Speaking of this, Wu Jun let out a long sigh.

He doesn't want to do everything in the base to do the best for a big country.

It's a pity that some things are destined to go wrong with people's wishes.

Today, however, he heard Comrade Chen Qingxuan say that there has been a great progress in the study of gears.

Suddenly there was a great hope in my heart.

"Comrade Qingxuan, your research on gears... There are many aspects that can be applied! "

If only so many new gears could be applied.

Then the construction of the rocket base will be at least a year faster.

They are one step closer to their goal.

"That's right. However, it is still in the theoretical stage and needs to be put into production first. "

Chen Qingxuan said lightly that he didn't want to waste too much time when it came to production.

"It's okay, you can leave this matter to me, and I'll do it."

When Wu Jun heard this, he immediately understood.

"You can rest assured, the data and drawings are in your hands, I only need to help you contact the factory, build a new factory, and then send someone to supervise the project."

"I'm still in the Tagu Desert, so much can I do for you."

"As for the profits, they will also call you on time."

"Then I'm bothering you."

Chen Qingxuan nodded slightly with satisfaction.

In this way, he basically does not have to delay any time for this matter.

A large part of the construction problem on the side of the rocket base has also been solved.

Next, he just needs to do the tasks given by the system.

Chen Qingxuan thought about it with satisfaction, and said a few words to Wu Jun about the precautions in the construction of the rocket base.

By the way, several problems encountered in practical operation were solved.

"Comrade Chen Qingxuan, it's great to have you!"

"These problems have plagued us for half a month, and I didn't expect you to think of a solution so quickly."

"If you encounter any problems next, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you."

Wu Jun's voice was full of excitement.

and respects.

"No problem."

Chen Qingxuan smiled and readily agreed.

Wu Jun was in charge of arranging contact with the factory.

Chen Qingxuan, on the other hand, began the research and trial and error of synchronous focus technology.

A few days later.

The Research Headquarters of the Journal of Industry on the Eagle's side.

"What's this about?"

"No, it's a total waste of my time."


"Is that all there is to it?"

The editor-in-chief of the journal Industry, Robert, is wearing a mess of yellow hair.

Sit at a large table.

The table was a mess, stacked thickly, and all of them were letters that came to be submitted.

Robert reads one at a time.

will curse angrily with a "fake"!

Then he threw it in the trash.

"All the submissions this time are rubbish."

"None of them work!"

The letters on the table were quickly thrown to the ground by him.

He walked around the office irritably, his leather shoes resting on the thick pile of submissions.

"Tomorrow is the deadline."

"We are the number one journal in the world for industrial research."

"This time, we must come up with an article with real material to publish."

"But until now, I haven't found anything!"

As he spoke, Robert looked back with some irritability and glanced at the pile of garbage on the ground.

Suddenly, his mouth opened wide in pain.

He could already imagine the ridicule of the reporters after the publication of the journal.

"After reading this issue of the Industrial journal, I announced that the editor-in-chief could be laid off."

"It's a waste of our time, a waste of our money."

"I don't think the editor-in-chief of an industrial journal is going to lose money."

"Lives should also be compensated for the time we wasted."

"It's just murder."

When I think of those reporters, I would describe him in the meanest language.

Robert was all of a sudden.

That's when it happened.

"Squeak" the door opened.

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