vitality into the opponent's body, the effect is more powerful than the Reincarnation Technique!

However, there are no side effects.

What was consumed was blood energy, and with Su Feng's perverted physical fitness, he could replenish it in just a few breaths.

"Do you know the average life expectancy of the Ōtsutsuki clan?"

Su Feng pinched Mito's chin and asked calmly.

"The Ōtsutsuki clan?"

Dazed Mito shook his head.

"You have to accompany me for a thousand years."

"Before the time, you can't die."

These words are enough to move Uzumaki Mito, and the price of being moved is to dedicate his heart and find happiness.


Brother Su Feng said millennium

It is a thousand years.

She never doubted whether the figure really existed.

But in the same way, what is decades of waiting compared to millennia?


When the two Chakras connected and came together to the sealed space of Nine Tails, poor Kurama had already been imprisoned for more than ten hours.

Can't see anything, can't feel anything.

This is the real seal, not the seal that can be seen from the outside world when connected to Jinchūriki Chakra.

"Nine Tails."

Holding Uzumaki Mito's hand, Su Feng immediately opened the door of Eight Sign Seal and walked over step by step.

And Nine Tails, who was trembling all over and trembling in soul, didn't even dare to move when the seal was broken!

The gap is too big.

The torrential blood is full of brutal killing intent, and the huge Chakra in his body is almost comparable to it, and even he is not as good as the opponent.

Who is he?

Nine Tails watched him approaching with horror.

"Squat down, I'm not used to looking up at others."

Walking in front of Nine Tails, Su Feng said calmly


Without any hesitation, with its strong desire to survive, I lowered my proud head.

At this moment, it completely discovered something was wrong.

In addition to this man being wrong, Uzumaki Mito has also become something wrong.

That woman's temperament didn't change obviously, but the feeling of spring on a dead tree on her body must not be wrong.

Her lifespan has been improved!

And it's not even a star.

This point, as a tailed beast connected to Jinchūriki, can be sensed immediately.

"I can give you some freedom."

"But you have to split in two and be there for them to help."

"It's not a seal like Jinchūriki, but it's connected with Chakra from the outside world, with the help of entering the Tailed Beast."


Uncle Ben can go out?

Is this really a good thing?

Nine Tails suddenly calmed down.

This man doesn't seem to be here to kill himself!

"What's your answer?"

Su Feng frowned.

He didn't want to waste time on a tailed beast. To be precise, most of the reason why he wanted to get Nine Tails out was because he didn't want to be secretly observed when the two of them were doing certain things.


That is indeed a huge help to strength.

But for the Uzumaki clan in Uzumaki Village, this thing is dispensable.

"no problem!"

Kurama, with a serious expression, sat down instantly. Although it didn't know how it could be divided into two parts, it always had no problem following the command.

Su Feng was very calm, and took out two Twang from his bosom.

This thing was bought in the clan leader's section of the ethnic group's exclusive mall in Whirlpool Village.

Each one is not cheap, but it works a lot.

Before coming here, considering the problem of Nine Tails, Su Feng sold out early in the morning.

Yin Yang Chakra Separation Amulet*1.

Tailed Beast Liberation Scroll*2.

The first one is a spell that divides tailed beasts into yin and yang attributes.

And the second one is the scroll that can make the tailed beast not trapped in Jinchūriki's body and open a special connection method.

"The Tailed Beast Cannon of Uzumaki Village will be fully charged!"

Shouting all over his body, Su Feng quickly pasted the charm on it.

In the next moment, Nine Tails Chakra ran wildly in the entire sealed space!

At the same time, because of the liberation of the Eight Sign Seal, the outside world felt the huge Nine Tails Chakra rising into the sky at the same time!

What did Konoha Shinobi fans think of first.

That is, Nine Tails go berserk!

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