"Boy, I was attacked by you before to let you take advantage. Do you really think I can beat you? Laozi will let you go to see the king today!"

On the other side, the man seemed to be a little annoyed when Ye Feng saw Ye Feng, with a fierce look on his face, and he waved his hand at the group of people behind him.

"Leave the woman, the remaining two... are killed!"

Upon receiving his order, the group of people behind him immediately rushed towards the Ye Feng trio with their cold weapons.

Seeing this, Ye Feng showed a decisive look on his face, and he was about to rush to fight.

Although he knew that it would be a very difficult and painful situation to greet him.

But at this time, he has no retreat.

Knowing that it is a dangerous road, I must bite the bullet and rush up.

At this moment, a figure much faster than him suddenly rushed out from behind.

No one else, it was Uncle Liu who was just despised by him.

How fast is Uncle Liu?

Let's put it this way, even if Ye Feng's body was strengthened by the system, he would definitely not be able to catch up with the opponent when running at full speed.

Uncle Liu rushed into the crowd like a flash of lightning.

Then, Ye Feng saw an unforgettable scene.

Uncle Liu's fists and kicks were also as fast as lightning, and he could only see the afterimages passing by.

Then all the people within one meter of him flew out upside down.

Wherever he went, he turned his back.

This is by no means a movie special effect.

But the shock is much greater than the special effects of the movie.

It was a dazzling look at Ye Feng.

Every man has a martial arts dream.

They all want to practice supernatural powers, then eradicate evil and help justice.

Ye Feng had similar dreams when he read martial arts novels before.

However, he slowly learned later that the novels are all deceptive.

There is no supernatural power in this world.

There is no eagle hero.

The vast majority of people were eliminated by the "treacherous" before they waited to eradicate the evil.

But at this time, seeing Uncle Liu show his power, his martial arts dream rekindled.

I can't wait to rush up and fight side by side with Uncle Liu.

However, Ye Feng was very self-aware of his own combat effectiveness.

If he goes up, it is not to fight, but to add chaos.

If he doesn't help, he is the greatest help.

In just a minute or so, the dozen or so mobs armed with weapons were all taken care of by Uncle Liu.

The ghosts and wolves lay on the ground and howled.

In the field, only the man who took the lead was left, carrying a steel pipe dazedly.

It is estimated that he never dreamed that the dozen or so helpers he had brought were all scrapped so quickly.

And the shot was a bad old man.

"You...what sorcery do you use?"

The man probably couldn't describe the shock in his heart with words, he could only attribute it to a sorcery, and his eyes were full of disbelief when he looked at Uncle Liu.

"Wing Chun, Liu Wenyuan."

Uncle Liu slowly made a Wing Chun starting position and hooked the man.

The man knew that he would definitely not be able to escape.

A trace of cruelty flashed across his face immediately, and then he raised the steel pipe and drew it towards Liu Wenyuan.

"Boom boom..."

Liu Wenyuan's actions were clean and tidy, and he didn't mess around at all.

Unarmed grabbing, grabbing, counterattack, and then fists like raindrops on the opponent's chest.

A series of actions were completed in one go, dazzling people.


In the end, let the man spray a mouthful of blood, and then limp to the ground like a puddle of mud.

And as he fell to the ground--

With Uncle Liu as the center, there were people wailing in pain lying around.

At that moment, Ye Feng suddenly felt--

Liu Shu's originally slightly rickety body seemed to suddenly become taller.

Like an ancient god of war.

Ye Feng stared at him blankly, and the ghosts and gods were about to step forward and pay a visit to this martial arts master.

Xu Jingxin suddenly grabbed him, and then dropped a sentence at Uncle Liu: "Uncle Liu, I'll leave it to you here."

Then he pulled Ye Feng and turned away.

"I'm going, there really is such a master in this world?"

"Did you see it just now? He just ‘slapped puff puff puff puff' a few times, and all those people fell to the ground and vomited blood. It was so handsome."

"I used to think that this kind of person only exists in novels, but I didn't expect to meet them in reality..."

The two had walked far away, and Ye Feng had not yet withdrawn from the shock just now.

His face is full of admiration for Uncle Liu.

"Uncle Liu was already very famous in the arena before he talked to my father."

Seeing him so excited, Xu Jingxin also said something smoothly.


Ye Feng was a little fascinated, and hurriedly looked at Xu Jingxin, "Can you tell Uncle Liu, I want to learn some tricks from him."

"no problem."

Xu Jingxin nodded readily.

With that said, before Ye Feng was happy, her conversation suddenly changed, "But you have to promise me one condition."

Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all, and nodded immediately, "As long as I can be taught by Uncle Liu, don't say a single condition, even ten or eight are not a problem."

Xu Jing looked at him earnestly, "My condition is very simple. When you have collected all of the King Xiang's Secret Collection, you must bring me with you when you go to hunt for treasure."


Ye Feng was a little dumbfounded.

He did not expect that the other party would propose such a condition.

"Why? Is this request too much?" Xu Jingxin looked at him with big watery eyes.

"It's not too much, but why are you so interested in King Xiang's Secret Treasure?" Ye Feng was a little curious.

"I am naturally adventurous and like to explore the unknown. If it weren't for my family's firm opposition, I would have been an explorer." Xu Jingxin answered very honestly.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I didn't see that under your tranquil appearance, you actually have an adventurous heart hidden." Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"You haven't said yes or not?" Xu Jingxin continued to ask.

"It's okay to promise you, but you don't have too much hope. This King's Secret Collection has been around for thousands of years, and no one has ever gathered it. I didn't have any hope anyway."

Ye Feng vaccinated her in advance.

"I understand, I will do my best to my destiny. I will try my best to find out the news about King Xiang's secret map."

Xu Jingxin is very open-minded.

"Oh, by the way, can Uncle Liu take care of what happened just now?"

Ye Feng was still a little worried.

Although they were a legitimate defense, they wounded so many people after all.

Moreover, some people are seriously injured, and it is still a question of whether they can survive.

If this matter is not handled properly, it will be extremely sensational news.

If Xu Jingxin is unfair here, he doesn't mind asking Tan Hongbo for help.

"Don't worry, Uncle Liu can handle it."

Xu Jingxin smiled faintly, as if not worried at all.

This can't help but make Ye Feng curious.

What is the origin of this woman?

Why can you remain so calm in the face of any problem?

Is it better than Tan Hongbo?

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