I, Patriarch Uzumaki, Inherit Hell Blood Demon God At The Beginning

Chapter 97 Uchiha Madara Is Silent, My Heir, He Wants To Create A World Where He Can Be A Man! (4)

The border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire.

At this moment, the two sides are confronting each other.

Namikaze Minato frowned when Uchiha Fugaku led his clansmen and rushed to the enemy to start fighting.

He took the initiative to attack, could it be that he misunderstood Uchiha Fugaku?


next moment.

Minato found out that things were not as simple as he thought.

The enemy can know their route ahead of time and lay an ambush.

That is 100% due to information leaks.

But this mission is classified, and the route is only known to him, Hokage, and Uchiha Fugaku, who joined later.

So what happens when the enemy appears?

The quick-witted Namikaze Minato stared in Uchiha Fugaku's direction, and the man gave him a strange look back.

"Minato, only we know the route. You have seen this route. I have no chance to send information."

This is a hint.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Fugaku spoke again.

"Now I can only break through, I wish you good luck!

After speaking, he rushed forward with his team members.

In a split second Minato knew what this man was up to!

First, they are ambushed now, so the person who leaked the information is naturally not himself, and Uchiha Fugaku also said it was not him, thinking in reverse, that means that he was betrayed by Hokage!

This is total nonsense, Uchiha Fugaku is gagging him and even throwing blame at Tsunade!

Second, when Namikaze Minato watched Fugaku easily escape from the enemy's siege, he completely understood the opponent's thinking.

Pretending to come to the border with him in the name of the village, then he might want to act alone and do some shady things, things that he must never let himself know.

That's why they joined forces with the enemy to ambush here.

His purpose in doing this is simple and clear.

If Minato's team died here, it would have cut off one of Hokage's arms.

Either the Minato team is still alive, but at that time, they just need to report to the top and say that they got separated during the breakout!

And he first said that he did not leak the information. This can make Minato doubt Hokage. If Minato really believes the other party, he will inevitably have resentment towards Hokage after returning to the village.

Whatever the outcome, Uchiha Fugaku is not at risk of exposure.

This trick is quite vicious.

Minato looked coldly at the Uchiha Fugaku team that had successfully broken through, and he really wanted to know what made a person so dark.

Just when Uchiha Fugaku's team is fighting with people, it can be seen that the enemy does not work hard, and the two have already spoken in advance to do so.

If it was him who led the team to break through, the blocking force encountered would definitely be more than one level higher than that faced by Uchiha Fugaku.



Flying Thunder God Kunai was thrown out instantly, Minato's eyes were full of anger.

Did Uchiha Fugaku really think he was going to be trapped here?

Even with him, and his three disciples, they were all underestimated!

The battle begins instantly.

When the Flying Thunder God Technique appeared, Cham Blue's Rasengan also appeared in front of the ninja interface for the first time!

He is Namikaze Minato, Konoha's unique Gold glitter.

Suspect Hokage?

I'm sorry, but he owes his status today to Mr. Hokage's trust!

In any case, it is impossible for him to betray the village!

far away.

Fugaku and his party have left the main battlefield.

And a subordinate walked up to him respectfully.

"Patriarch, the only thing we need to do is to let the vacillating Land of Earth make the right choice.

"We have figured out the border of the Land of Earth, and several strongholds of Iwagakure."

That's right!

This time Fugaku came out with his mission.

He received news that it seemed that Kingdom of Kings did not intend to participate in the next war.

Therefore, he wanted to help Onoki make a choice.

If he knew that his ninja was killed by Konoha's people, he would definitely use Konoha as the same as other ninja villages!

He hates Hokage, hates anyone who has anything to do with the Uzumaki clan.

Especially hate that woman who abolished him!


The members of the Senju clan have become Hokage again. Others don’t know, but he knows how much pressure he faces when facing those members of the clan!

Uchiha, also the founder of Konoha!

Why is Hokage a member of the Senju clan, and it's not his turn to Uchiha?

Needless to say, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama became Hokage by virtue of their ability and strength. Although Uchiha was dissatisfied, he had to hold back.

