I Pick Up Attributes In The Hokage World

Chapter 157: So It Turns Out That S-Level Missions Are So Easy To Do? 【1/7】

I have to say that sometimes a woman's intuition is frighteningly accurate.

In the past, Fenghua Xiaoxue always feared and retreated because she couldn't see any hope at all. But now, because she has inexplicably strong confidence in Zhou Xuan, for the first time in her life, she feels strongly that she wants to fight for it!

She had been thinking about how to escape, but now she suddenly wanted to talk to Zhou Xuan and ask him to help her defeat Feng Hua Raging Tao!

After all, Zhou Xuan just told her that he did not accept the task entrusted by the third wife, and Kakashi and others only accepted the task of escorting Fenghua Xiaoxue to the country of snow, and had no obligation to help her return to the country.

So, just when Kakashi and the others were escorting the prisoners back, and the rest of the crew were cleaning up the mess, she suddenly walked up to Zhou Xuan and said, "Can I talk to you?"

Zhou Xuan originally planned to check out the Chakra armor that Shino had destroyed with bugs. He was slightly startled when he heard her words, but he still agreed to have a private interview with her.


Fenghua Xiaoxue took him directly to her room and sat down.

Zhou Xuan sat on the sofa, and she sat on the bedside.

Zhou Xuan asked: "What do you want to tell me?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted her teeth and said 890: "Can I... entrust you to help me take back this country?"

Zhou Xuan couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Along the way, he analyzed the S-level mission Tsunade gave him, and felt that the best way to control the Snow Country was to defeat Fenghua Furudao and let Fenghua Xiaoxue take over, thus establishing a tie between the two parties. Alliance, by the way, you can also take away the Chakra equipment technology of Snow Country.

Therefore, he was still thinking about how he could convince this escapist princess to regain her confidence.

After all, the development of the plot in the original work was somewhat accidental and completely unreliable. What's more, the situation has changed now. Even Langya Xuebeng was captured by them. Naturally, things cannot develop according to the original trajectory.

However, he didn't expect that Fenghua Xiaoxue would take the initiative before he had done anything!

While these thoughts emerged in Zhou Xuan's mind, Fenghua Xiaoxue was always looking at him with hope.

Zhou Xuan looked at her delicate face with great interest and said with a smile: "I can defeat the storm, but why should I help you?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue opened her mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

Nothing is free in this world!

How could she not know this truth?

However, now that she is just an actress, what price can she offer to let Zhou Xuan, a stranger, risk his life to fight against the wind and waves?

Suddenly, as if she remembered something, she suddenly took out the hexagonal crystal hanging around her neck. After hesitating for a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "I can give this to you! This was given to me by my father, Snow." The treasure of the country! Feng Hua Furu Tao should also want to get this thing! As long as you help me defeat him, I can give the treasure to you!"

It's a pity that she finally made up her mind, but when she finished saying this, she found that Zhou Xuan's face was unusually calm, as if he didn't care about the treasure of their Snow Country at all!

This is also normal.

After all, others don't know what this so-called treasure is, but how could Zhou Xuan not know?

The hexagonal crystal is just the key to unlocking a huge Chakra heating machine, and it is completely worthless to him.

Seeing that Zhou Xuan didn't reply and looked completely uninterested, Fenghua Xiaoxue sighed helplessly: "No way? Sure enough, I still have to give up this unrealistic idea!"

Seeing that she looked ready to give up again, Zhou Xuan was also very helpless.

He said: "Although you may be just an actor now, once we help you take back the Snow Country, you will be the monarch of the Snow Country. I don't want you to pay the reward now!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes lit up slightly (cffb): That's right!

However, she immediately looked very depressed and said: "Our Snow Country is only a small country, and it is also very poor. What can I give as reward?

"Your country of snow is indeed very barren and weak in national power, but it is not completely without merit! For example, you..."

"Me?" Fenghua Xiaoxue's heartbeat suddenly accelerated: The reward he wanted was actually me?!

Has she been confessed?

Could it be that this guy wanted her to pledge his life to him before he was willing to help her regain her country?

She couldn't help but take another look at Zhou Xuan, and found that Zhou Xuan was very handsome, and he was only a little younger than her. Most importantly, Zhou Xuan was very powerful.

If she can marry Zhou Xuan, maybe it will be a good thing for her and the future Snow Kingdom!

However, she felt that Zhou Xuan was too rude for being so sudden, and this behavior also had a bit of coercion, which she didn't like.

Just as she was thinking wildly, Zhou Xuan continued: "Our Chakra armor and other technologies are unique to you!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue breathed a sigh of relief: It turns out that I thought too much!

But then, she felt a little lost inexplicably.

How did Zhou Xuan know she had so much on her mind?

He just took advantage of the situation and put forward the mission requirements for this trip, saying: "If you want me to agree to help you restore the country, my request is that your Snow Country must become our ally of Konoha, and you must bring the Chakra Machinery-related information Leave the technology to us, and if you agree, I can now take my companions to help you solve the storm!"

Hearing that his request was so simple, Fenghua Xiaoxue agreed without any hesitation.

Anyway, technologies such as the Chakra Armor are not hers now. They need Zhou Xuan and the others to help her get them back before they belong to her. Even if Zhou Xuan and the others don't make this request, there is nothing they can do if they just take her away!

As for the alliance with Konoha, it is a great good thing for the Snow Country, and she has no objection!

After she agreed, Zhou Xuan's only task now was to defeat a storm.

Zhou Xuan couldn't believe it when he thought that his mission this time would be completed so easily!

Is it true that S-level missions are so easy to accomplish?

As for the purpose of his trip, which is to find the lunar passage, once Fenghua Xiaoxue takes control of the Snow Country and asks her to mobilize everyone in the Snow Country to help search, it won't take long to find it!

ps: Please give me flowers, monthly passes, and rewards. Friends, please support me. It would be great if you could click to update this book. Thank you!

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