I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 113 [113] King Xiang’s Secret, Treasure Map Fragments!

"What's wrong with Brother Chen? Is there any problem?"

Seeing that Chen Qiushan's expression was a little wrong, Ye Feng hurriedly asked.

"Brother Ye, there may be something in this treasure map... I'm a little bit uncertain, please wait for me." Chen Qiushan hurriedly replied.

Soon a few more people were brought in and started a multi-person video call.

These people are not young, each of them looks like a fairy tale.

Chen Qiushan just briefly introduced Ye Feng.

Either the president of the XX Antiques Association, or the dean of the XX Archaeological Research Institute, the titles are all scary.

After the introduction, Chen Qiushan immediately explained to those people.

"Seniors, my little brother just got a parchment roll, I'm a little bit uncertain, please help me with your palms."

And those few people, even if they took the stubborn words: "Mr. Chen joked, you are the general manager of Sotheby's auction house, and what are you uncertain about?"

"Yeah, if you don't know for sure, our old guys won't dare to be embarrassed."

"I'm a little curious, what can it be, you can't even tell Brother Chen?"

Upon hearing the sound, Chen Qiushan immediately sent the picture of the sheepskin scroll to the group.

"Look at it, everyone."

Upon seeing this, a few old guys hurriedly took reading glasses or picked up a magnifying glass to study carefully.

After a while, an old man with white hair took the lead in exclaiming.

"Is this..."

"Do you think so?"

"It seems everyone thinks it is."

"That should be it..."

Ye Feng was even more confused as he listened to a few old guys playing dumb riddles.

"What the hell is it? You guys are talking about it!"

At this time, an old man with a childish face and a crane of hair slowly said, "If the old man is not mistaken, this should be the treasure map of King Xiang's secret."

Several other people also nodded in agreement.

"That's right, it is the treasure map of King Xiang's secret."

"I saw one when I was young, but I didn't expect to see another one in the rest of my life."

"This thing... is a bit wicked!"

Ye Feng became more confused as he listened, and hurriedly interrupted a few people, "What is King Xiang's Secret Store?"

Chen Qiushan explained for him.

"According to legend, Xiang Yu fought for the hegemony of the world and gathered countless gold and silver treasures, all of which were hidden in a secret place."

"Originally, he was going to reorganize the economy and restore people's livelihood after winning the world."

"It's just that people are not as good as the sky, and he finally killed Wujiang by himself..."

Ye Feng was a little dumbfounded when he heard that the sheepskin scroll had something to do with Xiang Yu.

Overlord Xiang Yu's name, it is estimated that every Chinese person is thunderous.

Unexpectedly, this thing would have something to do with him.

Chen Qiushan paused briefly and continued to explain.

"In the beginning, Xiang Yu drew this treasure-hidden place into a treasure map, divided into six parts, and gave them to his six confidants, and the six people did not know each other's existence. As soon as Xiang Yu died, the six people immediately scattered all over the world. No one knew where the treasure was anymore..."

Ye Feng suddenly lost his interest when he heard this. "It's been more than 2,000 years. It is estimated that most of these six treasure maps have been completely burned, right?"

Chen Qiushan's expression is also slightly solemn.

"Although this treasure map hidden in the king’s secret hides a huge amount of wealth, it is really difficult to collect these six treasure maps. It has been more than two thousand years, and no one has ever collected all of them. ."

Ye Feng completely lost interest now, and was about to hang up the video.

At this moment, Chen Qiushan hesitated for a while and spoke again.

"According to the rules, I shouldn't disclose the customer's information, but Brother Ye is not an outsider, so I will tell you a little. Sotheby's auction house will hold a private auction, and we will all come to participate. Gold member of, I wonder if you are interested in participating?"

"I have to go to class, and I am not your gold member either, I am afraid it is not convenient?" Ye Feng has no interest in this auction, so he wanted to find an excuse to stop him.

At this time, I heard Chen Qiushan continue to introduce, "As far as I know, at this auction, someone also sent a copy of the treasure map of Xiang Wang's secret collection..."

Ye Feng's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Really?"

Chen Qiushan couldn't help but smiled, "Can I lie to you?"

Ye Feng hesitated for a while, and immediately nodded in agreement, "Then I would like to see and see."

Chen Qiushan was immediately overjoyed, "Welcome, welcome, I will send you the invitation letter later."

Ye Feng exchanged a few more words with him, and then hung up the video.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in the ear.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the treasure hunt navigation! System reward: perfect physique, the host's physical fitness will reach the most perfect human level..."

With the sound of the system over.

Ye Feng only felt a great power gushing from the pubic area.

It was like blowing a balloon, making his whole body bulge.

An indescribable sensation of pain was transmitted to the brain, making him almost fainted several times.

Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

This transformation lasted more than half an hour before it ended.

Ye Feng's whole body seemed to be collapsed, panting heavily on the ground.

There was a thick layer of black stains attached to the skin surface of the whole body, emitting a disgusting stench.

He resisted the urge to vomit and staggered into the bathroom.

It took more than half an hour to wash away all the dirt on his body.

Then I felt a lot lighter in the whole person.

Everything that the eyes can see, what the ears can hear, what the nose can smell, and what the body can feel is countless times sharper than usual.

It was as if a whole new world was suddenly opened.

Everything looks completely new.

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