I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 179: Wide and small 33

When the federal government's secret team was "looking at the river and sighing" by the river, Shang Chong had already boarded a passenger ship bound for the fourth district and fled far away.

This is one of the back paths he has prepared for himself.

Shang Chong, who knew that the identity of the Awakened could not be exposed, had already secretly prepared many back ways for himself, that is, to be prepared for what happened today. It was probably due to being cautious, and now his preparations really paid off.

The water ripples slightly on the river surface, and the sky and water form a line in the distance. The huge passenger ship moves forward on the river surface, lining up heavy, heavy, snow-white waves, like a huge and flexible southern whale swimming in the ocean.

On the deck, dressed in gray, with a large beard on his face, watching a man with a vagabond and pirate temperament silently looking back at the direction he came from, he fell into a sense of loss, nostalgia, and regret.

This made his unruly temperament even more obvious.

Anyone who sees what he looks like now will probably not believe that this person is actually the businessman, family, owner, wealthy family, helmsman, and the evil villain boss who is said to be in charge of a terrorist organization.

If the time was half a month earlier, no one would have imagined that he would be so embarrassed and disrespectful.

However, this incredible thing happened. The once rich and powerful man at the helm became the leader of a deeply hidden terrorist organization overnight, and he had to give up everything and flee alone under the federal pursuit.

How did everything go? How did it get to this point?

Shang Chong looked at the direction of the third district from a distance, recalled his experience during this period, and couldn't help asking himself in his heart.

... it was just a small thing at first.

Things developed too fast before, one thing after another, and he was caught off guard, so that he lost his previous sensitivity to many details, but now when he looks back on it, Shang Chong seems to have found it. A thread that connects the scattered beads one by one.

Everything seems to be because "Shang Han" accidentally found out that he had contributed to Xie Huaying's escape, and he said it directly in front of reporters.

Maybe this son was just unfair because of his behavior to help Xie Huaying get out of the crime. He must not know that this is a secret about his identity as an awakened person. He just complained yin and yang, but Xie Huaying guessed her identity through this... These coincidences Who can blame?

... It can't be said that "Shang Han" had already expected everything, just to pit his old father and let him and Xie Huaying hurt each other, right? ? ? What is that? What is hatred? What's more, what about his ordinary son? It doesn't look like this? Smart Yazi.

After thinking about it, it seems that you can only blame yourself for being too unlucky?

Shang Chong was in a bad mood and his face was ugly.

Anyone who loses the base camp that has been in business for many years and has to flee alone will not be happy when he finds out that it is his own son who has cheated on his father.

"The federal government is so efficient this time that it was almost blocked in the imperial capital. Fortunately, I got out fast enough..." Thinking back on the exciting days of the past few days, Shang Chong couldn't help but muttered to himself, "Unfortunately, if we change Before I made it, it wasn’t that I couldn’t sit down and talk about cooperation.”

After all, the merchants are the top giants in the third district. They have extraordinary connections and power, and with the bargaining chips of monsters and guilds, Shang Chong believes that he can sit down and discuss with the federal government and reach a cooperation with each other.

Anyway, the awakened person can "advance attack and retreat and defend", what's the matter? If something happens, he can hide in the inner world in time.

Regrettably, ever since the mysterious organization of the Yongning Church came into existence, arresting Awakeneds everywhere, the inner world, which was once regarded as a safe haven by many Awakeneds, has become a dragon pool and a tiger's den. At least during this period of time, Shang Chong had never heard of an Awakened who could return after entering.

This means that there is an unknown danger in the inner world. He didn't dare to enter rashly without knowing the situation.

Without the retreat of the world, Shang Chong did not dare to sit down and discuss cooperation with the federal government.

His ability is inclined to control people's hearts and influence all things. His body is only stronger than ordinary people, and its strength is limited, which is the biggest weakness.

If he is assured of staying in the imperial capital and cooperating with him, once the federal government becomes malicious, there are many ways to solve him easily. And he couldn't escape into the inner world at a critical moment, and he became the fish on the chopping board.

Based on this consideration, Shang Chong could only choose to leave.

Sure enough to get rid of the tracking and completely safe, Shang Chong took out a brand new mobile phone from his pocket and boarded the monster guild chat group that he had not been on for a long time.

This chat group itself is very special. It is linked to the ability of a dead guild member. It cannot be tracked by technological means. New members can only accept invitations to join and actively search for the number of the chat group. It will be displayed as an empty number. After Xie Huaying was kicked out by him, there was no way for the federal government to find him through the chat group.

