I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 110 【110】Have you heard everything?

Seeing that Zhao Meimei bowed her head to Ye Feng and admitted her mistake.

Zhou Shuyao was immediately surprised.

She played with Zhao Meimei's colleague, and she knew how Tsundere this woman was, or proud.

At this moment, Zhao Meimei was willing to take the initiative to lower her head and admit her mistakes, and she was still in front of herself and so many people.

This is incredible!

Ye Feng glanced at Zhao Meimei with disgust, then didn't bother to pay attention to her, and directly pulled Zhou Shuyao back to her seat.

"thank you."

Zhou Shuyao said in a low voice, with a happy expression on her face.

She was often bullied by Zhao Meimei in her previous company.

Ye Feng helped her breathe out a sigh of anger this time.

"Just say thank you?" Ye Feng had a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

"Then what do you want?" Zhou Shuyao looked into his eyes, and her heart jumped wildly twice.

"I helped you out with a sigh of anger, don't you have anything to say?" Ye Feng continued to move forward.

Zhou Shuyao's pretty face turned red under his aggressive gaze.

He immediately squeezed a French fries from the table and handed it to his mouth, "Just treat it as a reward for you."

Without even thinking about it, Ye Feng opened his mouth and held the French fries in his mouth.

Zhou Shuyao couldn't dodge, and he put two fingers in his mouth together.

She trembled, and immediately exclaimed.


The eyes of the entire restaurant were attracted by her.

When all the diners saw this scene, they all felt that they had eaten a mouthful of dog food.

Then, cursing and turning his head away.

"It's so fragrant!"

Ye Feng dismissed the other people's gazes, and chuckled his mouth, his face filled with aftertaste.


Zhou Shuyao's pretty face was red to the root of her ears, and she couldn't wait to find a place to get in.

However, even though she said so, there was a secret joy in her heart.

After all, does Ye Feng tease her so blatantly, does it prove that he is a bit interesting to him?

How should I respond?

Should we continue to pretend to be reserved?

Or should I respond enthusiastically?

It doesn't seem to be good, right?

With such complicated and contradictory thoughts, Zhou Shuyao didn't know the taste of this meal.

After eating, Ye Feng went to check out first.

Then the two left together.

Zhao Meimei looked at the back of the two of them leaving, her eyes full of jealousy.

She felt that Zhou Shuyao was simply sent by God to punish her this time.

Before, her Zhao Meimei was the most beautiful woman in the company.

Later, Zhou Shuyao came and immediately compared her.

Later, by chance, she met the current "Godfather" by chance, and thought she could finally overpower Zhou Shuyao.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Shuyao turned around and found a young, handsome and rich boyfriend.

It's her nemesis!

While Zhao Meimei was complaining, she suddenly saw Ye Feng and Zhou Shuyao walking directly to the Ferrari Enzo in the parking lot after walking out of the restaurant.

When she saw this scene, Zhao Meimei's eyes almost fell out.

She had noticed that supercar before!

Unexpectedly, that cool supercar turned out to be Ye Feng's?

That car is said to be at least 20 million.

It seems that Ye Feng's financial resources are far more than those on the surface.

Thinking of this, Zhao Meimei could no longer control her jealousy.

Taking advantage of the time "Godfather" went to the bathroom, he immediately got up and walked out.

Ye Feng was about to start the car when he suddenly saw Zhao Meimei approaching here.

"Are you okay?" He had to stop for a while.

"Mr. Ye, can I leave you a contact information?" Zhao Meimei deliberately stuck the towering chest on the car window in an attractive shape.

"Isn't it necessary?" Ye Feng wasn't interested in her scratching posture at all, and didn't even look at her.

"Don't Mr. Ye want to have in-depth exchanges with others?" Zhao Meimei said the word "deep" very meaningfully, which is unavoidable.

"I don't want to." Ye Feng refused decisively, without giving any face.

Zhao Meimei's face froze.

But soon he returned to normal and glanced at Zhou Shuyao contemptuously.

"I really don’t know what Mr. Ye is after her. If you don’t have a figure, you don’t know the skills, how can you compare with me? As long as Mr. Ye is willing, we can enjoy the flowers and the moon together tonight, and I promise you satisfy."

As he said, he didn't forget to cast a wink at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng smiled calmly when she heard such shameless words from her, "You have a boyfriend, so you are not afraid that these words will be heard by him?"

Zhao Meimei immediately evoked a smile that she thought was charming.

"Why people go up high, that old guy, looks old and ugly, and can't do it in that respect, how can he be so young and handsome like Mr. Ye?"

Ye Feng immediately showed a smirk and turned to look behind her, "Have you heard it all? I don't know how you feel?"

Zhao Meimei was taken aback, and hurriedly looked back.

Then he saw that the bald middle-aged man was standing behind her with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Godfather...I...I was joking just now..."

When Zhao Meimei saw this scene, her face paled in fright, and her words were uncomfortable.

However, before she could finish her words, the middle-aged man had already slapped her face.

"Bitch, Laozi makes you delicious and spicy, buys you a famous brand to live in a mansion, but you treat Laozi as a triumphant?"

The middle-aged bald man was trembling with anger and wanted to choke her to death.

"Godfather, I was wrong, please give me another chance, I will never dare to do it again."

Zhao Meimei immediately knelt to the ground and hugged the man's thigh, but was kicked away by the man.

"Go away, I'll be sick when I see you, don't let me see you again!"

The middle-aged bald man finished speaking and left directly.

No matter how Zhao Meimei shouted, she never looked back.

Seeing this, Ye Feng sneered at the corner of his mouth, and drove away directly.

The diners in the restaurant also gloated at Zhao Meimei.

This kind of woman is not worthy of sympathy at all.

There is nothing wrong with women worshiping money.

However, at least there must be a minimum moral bottom line.

Carrying his boyfriend on his back, go hook up with other men.

This is intolerable to any man.

Soon, Zhao Meimei was the only one wailing on the whole street.

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