Feng Xia no longer had the strength to even open her mouth to refute.

But this thing standing in front of you...ah, this guy is not from the East China Sea Jiao Clan at all!

Under this situation, Feng Xia actually hoped that the Xuan Gong of Creation would not be so awesome. If some obvious flaws were revealed earlier, maybe this old dragon would not come to him... but would just slap him to death. .

Okay, the result is still unsolvable.

Sighing silently, Feng Xia was still a little unwilling and asked tentatively: "The Demon Emperor's Mausoleum will be opened soon. I can't stay here for too long..."

"The Demon Emperor's Tomb is indeed a good place. If you can go, you must go."

The old man chuckled, with a hint of reminiscence in his eyes, and said with a leisurely smile: "However, I will not waste your time too much. Three days, I will give you all the inheritance in only three days. As for how much you can control, it depends on your own destiny."

Feng Xia hesitated for a while, then finally nodded: "If it's only three days, it's not unacceptable."

"Hey, you are not as arrogant as your name suggests."

The old man glanced at him with a half-smile, and then slowly waved his hand. One after another of brilliant lights instantly rose into the sky, turning into a magnificent picture, which completely enveloped Fengxia in an instant.

"Little guy, the rest depends on your ability."

Then, the picture flew up and landed on the back of the old man's head.

Seen from a distance, in the scroll, the turbid waves are rolling across the sky, and there are black clouds covering the sky. From time to time, pale thunder breaks through the clouds, revealing the huge things in the clouds.

Dragons fight in the wild!


The Donghai Jiao Clan can be regarded as a branch of the Dragon Clan.

This painting of Ten Thousand Dragons depicts Jiao Qingtu's vision for the future and his fantasy of his most perfect form. It is born from his Tao foundation and is engraved with the Tao brand of this powerful Jiao clan man!

Showing the Ten Thousand Dragons Diagram to Feng Xia in this way is like handing over all the inheritance of the East China Sea Jiao Clan to Feng Xia without reservation.

Jiao Qingtu slowly closed his eyes, his breath flowing uncertainly, waiting for the arrival of the three-day straight line.

"What's the point?"

However, Feng Xia waited for a long time and saw that nothing happened. However, he couldn't defeat the old man, so he had to ask patiently.

The indifferent expression on the old man's face suddenly stiffened.


He opened his eyes in disbelief and looked at Feng Xia in astonishment: "Why... didn't you enter the Ten Thousand Dragons Map?"

"What Ten Thousand Dragons Picture?" Feng Xia glanced at the picture scroll with some speechlessness, "Are these ghost-drawing talismans?"

"Ghost talismans\u0026#%!..."

It took a long time for Jiao Qingtu to maintain his cold image, but when he looked at the descendant named "Jiao Jiao" again, there was inevitably a bit of indescribable weirdness in his eyes.

This is the picture of the Dharma and the Tao that he is proud of!

As a result, when it came to this kid's mouth, it turned into some kind of ghost talisman. Is there anyone who talks like him?

"But...why didn't this kid react?"

After being shocked, Jiao Qingtu couldn't help but have a doubt. It stands to reason that with one volume of his Dharma and Dao Diagram, even those in the Yuan Dan realm would fall into it. Only a handful of top people in the Yuan Dan realm could barely withstand the Dao. Picture power.

"Sure enough, your boy has a big secret. If not, he would not look down on the inheritance of the Jiao clan so much..." Jiao Qingtu secretly shook his head, a strong smile appeared on his old face, and said lightly, "However, since you I've been caught by the old man, so don't think about getting away easily."

Feng Xia suddenly felt something bad. He saw that the old man's body was as dry as firewood, but his clothes were bulging. In the Ten Thousand Dragons picture behind his head, one long dragon after another roared angrily, and actually flew out of the picture scroll. , rushing towards him one after another!

"Little guy, there are a total of 10,372 dragon forms here. Each form represents a heritage of our clan. As long as you defeat the corresponding dragon form, the corresponding inheritance will become yours. thing!"


This time, Feng Xia was really completely overwhelmed:

dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon

dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon

dragon dragon wind summer dragon dragon

dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon

dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon

Chapter 0204

The overwhelming dragon shape came over and completely engulfed Feng Xia in an instant.

What you can see are countless long dragons roaring, some turning over the clouds and rain, some soaring into the sky, some traveling through the void, some shaking everything in the world!

"This kind of thing should be found in the dragon palace! This guy has so many dragons in his name!"

And Feng Xia thought about it and felt something wasn’t right...

Aren't you from the Jiao tribe?

All the pictures of Dharma and Taoism are actually dragons... This is such a complete admiration for foreigners!

