At this time, in that event, Lu Xiaoya and the big breasted woman were completely two styles.

Lu Xiaoya walks in a cute style, wearing a pink short dress, looking very cute and cute.

But the big breasted girl walks in a sexy style.

A long black tube top dress was worn on her body, drawing her perfect figure vividly and vividly.

Ye Feng didn't know which character in which work they were cosplaying, but just found it pleasing to the eye.

Upon seeing this, Shen Baitian was obviously jealous, and hurriedly pulled his sleeve, "What's so good about this, let's go."

Not waiting for Ye Feng to answer.

Lu Xiaoya had already seen him, and was a little surprised, "Ye Feng? Why are you here?"

Ye Feng had to explain with a smile, "I just passed by, I didn't expect to meet you here."

And the big breasted woman in the F cup apparently recognized him, and her expression immediately became tense.

Shen Baitian was also a little surprised when he heard the conversation between the two, "Do you know each other?"

Ye Feng had to introduce her, "She's Lu Xiaoya, my friend."

Then he turned to look at Lu Xiaoya, "She is called Shen Baitian."

Lu Xiaoya shook hands with Shen Baitian, then turned to look at Ye Feng, "Your girlfriend?"

Ye Feng hurriedly waved, "I am her landlord."

When Shen Baitian heard his explanation, she immediately glared at her.

This sounded like it was anxious to get rid of her relationship.

Although these are the truth, it is inevitable that people will be a little hurt, especially for her beautiful girl who is highly sought after in the school.

When Lu Xiaoya heard the sound, her reaction was completely opposite, and a knowing smile appeared on her face.

"Are you still a charterer? Where is your house? I want to rent a house recently."

Ye Feng was about to answer when he suddenly felt a pain in his waist.

It was Shen Baitian who was pinching him secretly.

Among them, the threat is self-evident.

He had no choice but to swallow Ben's words, "I'm sorry, my house is rented out, and there is no vacancy for the time being."

When Lu Xiaoya heard the words, she was a little disappointed, "Then if there are vacancies, remember to leave me a set."

Ye Feng nodded quickly, "It must be."

A smile appeared on Shen Baitian's face.

"Ye Feng, I suddenly remembered that I have to go back to school to do something, do you want to go together?"

Ye Feng shook his head and refused, "If you have something to do, let's go first. I'll just call a taxi back later."

Shen Baitian was a little disappointed, but finally nodded, "Then I will go first."

After speaking, he took a deep look at Lu Xiaoya, his eyes full of caution.

Looking at the back of her leaving, Lu Xiaoya said quietly, "Sister Shen, it seems that maybe... I don't like me very much."

Ye Feng didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he had to say haha, "Why? She is actually quite easy to get along with."

Lu Xiaoya turned to look at him, "You mean, am I not easy to get along with?"

Ye Feng immediately coughed up dryly, "I didn't say that, you two get along very well and are very understanding."

Lu Xiaoya refused to give up, "Then who do you think we two get along better?"

Ye Feng's head is a bit big, "How does this compare?"

Lu Xiaoya stubbornly raised her face, "Why is it incomparable? According to your true inner thoughts, which one of us would get along better?"

Ye Feng smiled, "I think you two are very difficult to get along with, just say a word to you both, I can live three years less. Goodbye!"

After speaking, he waved to her and said goodbye.

Lu Xiaoya looked at the way he was leaving and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

At this moment, the big breasted woman on the side came over, "Xiaoya, are you familiar with this Mr. Ye?"

Lu Xiaoya nodded, "He saved my life."

The big breasted woman opened her mouth wide in surprise, "Is there anything like this?"

Lu Xiaoya looked at her strangely, "Yu Xue, how do I feel that you seem to be a little afraid of him? Do you know him?"

The girl called "Yu Xue" paled and shook her head hurriedly, "How could I know him? I don't know, I don't know."

Lu Xiaoya was relieved, "That's good, I thought you like him too."

Yu Xue raised her head in surprise, "Also? You mean, you like him?"

Lu Xiaoya suddenly panicked, "Who likes him? Don't talk nonsense."

Yu Xue still wanted to ask again.

Lu Xiaoya hurriedly walked away with a guilty conscience, "Okay, come back quickly and continue to perform."

However, Yu Xue turned around and forgot the direction in which Ye Feng had left.

He shouldn't recognize himself, right?


Ye Feng did not rush home, but took a taxi and wandered around all afternoon.

When I got home, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

He had just taken a bath and was about to read a book.

At this moment, I suddenly received a WeChat message from Shen Baitian.

"Are you with your sister Lu?"

Seeing the information, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel a headache.

"Don't talk nonsense, she and I are just ordinary friends."

"Hehehe, really?"

"Do I have to lie to you?"

"Then what kind of friends are you and me? Are they also ordinary friends?"

"I'm your landlord."

"Nothing else?"

"Still gossip boyfriend."

"Then do you want to remove the word'scandal'?"


"Why don't you speak?"

"I can't answer this."


Ye Feng chatted with her for a while, thinking that she could finally be cleaned up for a while.

At this time, Lu Xiaoya also sent a message suddenly.

"What are you doing? Aren't you talking with that sister Shen, right?"

"How did you know?"

Ye Feng subconsciously replied, it was too late to withdraw.

"Sure enough? It seems that you have a good relationship with this sister Shen."

"are you looking for me?"

"Can't I talk to you if I'm fine?"

"Of course, but I am a little sleepy now and want to sleep."

"Talking to her is very energetic, will you feel sleepy when you talk to me?"


"Why don't you speak, don't you bother to reply to me?"


"Oh, man!"


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