I Pick Up Attributes At The End Of The World

Chapter 94: Precious Merit Points! (First Update)


The heavy body of the bloody giant tree fell to the ground, causing the ground to dent.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The giant blood-red tree suffered repeated setbacks in Qin Hao's hands, and it became furious at this time. The blood-red vines frantically came towards Qin Hao's body.


However, the air on Qin Hao's body was distorted, and the repulsive force field was activated, impacting forward, causing the blood-colored vines to be blocked as if they had been hammered.

Bloody sword technique!

Under the stimulation of the venom suit, Qin Hao's full potential was stimulated. His eyes revealed a high-spirited fighting spirit, and the saber posture changed, showing the bloody saber technique obtained from the treasury of the Blood Wind Temple. Combined with the ice power, it turns into an icy cold current.

Puff puff!

The light of the knife swept across, and one knife after another slashed at the blood-colored giant tree. Every time the knife fell, a deep gash could be formed.

"Quick! Get back, everyone, don't cause trouble!" Someone shouted, fearing that the blood-colored giant tree would seem to have just acquired the ability of ice [and also acquired the ability of fire by sucking flesh and blood to crack Qin Rang's body.

Medical knife skills.

Everyone stayed away from the battlefield, their backs almost pressed against the blood barrier, not giving the bloody giant tree a chance.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Although the giant bloody tree resisted desperately, there were more and more scars on its body, the ice covering it became thicker and thicker, and its movements became slower.

After all, this blood-colored giant tree is mainly strong in its strangeness, and it is weak in other aspects, especially its speed, which is very slow!


Under Qin Hao's cold blood sword technique, the entire blood-colored giant tree was frozen in the blood-colored ice, like an ice sculpture. At this moment, Qin Hao's fist wrapped in the venom battle suit was imprinted on the On top of the body of the bloody giant tree.

Ka Ka Ka!

A huge force erupted, and the huge body of the blood-colored giant tree shattered inch by inch, shattering like glass, and shattered all over the place.

"The pickup was successful and 45,000 experience points were obtained.

"Picked up successfully and gained 420 points of spiritual attribute.

"Picked up successfully, gained 410 points of strength attribute.

"Picked up successfully, gained 430 physical attribute points."

"Pick it up successfully, and get quasi-lord level evolution energy x1."

"Pick it up successfully and get Devil Tree Seed x1."

Qin Hao picked up all the dropped items. He was a little puzzled about what the devil tree's seeds were, but he felt tired for a while, and he didn't have time to look at them for the time being.

The venom suit on Qin Hao's body faded away like a stream of water, his gigantic body shrunk rapidly, and a tidal wave of weakness hit Qin Hao, making Qin Hao's body shake for a while, but Qin Hao was also very excited in his heart. The full explosion is so powerful!

"Are you OK?"

Seeing Qin Hao's shaking body, Ling Moyu quickly teleported to Qin Hao's side, supported him, and asked with concern.

"Kiss me and I'll be fine." Qin Hao couldn't help but want to tease Ling Moyu, which really made Ling Moyu unconsciously show an angry expression, very cute, Qin Hao smiled, he just liked to watch it The face of Ling Moyu, who had always been cold and cold, showed a different expression than usual.

"Is this... solved?" After the bloody giant tree was killed, Deacon Fenghen rushed to the scene not long after, seeing the mess around him, he was a little confused.

"It's like this... The remnants of the Rebel Alliance somehow fused with a plant-type mutant beast into a strange monster, and it was the evolutionary who destroyed Tiangong who solved it.. ..." Deacon Feng Hen learned what happened from an evolver, and a trace of astonishment appeared on his face.

"Suspected quasi-lord-level monster? Killed alone?" Fenghen looked at Qin Hao with a face full of surprise. It is indeed not easy for a new member to have such strength.

"Fortunately... not many deaths." Deacon Fenghen also secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Although it is normal for accidents to occur during the trial, after all, these new members have potential. Most of them died in one stroke, and he, the deacon, must bear some responsibility for this!

Qin Hao gestured to Ling Moyu with her eyes, Ling Moyu nodded knowingly, she opened the different space, and took out five heads from it, which were the heads of the remnants of the Rebellion League collected earlier.

"Space powers? Are you the one who destroyed the Heavenly Palace?" Deacon Feng Hen was quite surprised. Space powers are very rare.

"Okay, I keep my word, this bottle of Blood Tyrant Potion belongs to you!" Deacon Fenghen didn't go to examine the heads carefully, he took out the test tube containing the Blood Tyrant Potion, and handed it to Ling Moyu said, "This is a precious potion made from the essence and blood of the Beast King. If I had not used it once before, I would not give it out as a reward!"

"Thank you, Deacon Fenghen." Qin Hao thanked him. The value of this blood dominating potion is absolutely huge!

0Please give me flowers...

"Well, boy, you are very good." Deacon Fenghen nodded, giving Qin Hao a rare compliment.

"This trial has come to a successful conclusion. All of you will be rewarded with twenty merit points! As for you...what's your name?" Deacon Fenghen announced the end of the trial loudly, and Looking at Qin Hao, "What's your name?"

"My name is Qin Hao." Qin Hao answered.

Deacon Fenghen laughed: "Okay, as for Qin Hao, you performed well in this trial, you will get 100 merit points! In addition, as a special reward for the trial of blood, the first task you complete in the future will be able to Get three times the merit reward!"

"Thank you Deacon Fenghen!" Qin Hao thanked, although he didn't know what the merit value was, but the others only got 20 points, while he got 100 points, five times as much as others!

In addition, there is a special reward. The first mission he completes in the Holy Flame Legion can get three times the merit points. Completing one mission is equal to three others, which is also a pretty good reward.

Gu Yan on the side secretly shook his head and sighed. His performance was actually very good, and he also won three heads, but everyone only paid attention to the winner.

The group of people returned, but on the way, according to statistics, a total of 120 people participated in the trial when they came. Now that they have completed the trial, there are only 89 people left, and more than 30 people were killed or injured!

This ratio is undoubtedly very exaggerated. Some of these people died at the hands of mutant beasts in the Baiming Mountains, and more died at the hands of those members of the Anti-Day Alliance. It can be seen that the members of these anti-human organizations are indeed not simple. , extremely fierce!

After returning to the Immortal Fortress, each person received an identity token. In addition to recording identity information, the identity token also recorded the merit points they had.

Qin Hao was also surprised when he understood the use of merit points. These merit points are so important!

Unlike the contribution points of the Extraordinary Alliance, the merit points of the Holy Flame Legion cannot be purchased with money, and the role of merit points cannot be measured with money.

As the oldest and most profound organization, the Holy Flame Legion possesses unimaginable wealth, such as genetic potions, potion formulas, relic items, etc. produced by some ancient ruins. These things will not be sold , it’s difficult to buy it no matter how much money you spend!

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