"Well said!".

"Not having a sword in your hand and not using a sword are indeed two different things. "

Hearing Chen Qingxuan's words, Wei Jinsong's eyes lit up.

I couldn't help but raise my hand and applaud.

The entire lecture hall fell silent in an instant.

These old professors and scholars all looked in the direction of Chen Qingxuan with shocked eyes, and they were speechless in shock.

"That makes sense!"

"It is true that peace does not fall from heaven. "

"True peace can only be achieved if our fists are strong. "

The voices of several old scholars were full of vicissitudes and emotion.

"Wang Gang, thank you for teaching history for so many years. Don't you even understand this truth?"

"There is not even a young comrade who has just entered the school who has a deep understanding of this aspect, sad, sad!"

Suddenly, Wang Gang's face was flushed.

Without saying a word, he lowered his head, wrote two large characters on the paper with a pen brush, and took the lead to the stage in the lecture hall and threw the two large characters into the ballot box.

Two words were clearly written on the paper, agree.


"I agree. "

"The merit is in the contemporary, and the benefit is in the future. "

"This is a major event for 100 years, and we have no reason to disagree. "

"Professor Wei, Professor Qin, you are all famous professors in the School of Engineering of Qinghua University. "

"The task of forging the sword is up to you!"

"You must be for me Qinghua and my country. Make the sharpest sword ever!".

It was only a matter of a while, and the voting for this new course was over.

Qin Jinsong held the heavy ballot box in his hand and nodded to everyone with emotion.

"Please rest assured. "

"As long as the plan for the new course can be approved next. "

"I, Lao Wei, and Lao Qin, promise to do my best to complete the tasks assigned to me by everyone!".

In order to avoid suspicion, the results of the ballot box were handed over to teachers from other houses to count.

The smile on Qin Jinsong's face did not change, and he strode in the direction of Chen Qingxuan.

Raise your hand.

Patted him on the shoulder!

"Well said. "

"Our engineering college is just a sword that is not sharp enough!".

"But with someone like you, I'm sure it's only a matter of time. "

"Qingxuan, you gave me another surprise!".

"Don't worry, at such a report meeting in the future, you don't have to worry about the face of these old guys. "

Qin Jinsong was in a good mood and waved his hand.

"As long as Lao Qin and I are here, even if these old guys don't like to listen, they have to listen to them all!"


It is the confidence of their engineering college in Qinghua University.

"The results of the vote have been counted. "

"The number of people present was one hundred and thirteen, and the number of votes counted was one hundred and thirteen, of which one hundred and twelve voted in favour and one abstained. "

As for who abstained, it doesn't matter anymore.

The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.

Chen Qingxuan didn't bother to take this matter to heart.

The next thing is just to wait for the issue to be escalated.

Chen Qingxuan leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment, then slowly opened his eyes.

Then he stood up and strode out the door.

"Qingxuan, let's go to the cafeteria to eat together. "

Wei Jinsong called him behind him.

Chen Qingxuan's footsteps did not stop.

"No, you go first. "

"I'm going to make a call. "

"That's fine. "

Wei Jinsong stood at the door of the lecture hall and nodded a little uncertainly.

The old professors and scholars who had just been present streamed out of the lecture hall.

When passing by Wei Jinsong, you have to pat him on the shoulder with a smile.

"Old Wei. "


"Where did you get such a good student?".

"It seems that this year, your engineering college is going to shine again!"

"Well said, well said. "

Wei Jinsong smiled.

Turning his head, he glanced at Professor Qin, who was holding a cane in his hand and slowly walked out of the lecture hall.

"Old man Qin, you have a good idea!"

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