"Xiaofeng, our company still has something to rush back to deal with, so should we go one step ahead?"

Pony Ma chatted with Ye Feng a few more words, and then said goodbye.

"Okay." Ye Feng personally delivered him to the door.

"My house is still being renovated. When I move over, we must have a good meal."

Pony Ma said a few more cordially to Ye Feng before turning to leave.

As soon as he left, Guo Huailiang immediately walked to Ye Feng with enthusiasm.

"Mr. Ye, you are here to collect the rent, right? How could you bother you to go there yourself? I should have sent it to you."

Ye Feng knew that he was so polite to him because of the pony horse.

Immediately he smiled faintly, "Chairman Guo is polite, I am fine anyway, so I will come here by myself."

Guo Huailiang nodded quickly, "Okay, I will take you to the Finance Department, please follow me."

Ye Feng said nothing, and immediately followed.

When passing by Xu Man, he winked at her secretly.

Xu Manqiao blushed and turned her head away in a hurry.

All female colleagues of Dongan Securities looked at her jealously.

With the help of Pony Ma, her position in the company will increase in the future.

I am afraid that even Chairman Guo Huailiang has to look at her face.

But they are also very clear in their hearts that such things cannot be jealous.

Who can let someone have a good boyfriend?


When Ye Feng came out after completing the lease renewal procedures.

Xu Man has disappeared.

I asked the employees of Dongan Securities, but they also said they didn't know.

Ye Feng couldn't help but curl his lips.

Somehow she helped her indirectly.

She didn't even say "thank you".

It's rude...

When he came to the parking lot sullenly, when he was about to drive away.

Xu Man jumped out from behind without warning, "Where are you going?"

Ye Feng was startled, and gave her an angry look, "I helped you, and you don't want to thank me, so why do you avenge your gratitude instead? Almost scared me to death."

Xu Man laughed and joked, "Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. If you haven't done bad things, what are you afraid of?"

Ye Feng looked distressed, "Oh, good intentions are not rewarded."

Xu Man hurriedly put away his smile, "I was joking with you, I am actually very grateful to you."

Ye Feng glanced at her, "That's how you appreciate me?"

Xu Man hurriedly grabbed his arm and shook it, "I'll ask you to watch a movie, OK? A Hollywood blockbuster has just been released these days, and I heard it looks good."

Ye Feng dismissed it, "My time is precious, how can I have time to watch movies with you..."

Xu Man didn't wait for him to finish, so he stuffed him into the car.

"You have to go if you don't."

"Hey, can you be a little sincere?"

"I'll buy you a bucket of popcorn later."

"Want to send me a bucket of popcorn?"

"Add another coke."

"It's pretty much the same."


The two came to the cinema to buy tickets.

Because there is still some time for the opening of the movie.

Xu Man took Ye Feng to catch the doll in a childlike manner.

However, I caught it several times in a row and all caught it empty.

She suddenly pursed her lips upset.

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing because of this dish and playful look.

He knows the routines of the mall very well.

Usually the paws are adjusted very loosely.

If it is caught in such a clumsy way, even if it is caught, it will be a waste of time and money.

Thinking of this, he immediately went to the cinema manager without telling Xu Man to tighten his claws.

The manager naturally disagrees.

But when Ye Fengsai gave him a thousand dollars, he immediately agreed.

Ye Feng then used an excuse to ask Xu Man to buy popcorn and deliberately distracted her.

When she came back, the machine had already been adjusted.

"I'll help you catch it, you are almost stupid." Ye Feng pretentiously walked to the front of the claw machine.

"You are stupid, obviously there is something wrong with this machine..." Xu Man was a little unconvinced.

Then, she didn't wait for her to finish.

Seeing Ye Feng tapping the button, the mechanical claw quickly grabbed a furry doll and swayed towards this side.

"Caught, caught..."

Xu Man jumped up excitedly.

A pretty blushing face, extremely cute.

Ye Feng took the doll out and handed it to her, "Which one do you like? I'll catch it for you again."

Xu Man hugged the doll in his arms, then pointed to another doll in the machine, "I want that panda..."

Without saying anything, Ye Feng immediately manipulated the machine and grabbed the panda.

Without any accident, the panda was also caught.

Xu Man cheered again.

"Um, I want that..."

"And that..."


The whole movie theater echoed with her silver bells of laughter.

In her arms, six or seven dolls were already in her arms.

Many girls were envious, and they looked at their useless boyfriends with reproach.

Look at her boyfriend!

Those boys are also very wronged.

When they usually catch it, it's obviously very strenuous.

Why does this guy play so easily?

Almost a hundred shots and a hundred hits.

Seeing that Xu Man could not hold it in his hand, Ye Feng just stopped when the movie was about to begin.

Xu Man's small face was full of smiles.

Although these dolls are not worth a few dollars, because Ye Feng caught them for her, she liked them very much.

She was still playing with the dolls when she was watching the movie.

It is estimated that she didn't even watch what the movie was actually performed.

When I came out of the cinema, it was already late.

Ye Feng drove her home directly.

"You... won't you go in and sit?" Xu Man looked back at him after getting out of the car.

"It's too late, isn't it convenient?" Ye Feng looked at the sky outside and shook his head.

"Why, are you still afraid that I have any wrong thoughts about you?" Xu Man joked with a smile.

"I'm afraid I have any wrong thoughts about you. Okay, I'm leaving now, so you can rest early."

Ye Feng said, he started the car and left quickly.

Xu Man looked at the direction he was leaving and couldn't help pouting.

What does this guy mean?

If it doesn't mean that to her, why do you show up in front of her over and over again?

If it's interesting to her, why avoid being like a snake?

What a strange guy!

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