As such, the chat group appears to be safe for now, assuming none of the members of the group have problems.

Shang Chong didn't speak in a hurry, and first peeked at the screen in the group.

He still has some doubts about the "Illusionist". He doesn't understand why with the strength of the opponent? He didn't kill a little Xie Huaying, and let him survive.

If he hadn't believed too much in the strength and loyalty of "Illusionist", he would not have been so caught off guard when Xie Huaying survived to fight back.

This made Shang Chong a little suspicious. Was the illusionist just careless, or did something go wrong and he deliberately tricked him?

The chat group of the monster guild was very lively.

The wanted list that spread all over the Federation successfully blew up all the members, even the usually silent diving party.

In fact, in the past few days when Shang Chong and the federal government were playing hide-and-seek, the guild had already exploded. Even today, the boiling water-like high temperature has not calmed down.

The sudden exposure of the guild president's identity is one of them. The monster guild has been labeled as a terrorist organization by the federation, and the second is that all members are likely to be arrested once their identities are revealed.

Black Cat: What happened this time? I think it's all the president's fault! We monsters, guilds, are low-key enough, and we don't provoke the government like crazy party madmen. How? We have become a global wanted terrorist organization? When I saw the wanted notice, I was stunned. I almost thought that the incident of stealing cat food from the entire community a few days ago was exposed. It turned out that he was implicated by the president, and he was sitting at home in the sky. Chairman? Shouldn't you give an explanation? Or find a way? Solve this.

Spirit Butterfly: Why? You can do this? You can confidently say that you have stolen all the cat food in the entire community... and the cat food is not delicious at all. I think you should steal the dog food.

Organ: So? Did you say you've eaten cat food - bah bah bah, you've been taken astray. Now is not the time to discuss? Which is better, cat food or dog food! Can I pick a separate time when I'm crazy? Seriously? One point, President? What exactly? The situation is unknown to everyone, and it is not clear whether it is safe now. Let's find a way first? Contact him. Anyway, what should we do after we discuss it?

Nightmare: I know what to do? The first step is to find the guild leader, and the second step is to sell him to the Federation for a reward. Now the president is valuable, and there is huge room for appreciation. Wait for a while to sell it higher.

Organ: ? ? ?

Illusionist: Okay, stop talking nonsense, the most important thing now is to stay calm, don't mess around, we won't reveal our identities, and the Federation won't find us. I believe that with the strength of the president, we can definitely escape safely, we just need to wait quietly for him to contact us. Don't have to do extra things, and don't have to think about it. I believe that the president will naturally have his arrangements.

Wu? Hitomi: Illusionist, it's rare for you to be so calm today, it's like a different person. Could it be because of the untimely madness last time, what did you pursue? Perfect art, perfect script, which delayed the president's plan and caused the president's identity to be exposed. Now I finally don't mention your arts under my guilty conscience. already? As I said earlier, the perfect painting is the only art.

Illusionist: Shut up, poor imitator. I have explained the cause and effect of this incident to everyone. It is indeed because I pursue perfection. The script was negligent and indulged Xie Huaying's last breath. Even so, only the president can accuse me. This just proves that my script is not perfect?, next time, next time it will not be.

Puppet Master: Stop arguing! You people, why? Can't you always learn to be as quiet as my well-behaved puppets? Or how to discuss it as soon as possible? Find the president? Well, waiting is draining my patience.

Black Cat: President? What? When will it come? I ate all the cat food I stole last time. Why don't we just usurp the throne!

Shang Chong peeked at the screen silently, and looked all the way down, as if he didn't find anything? Abnormal.

Everything is a familiar style, these guild members are still so? Not normal, and this is the most normal.

"So it's like this..." After finding the explanation of the illusionist in the guild, Shang Chong was even more surprised, "This is indeed something he can do."

At this time, he was already relieved for the most part.

Shang Chong began to think about what to do in the fourth district.

Almost all of his foundations are in the third district, and the fourth district has only a very small amount of assets prepared as a back-up. After all, he has always regarded the inner world as a way of retreat when it is the most dangerous, and the retreat of the outer world is only an alternative, and naturally he will not spend too much time and energy on it.

Now that the world has become a dragon and a tiger's den, if he is not fully prepared, or if he is forced to a dead end, he will not enter it easily. The world is also not peaceful. On the surface, the federal government is wanted, and in the dark, there is the Yongning Church, which is catching the awakened people everywhere.

Shang Chong felt a deep sense of crisis.

He secretly made up his mind: "It's time to integrate the loose monsters and guilds!"

