I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 141 【141】So what kind of evil did I get in the beginning?

And Ye Feng, immersed in the punch, didn't even notice what was happening outside.

When Ye Feng finished a set of punches and looked back.

It was only then that Uncle Liu and Xu Jingxin both looked at him dumbfounded.

"What's wrong? Did I make a mistake just now?"

He asked confusedly.

"Are you sure, this is the first time you hit this set of punches?" Xu Jingxin spoke first.

"Yeah, is there any question?" Ye Feng didn't know what she meant, so he answered frankly.

"Before this, hasn't anyone demonstrated to you?" Uncle Liu asked.

"What you said, didn't you just show it to me?" Three black lines appeared on Ye Feng's forehead.

"I mean, no one has shown you to you except me?"

Uncle Liu found the ambiguity in his words and had to ask questions again.

"Apart from you, I don't know anyone who really understands martial arts!" Ye Feng looked innocent.

When Uncle Liu heard this, he didn't hesitate anymore.

Kneeled to the ground with a "plop".

At the same time, he looked at Ye Feng eagerly.

"You must worship me as a teacher!"

"I am willing to give all I know about martial arts knowledge to each other, without any hidden personalities."

Ye Feng was immediately stunned.

Since Uncle Liu wants to accept him as a disciple, shouldn't it be him who worships him?

Why is it the other way around now?

"Uncle Liu, what are you doing? I should be the one who worships you!"

Uncle Liu shook his head.

"It is my three lives fortunate to be able to accept such an outstanding wizard as you as an apprentice."

"Besides, it is not you that I worship, but God!"

"It can give you such a great talent, and it will send you to me. It is worth giving me Liu Wenyuan's respect."

A song suddenly floated in Ye Feng's mind: "Who brought you to my side, it's the round moon and moon..."

This old man is quite romantic.

Helpless, had to accept him for a bow.

Then, under Xu Jingxin's testimony, he paid a teacher apprenticeship to the other party.

In fact, if you follow the rules of the arena, the apprenticeship is very cumbersome.

At least you need to find a few seniors with a higher level to testify.

There are also bathing and burning incense, swearing in blood, and submitting apprentice posts...

But Liu Wenyuan didn't pay attention to these, everything was simplified.

Ye Feng just offered a cup of tea and three cigarettes, right as an apprenticeship ceremony.

After the apprenticeship was over, Liu Wenyuan turned to look at Xu Jingxin, "Miss, can we let Xiaofeng come to practice martial arts often in the future? If it is not convenient, we can also find another place."

Xu Jingxin nodded immediately, "Why is Uncle Liu being so polite to me? My dad has taught me and my brother more than once and must treat you as an elder. You are a member of this family, of course you can call the shots."

Liu Wenyuan showed a touch of emotion, then turned to look at Ye Feng, "If you don't have anything urgent in the future, you must practice rain or shine. If you slack off, don't blame being ruthless as a teacher."

Ye Feng nodded quickly and agreed.

Later, Liu Wenyuan briefly told him some basic knowledge of martial arts.

Then it ended today's teaching.

Xu Jingxin and Liu Wenyuan personally sent him out of the gate.

And asked the soldier at the door to let him in and out freely in the future.


In the next few days, Ye Feng went to Xu's house unimpeded.

In order to show his sincerity, he simply stopped driving and went running every day.

It takes at least two or three hours on the road.

Although it took a lot of time, it also further consolidated his stamina.

And his progress in learning Wing Chun is also amazing.

Even Liu Wenyuan couldn't help but sigh, I'm afraid that within a year or a half, the inventory in his master's stomach will be emptied by this precious apprentice.

And he said it with a smile.

It can be seen that he hopes to see that day very much.

On this day, Ye Feng had just finished training and was about to return to the Zhongtian Lakeview Villa.

Suddenly received a call from Shen Baitian.

"Ye Feng, help!"

The phone was connected, and she couldn't wait to speak.

"What's wrong with you?"

Ye Feng brushed an electric bicycle at the intersection and moved forward slowly.

"That Mo Cong wants to confess to me again!"

Shen Baitian's voice was a little anxious.

"Who is Mo Cong? And, why are you again?"

Ye Feng was a little puzzled.

Shen Baitian's tone was a little helpless and irritable, "It's the person who pursued me that I told you last time. He wants to confess to me tonight."

"And before that, he had confessed to me more than once, suggestively, several times."

"This time, he should want to play a little bigger, and make a public confession!"


"Oh what, what do you say now?"

"Is he handsome?"

"It's pretty...what are you asking about this?"

"Are you rich?"

"Very rich."

"Then he has a brain hole? He has to hang himself on a tree."

"I feel so too! However, now I ask you to help me figure out a solution, not to let you complain about this person for me."

"What can I do? Did I kidnap him?"

"I think this method is good."

"It's very good for you, but I'm going to go inside and bite the head. There is not a drop of oil in the dish."

"I don't care anyway. Everyone at China Overseas University knows that you are my'boyfriend.' Now that I am your'girlfriend' in your name, you have to find a way for me. Unless you want to be treated as a waste."

"But my boyfriend is a fake!"

"Then others will also think that you just sit back and watch others pursue your girlfriend, and feel that you are useless and bullying. At that time, all the students in the school will definitely look at you with colored glasses..."

"Hiss...So what kind of evil did I get in the beginning? I will become your'boyfriend' somehow!"

"Then are you helping or not?"

"Can I help? I'll pick you up later, and you will wait for me at the school gate."

Ye Feng reluctantly agreed.

After hanging up, he had to turn around and drove towards the school.

Fortunately, here is not far from the school of Zhonghai University.

Riding an electric bicycle is only half an hour’s drive away.

Ye Feng wanted to see who was so innocent.

Knowing that Shen Baitian is his "girlfriend", he dared to pursue her with fanfare.

This doesn't take him seriously.

Then he let the other party stare wide and take a good look.

The thunderbolt of his martial arts wizard!

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