"The difficulty of our Qinghua exam, I think everyone has also seen it. "

"This is our first perfect score in history. "

His exam paper shocked the entire School of Engineering. "

"Shocked the whole school!".

Qin Jinsong said, raising the full-score test paper high.

A face that has always been extraordinarily serious.

At this moment, I can't hide my pride and gratification.


Comrade Chen Qingxuan.

He can always bring them these old things again and again, and surprise the whole Qinghua.

The most important weapon of the country.

That's true!

"What, perfect marks!".

"How—How did this work?".

"God, I've seen these questions for the first time in my life, and someone can still get a full score?".

"I declare that he will be my role model from now on!".

The students in the class were extremely shocked.

They all raised their heads and looked at each other blankly!

"I handed in a blank roll. "

"Look at what I do, I also hand in the blank papers..."

"Who the hell is that perfect score?".

Everyone looked at it suspiciously, and some people looked at Li Xiaoran suspiciously.

"No, what are you watching me do. "

Li Xiaoran was also stunned, he waved his hand in a panic, and said, "I have written a total of two questions." "

It's good to get a dozen or twenty points.

As for the perfect score, it was a dream that I never dared to imagine.

The paper is not full.

"No, wait. "

Li Xiaoran suddenly opened her mouth wide.

He turned his head in disbelief and slowly looked in the direction of Chen Qingxuan.

His tongue was knotted, his eyes widened, and he stammered.

"You, you, are you..."

"Let's congratulate Chen Qingxuan, who scored well in this examination and got a full score. "

"Follow his example and learn from him. "

"If only I had a few more such students in Qinghua. "

"Why worry that a great power can't rise?".

Qin Jinsong sighed.

I personally sent the full score test paper over.

"Comrade Chen Qingxuan, you answered the paper very well. "

"The ideas for each question are clear and concise, and the answers are all correct. "

"There are a few questions that are even more concise and correct than our standard answers. "

"The future is promising!".

Qin Jinsong's hand holding the test paper trembled slightly because of excitement.

He had never realized it so clearly as he did now.

He is witnessing the rise of a genius.

This is a well-deserved weapon of a great power.

The dragon chant of the future will sound from the first day of Qinghua!

"This time, it's really difficult. "

"Because we used the question bank, we chose the spare paper for the final exam of the sophomore year. "

"In order to stimulate your fighting spirit for the future. "

"Therefore, I also hope that you will not regard your zero score too much as a heavy burden, but as a spur on your own motivation. "

"I hope you can use this as a motivation to start from scratch, not be arrogant or impatient, and learn better. "

Wei Jinsong said a few more words of comfort.

So he told them to distribute the scrolls one by one.

However, no one is paying attention to the roll anymore.

Everyone looked at Chen Qingxuan in shock.

"That's the final paper of the sophomore year. "

"He was able to get a perfect score!".

"That's probably genius, isn't it?".

"Chen Qingxuan, I remember this name, and he will be my role model and motivation in the future. "

The shocked whispers of the classmates.

Chen Qingxuan was a little funny when he heard it, and couldn't help but hook the corners of his mouth.

He wasn't smirking.

This score will be known when he finishes the paper.

The people of this era are too simple, and they don't have much Internet language.

Everything he said had a taste of simplicity.

It's kind of funny.

"No, Comrade Chen Qingxuan. "

Li Xiaoran stared in shock, sat stiffly beside him, and pulled his sleeve.

"You, you, all of them?".

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