The previous monster? The guild itself is not like an organization with the same goal, more like a group of Awakened people with different purposes gathered together by him? On weekdays, they will exchange resources to a limited extent, issue tasks to each other, or go there together? Some Jedi adventures in the world, but they are reserved and guarded against each other. Even he, the guild president, cannot force guild members to do things.

In the past, Shang Chong wanted to build up his majesty step by step, and then find a suitable time to completely unify the monster? Guild.

Now it looks like it can't be delayed any longer.

This is the most dangerous time, but also the best time.

Strong as carnival parties have also disappeared. It is said that something has happened to the Mutual Aid Association of Qingshan Hospital, and Yongning Church is making waves. , it's not enough. Only by integrating them and clenching them into fists can we have the confidence to compete with the Yongning Church and other forces.

So, despite some doubts about the illusionist in his heart, he bubbled up in the chat group.

President?: @All members. I have successfully left the 3rd district and am now quite safe. Five days later, I will hold a meeting. The meeting place is not in the inner world, but in the outer world. Later, I will send the addresses to each individual, and hope that all members can come to attend.

The bubbling of "President?" made the chat group lively again, and many members responded differently.

"Illusionist" even sent a private letter to Shang Chong for the first time, asking him to apologize. What can Shang Chong do? Of course, choose to forgive him!

This is not over yet, "Illusionist" actually reminded me mysteriously: [President?, I think there is an inner ghost in our guild, you must pay attention. ]

Shang Chong issued three question marks.

Illusionist: Actually, I think this incident is a bit strange. Although I am a little careless, I am confident in my illusions. My art is absolutely flawless. There must be other people secretly interfering with my judgment! The most suspicious thing is that guy Wu Tong. He also has some abilities similar to illusions. Maybe he followed me secretly. It's so hateful. He wants to secretly find out the chairman? Your identity is still bad. It's a good thing to be the president!

Seeing this, Shang Chong burst into laughter.

...Just because someone? You mocked you not long ago, is it really okay for you to turn around and sue you? Do you think I don't know? I deliberately peeked at the screen!

Before waiting for him to reply, he turned his head and sent a private message to him: [President?, be careful with that guy from the illusionist, I suspect he is an undercover agent specially sent by the carnival party to lurk in. ...]

Before reading it, Shang Chong laughed again.

...Well, there is a report here too? Black is coming. And the undercover party at the party, does that group of lunatics have this brain? The Mutual Aid Association of Qingshan Hospital is more reliable than them.

Being so entangled by these two people, all the doubts in his heart dissipated without knowing it, and it was replaced by a feeling of crying and laughing.

This kind of blackmailing each other, pushing him to clean up other people's painting style behind his back, um, there is nothing wrong with it.

After confirming that his guild members were all normal and there was no abnormality, Shang Chong arrived at the residence he had arranged in the fourth district with the fake identity he had prepared for a long time.

At this time, there are still three days before the agreed meeting time. The meeting place is very secret. He secretly bought it a long time ago, and later it was said to be a haunted abandoned shopping mall.

The risk of gathering in the outer world is far greater than that in the inner world, because the monsters in the inner world, the guild headquarters, is a relic discovered by everyone.

But the world can't do it.

This means that all guild members must come in person.

However, this so-called risk is actually only for a group of guild members. Everyone? It's safest if you don't know each other. Once you meet, there is a possibility that others will follow the traces to find out their true identity. Don't think that the awakened people of the same organization will not secretly attack each other, as long as there is a chance, this is very likely to happen.

As a monster, the guild president, Shang Chong doesn't have to worry about the risks. Because he holds the true identity of each member in his hand, everyone can only join the monster guild with his consent from the beginning.

Under this premise, other people don't worry about what he will do to them, they really want to do it a long time ago. Shang Chong is not worried that the guild members will not come on purpose, or report him to the federal government and lead the federal government to encircle and suppress it.

——Monster? Most of the members of the guild are not clean, so provoking an Awakened who knows his true identity, knows all his details, and is powerful, but doesn't know how many cards he has, it is simply courting death rhythm . Whether it was Shang Chong who backhanded what they had committed, reported it to the Federation, or secretly retaliated, it was enough for them to drink a pot!

The most important thing is that Shang Chong has another trump card.

He met every guild member when he joined the guild. At that time, most of these people were newcomers who had never seen the world. With Shang Chong's ability, they would naturally be recruited without any notice. In this way, Shang Chong added "materials" to each member for the first time.

It's a shadow lurking in the depths of everyone's heart, occasionally magnifying their malice. The guild members, who were already full of evil thoughts, didn't notice this.