But you, Tsunade, how can you sit in Hokage's position so securely?


Uchiha Fugaku has his plans.

How did Sarutobi Hiruzen step down?

Against one's own?

Or conspiracy?

No, as the patriarch of the ethnic group, he understands what other ethnic groups think.

They just need benefits!

Sarutobi Hiruzen stepped down because their own interests were threatened, and Hokage caused Konoha to suffer three consecutive defeats, making them lose the initiative in the war.

Perhaps now, there are many people who are dissatisfied with Tsunade being Hokage besides him.

after all.

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama have disappeared.

And the man standing behind Tsunade also announced retreat.

This is the best time!

According to his conception, after the dust settles, he can force the Senju clan like the same way he drove Sarutobi to step down.

Even if it ends up being Hokage.

Uchiha Fugaku was still empty inside.

He needs more.

Clenching his fists, what he hates the most is still the woman who abolished him!

"Patriarch beware!"

And at this moment.

Accompanied by the flames and several strange-looking figures descending, Uchiha Fugaku spat out a mouthful of blood and lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it has passed.

When Uchiha Fugaku opened his eyes, he saw a dark and humid environment.

And..... that half body in pain!


More disabled than before!

Enduring the severe pain, Uchiha Fugaku's head looked sideways.

And the next moment, a white-haired old man suddenly shrank his pupils!

"You...are you?!"

Madara was a little surprised, frowned and looked at Black Zetsu next to her.

That's obvious.

Is this what you mean by heir?

He seems to know me.

Black Zetsu was silent, not daring to beep more.

It's no surprise that Uchiha Fugaku can recognize Uchiha Madara.

As the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan, he was raised from an early age.

He knows a lot about Uchiha Madara.

Including the fact that he can now say naturally that the Uchiha family is also the hero who founded Konoha, which is also thanks to Uchiha Madara.

So, he has seen what Uchiha Madara used to be.

Of course, it is not seen in reality, but something similar to a portrait, which is stored in the Uchiha Ancestral Hall, and only the patriarch is eligible to read it.

And although the current Uchiha Madara is extremely old, her appearance is somewhat similar to that of when she was young.

As for why Uchiha Madara is still alive, although he was surprised, he was not extremely shocked.

The reason is simpler.

He had seen too many old monsters.

Uzumaki Su Feng, Senju Hashirama, Tian Min.

Therefore, when he woke up and found the old man suspected of Uchiha Madara, the shock only lasted for a few seconds, and hope was rekindled in his eyes.

If he is Uchiha Madara.....

Does it mean that the patrons of the Uchiha clan are also fucking resurrected?!

Can the Uchiha clan feel proud in Konoha?

Why can Tsunade be Hokage?

Isn't that because of a sentence by Senju Hashirama?

If Uchiha Madara can be dispatched, who would dare to oppose Konoha now?

At this moment, Fugaku's head was full of calculations, and seeing the excitement of his ancestors, even the pain in his body was relieved a lot.


When he saw Madara's old appearance and trembling hands.

Those ambitions faded in an instant.


Uchiha Madara can't help herself now.

Fugaku sighed, and even the thought of saying hello to Madara disappeared.

He is looking down on me.

Uchiha Madara's breath was stagnant, and his expression became gloomy.

"Why, aren't you what you looked like in your prime?"


The password is correct!

Madara suddenly became interested.

No matter why this kid has a brain twitch, he seems to really want to appear in front of everyone in his heyday.

"It's not impossible."

Madara had a mysterious look on her face.

It's not impossible?!

Fugaku was overjoyed instantly, he was robbed of his wife and became a useless person, suddenly full of hope!

If Madara came out in its heyday.

His ambition seems to be fulfilled!

"What do you desire?"

Madara, on the other hand, chose to talk with the current patriarch of the Uchiha clan with great interest.

Black Zetsu looked at the two from the side, and chose to stay away from the scene, giving Bao Zhibo Fugaku enough space to express his heart.

Coming outside the cave, Black Zetsu sighed faintly.