It's a pity that even though he had thousands of complaints in his heart, the countless dragon shapes that attacked him boiled instantly, without giving him any time to think. In almost the blink of an eye, more than ten dragon shapes collided with Feng Xia. .

"Get out of here——"

Feng Xia finally couldn't bear it any longer. A vast amount of Qi and blood burst out all over his body, and his muscles bulged one by one, stretching his white gown tightly against his body. He did not transform into the form of a dragon, but at this moment Feng Xia , but like a humanoid dragon, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

He suddenly opened his mouth and roared, and sound waves erupted one after another. Countless visions evolved in the sound waves, like an ancient dragon roaring. With one sound, the Hongmeng was opened, Yin and Yang were divided, three talents were determined, and four images were established. Deducing the flow of the five elements in the world!

Tianlong Batone Bell!


Bang bang bang!

Several dragon shapes exploded in succession. After a weak struggle, they were shattered into nothingness by Feng Xia's roar.

"Huh?" The green dragon picture on the bluestone suddenly opened its eyes, showing a strong look of disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, this disbelief turned into greed: "This boy's circumstances are extraordinary. If I can get the secrets from him, maybe I can..."

Just when he thought of this, Jiao Qingtu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. He subconsciously stretched out his fingers to rub his painful temples.

But the next moment, his finger suddenly slipped and poked into a hole.

"Huh? So it hurts here?"

Jiao Qingtu turned his fingers and dug a few times into the hole. There was red and white dirt on one finger. Looking at his palm, the old Jiaolong couldn't help but shook his head and raised his hand to dig a few more times in the hole. Next, I felt much more comfortable.

"Where did the old man think just now?"

"Oh, yes, this boy can obtain the pure magical power of the dragon clan, and his life experience is indeed extraordinary. It is absolutely right to choose him as the successor of our clan. Maybe one day, he can really kill that monster and revive our clan. The reputation of divine power.”

Just thinking about it, the old dragon became worried again: "However, if this boy is the only one, the blood of my dragon clan will be extinct sooner or later. Where can I find some female dragons to breed with him..."


At the same time, Feng Xia used his fists together and used various moves. Between each episode, a Tianlong Eight-tone Bell appeared. The bell wave vibrated and swept across the area. The exploding earth and rocks were flying. In the distance, The cold pool stirred up a thousand waves.

Dragon shapes continued to be shattered by Feng Xia, but the next moment, more dragon shapes swarmed in, densely packed, leaving no gaps.


Feng Xia only had time to let out a scream before he was hit by more than a dozen dragon shapes one after another. Blood exploded from his body, and he flew upside down like a bag and crashed into the cold pool in the distance.


The screams turned into gasps.

It was a feeling that was hard to describe in words. The bone-chilling cold water invaded the wound. While aggravating the pain, it also froze the energy in the wound, preventing it from worsening and spreading. If you really want to describe it, it would be a typical example. It hurts but also makes me happy. The more it hurts, the happier I feel. It hurts and I gradually become happy...

"What on earth is this pool of water?!"

The chill that froze the soul hit, making Feng Xia shiver involuntarily, and punched the water with his fist: "Fortunately, it's very similar to the ancestor of Chenhai. If you defeat these dragon forms, you can drop the attribute light." group, and the probability is quite high... Well, what are these?"

While he was talking to himself, Feng Xia was stunned when he didn't come.

He stared blankly at his hand, and suddenly several attribute light groups popped out!

Feng Xia could see quite clearly that these attribute light groups were definitely not from the dragon shape cast by the old dragon, but emerged from the water of the cold pool, filled with pale color, which made people feel something at a glance. A feeling of soul freezing!


【Shen Yuan Qi】×1.

"What the hell are these two? Xuanyin seems to be some kind of physical attribute, similar to strength, agility, constitution, etc., but the divine energy behind it..."

The first thing Feng Xia thought of was the vitality of heaven and earth that had reached the divine level.

Just how terrifying is the divine energy?

Even if there is only a faint trace, it may be able to burst him instantly. In this matter, there cannot be any accidents.

"It's strange, where did this trace of divine energy go..." After Feng Xia looked inside, he turned his attention to his Zifu. In his impression, attribute powers occasionally dropped some strange things. of things, many of which will appear in his Zifu.

However, his consciousness wandered around the Zi Mansion and still found nothing.

Hongmeng is still Hongmeng, a vast expanse with no distinction between pure and turbid.

"How about... try again?"

In the cold pool, Feng Xia, who was soaked all over, opened his eyes, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. After a slight hesitation, he raised his fist again and hit the water with one punch!

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