However, once they meet Shang Chong, they will be able to ignite the shadow in their hearts in minutes and become a puppet manipulated by him.

This is the biggest trump card that Shang Chong is not afraid of meeting with guild members. Even if all the members including the illusionist rebelled on the spot, he could easily suppress them.

- No, even if they are not going to rebel, but respectfully, Shang Chong is also going to beat them. He wants all members to completely surrender to his own command, instead of oral disobedience and other small calculations.

A few days before the party, Shang Chong spent the rest of his time planning carefully, except for his normal meal and rest, how to shock everyone with the fastest speed, and what kind of rhetoric to use after meeting every expression and every action. Everyone willingly obeyed him... He didn't let go of all the details, and finally made a plan that he thought was perfect.

The appointed time is coming soon.

The abandoned shopping mall chosen by Shang Chong is in a chaotic area. The neighborhood is remote, dilapidated, and chaotic. The road has long been filled with cracks due to years of disrepair. In the darkness, only a faint moonlight sprinkled faintly, which made the atmosphere even more gloomy.

In the darkness of the night came the sound of Susuo Suo.

From the grass on the side of the road, in the drainage shaft without a manhole cover, and in the potholes and mud not far away, little mice stick their heads out one after another, and they walk silently in the night, silently spread out slowly.

Although Shang Chong cannot observe the surroundings through the manipulated animals like a puppet master controls puppets, he can use them to spread malicious pollution, and then control ordinary people whose minds are polluted.

Although the possibility is very small, if any guild member really goes crazy and cooperates with the federal government and wants to ambush him, then at least he can use the hostages all over the city as a threat to create a chance to escape.

After doing this, Shang Chong admitted that he had made all the preparations. If the members of the guild stood on the first floor, then he would stand on the fifth floor, and he would never be as tragic as the third district because of a small accident. rollover.

The moonlight shone faintly, and there were still traces of fire in the abandoned shopping mall, and it was scorched black everywhere.

A fire that year killed thirteen people and made this abandoned mall almost a haunted house.

Shang Chong quietly entered through a burnt wall somewhere, bypassed a large area of ​​ruins, and soon came to the door of the only warehouse that was still intact. The whole person was like a nocturnal bat. Just as sensitive.

The surroundings were quiet, almost depressing.

He pushed open the door of the warehouse and walked in, only to find that there was no one there. The entire warehouse was shrouded in empty darkness, with a large area of ​​burned material and debris in the depths.

Shang Chong couldn't help frowning.

"...What? No one has come yet?"

Although there was still a quarter of an hour before the agreed time, these guild members were so rambunctious, none of them came early, obviously they didn't take him seriously.

This challenged the majesty of Shang Chong's self-conscious chairman.

"Looks like it's really time to beat them up later..."

Shang Chong took out his mobile phone and urged in the chat group, and other guild members responded quickly.

[President?, I'll be there soon. ]

[At most? Three minutes. ]

[I have seen the door to the warehouse. ]


The replies were quickly refreshed in the chat group. Seeing that everyone's attitude was very positive, Shang Chong's face improved a little, and his eyebrows stretched slightly.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew suddenly, and the door of the warehouse? "Bang" closed!

Something is wrong!

Shang Chong raised his head suddenly, and his eyes slowly swept around.

Thick darkness spreads in the warehouse, and there seem to be countless ashes flying from the residues burned by the flames?

A monstrous, huge, indescribable terrifying malice permeated from the darkness, making Shang Chong's scalp tingle for a moment, as if he had returned to the night he had just touched the inner world many years ago, and changed back to that Fragile, useless, ordinary people with no half-strength.

"What's going on?" He was puzzled and shuddered again, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit of desire for powerful power, "Is it an illusion, or..."

Just then, there was an electric light splitting in the distance.

The dark warehouse was illuminated for a moment, from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, it was extremely transparent in an instant.

What? Something brushed Shang Chong's hair lightly. Years of experience made him lean back for the first time, dodging backwards in an extremely flexible way.

And in the process of dodging, his eyes inevitably turned to the top of his head, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Above their heads, silhouettes were hung on the top of the warehouse, like large pieces of dried bacon. Their pale faces had scary and strange expressions.

The corpse is not terrible, and this kind of terrifying scene is not terrible. Shang Chong has seen more in the world? More terrifying scenes, the terrible thing is that he knows everyone here, and they are all monsters and members of the guild.

In the surging darkness, they were silent.

Shang Chong subconsciously looked at the chat group and said, "What are you? When are you coming?"

Everyone in the group responded almost in unison:

[President?, we have already arrived :)]

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