Oh shit.

Wanting to revive the mother, the difficulty is really not ordinary high.

There is a Uzumaki Su Feng watching outside. Although he said that he will not disturb Infinite Tsukuyomi's plan, he always feels that it is a hidden danger.

Because, that man's strength is too strong.

Strong enough to be uncontrollable.

Even Madara in his heyday, he was also worried that he would not be able to defeat the opponent.

Perhaps others think that the Uzumaki clan is now reclusive because of the ancestor's retreat, but Black Zetsu is the only one who is sober.

that man will die

Just kidding, that man with a stronger sense of oppression than his mother, and a huge vitality, who can easily make Uzumaki Mito break the life limit, how could he die?

Moreover, just looking at the increasingly mysterious Uzumaki clan in his observation, he knew that things were definitely not simple.

Anyone in the ninja world who dares to provoke the Uzumaki clan will definitely die!

Now, that unreliable heir seems to have a great hatred for the Uzumaki clan.

What will become of this heir in the end?

Black Zetsu had some headaches.

There is really no way to choose Uchiha Fugaku.

He had observed Konoha, and the members of the Uchiha clan were the focus of observation.

But apart from this extremely extreme Uchiha Fugaku, there is really no one to use.

This can not blame him.

After all, after Tsunade became Hokage and the head of the Uchiha clan had an emotional breakdown, Obito had already moved away from the Uchiha clan, and usually played with Kakashi, which was ignored by Black Zetsu.

This is the chain reaction triggered by Tsunade's ascendancy.

Time passed by every minute and every second, when there was a sound behind me

Black Zetsu looked back slowly.

The person whose body was repaired by White Zetsu looked extremely excited at the moment.

Holding a mask in his hand, he finally put it on his face, and his voice suddenly became extremely low.

There was also a chain on his body, and a huge round fan appeared behind him.

""~My name. "

"Uchiha Madara!"

I can fuck you.

Black Zetsu let out a long sigh, nodded to Fugaku, told him that he would contact him directly in the future, and chose to walk into the cave.

What surprised him was that there was no excitement on Madara's face, but a very silent expression.

First impressions of Black Zetsu are.

At this moment, Madara seems to have some emotional breakdown and an illusion of confusion.

"Why is this so?"

"Uchiha, why did it become like this?"

"He is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan!"

"What about his ambition? His idea of ​​power?"

"One family, what have you experienced?"

Walking into Uchiha Madara, Black Zetsu heard the above words from his murmur.

What does this mean?

Succession plan failed?

Black Zetsu looked solemn, but before he could speak, Madara reached out and grabbed Black Zetsu's body in a sudden (good) excitement.


As if painted.

The touch was so irritable that Madara quickly withdrew her hand a little disgusted.

"Master Madara, what's wrong with you?"

Black Zetsu swallowed, seemingly puzzled.

Upon hearing this, Madara stopped what she was doing and fell silent.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh.

There is one thing to say, if there is a cigarette now, he will definitely light it.

"you know."

"Just now, I asked him what kind of world he would like if he created a world.

"How did he answer it?"

Madara's already old look seemed even more decadent.

Create whatever you want.

Dreams have everything.

Black Zetsu was still puzzled.

"He said."

"He's in hell."

Madara's eyes were red, and she looked extremely excited.

This is normal.

Black Zetsu nodded.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen Uchiha Fugaku to be the successor of Uchiha Madara.

It's hard to understand the benefits of Infinite Tsukuyomi without being mentally ill.

"He's fed up with the way those people look at him."


Madara pinched the weight on the chair, her body trembling crazily.

"So, he wanted to create a...

Emotionally aroused again, Madara crazily grabbed Black Zetsu's body and began to shake it.

"Did you know! Ah!!"

"What does he want?!"

"He wants to create a world where he can be a man!"

The cave was instantly silent.

Black Zetsu opened his mouth wide, and took a few steps back with a look of horror on his face.


fuck him.

What kind of heir did you choose!

Mom, are you still alive?

Tell your poor third son in a dream!

Ps, thanks for subscribing. .

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