I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 149 【149】I'm afraid of hurting you

Ye Feng came to Xu's house again early the next morning.

As soon as I walked into the courtyard, I heard a man's voice.

"Miss Jingxin, what do you think of my left-hand punch with that move just now?"

"Very good." Xu Jingxin replied immediately, but she could hear a little perfunctory in her words.

"Then I teach you?"

"No, I have no interest in Kung Fu."

"Girls who learn some self-defense skills can better protect themselves. Especially for a beautiful girl like you, you can't take it lightly. Come on, I'll teach you."


At this time, Ye Feng had already walked into the courtyard.

I saw a man who was not a few years older than him, looking in favor with Xu Jingxin.

"What's happening here?"

Ye Feng glanced at Xu Jingxin and the man in confusion.

When Xu Jingxin saw Ye Feng, she seemed to faintly relieved, and a smile appeared on her face immediately, "Ye Feng, you are here..."

Ye Feng nodded, glanced at the man at the same time, turned to look at Xu Jingxin, "Who is he?"

Not waiting for Xu Jingxin's introduction.

The man had already taken the initiative to speak, "You are Ye Feng, right?"

Ye Feng looked at him coldly, "It's me, who are you?"

The man immediately snorted, "Isn't it big or small? Didn't the master teach you the rules? Don't you know how to salute when you see the brother?"

Ye Feng suddenly became a little confused, "Brother? What brother?"

At this time, Liu Wenyuan happened to walk out of the backyard, "This is your seventh senior brother Sun Tai. Didn't you say that it is boring to hit a wooden pile alone? I asked him to do a sparring for you."

Ye Feng suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and hugged Sun Tai.

Sun Tai glanced at him arrogantly, "Recently, I often hear Master say that I have newly recruited a talented disciple. I saw him today haha..."

Everyone can hear that there is a bit of irony in his words.

Liu Wenyuan frowned, "Atay, your junior is relatively late to get started, you should take him more as a senior, and let him avoid some detours."

Sun Tai looked embarrassed.

"Master, I am usually very busy at work, so how can I have so much time?"

"Furthermore, since Junior Brother Ye is a rare genius, why do you need my guidance?"

"I guess it won't be long, I still need him to give me some guidance."

Liu Wenyuan looked at him with a serious face.

"You can put aside the work. I have been in poor health over the past few years. I am thinking of picking someone from your senior brothers to take my place and protect Miss Xu. I hope you will work harder and don’t let it be for you. The teacher is disappointed."

Sun Tai's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

There was a trace of obsessiveness in Xu Jingxin's eyes.

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely live up to Master's teachings."

Liu Wenyuan nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, you brothers start practicing. Your brothers are not very basic, so let him be a little bit more."


Sun Tai readily agreed, and then turned to look at Ye Feng, "Junior Brother Ye, let's make a move. Let Senior Brother see how your basic skills are?"

Ye Feng immediately assumed a posture, ready to attack.

Sun Tai put his hands behind his back, completely irrelevant.

"Brother, you better be serious, I'm afraid I might hurt you."

Seeing his attitude, Ye Feng immediately reminded him.

"Hahaha, I have been in the business for seven years. If you can still get hurt by a newcomer who has been in business for seven days, then my seven years of hard work have not been practiced on dogs?"

Sun Tai still looked disapproving.

"Okay, look at the trick!"

Ye Feng stopped talking, and immediately attacked him.

"Good job!"

Sun Tai yelled hello, and easily avoided his attack by turning sideways.

Then his footsteps changed a while, and he easily walked around behind the opponent.

He deliberately wanted to express himself in front of Xu Jingxin, so he naturally wanted to be more chic.

As a result, he did not take the opportunity to attack, but stood with his hand in his hand, acting like an expert.

Ye Feng hit the air with one move, and his heart was somewhat turbulent.

After all, this is the first time he has tried with someone, and it is inevitable that he has some lack of experience.

If Sun Tai took the opportunity to attack from behind at this time, he might have been defeated.

However, this kind of mental turmoil was only for a while, only a moment later, Ye Feng quickly adjusted over, turned and continued to attack.

Sun Tai still carried his hands on his back, but kept dodge, but didn't fight back.

After the two attacked, they quickly hit the pavilion from the courtyard.

At this time, Xu Jingxin kept looking at Ye Feng nervously, for fear of him being injured.

Liu Wenyuan on the side saw her thoughts and immediately smiled, "Don't worry, Sun Tai is well-measured and won't hurt that kid."

Xu Jingxin nodded lightly, but the worry on her face did not diminish at all.

As the number of attacks increased, Ye Feng gradually entered a mysterious state.

The eyes and ears are unprecedentedly sensitive, as if they can capture the trajectory of all surrounding objects.

And from this subtle trajectory, subtle loopholes can be captured.

Including Sun Tai's every move, it seems that with that subtle feeling, he can predict it 0.01 seconds in advance.

Although 0.01 second is extremely short, it is enough to determine the outcome of the game.

Ye Feng was not sure whether this was a real prediction or an illusion, so he could only give it a try.

At this time, it was seen that Sun Tai made a small mistake when evading to the left.

Ye Feng didn't hesitate anymore, his right foot flew up suddenly.

0.01 seconds earlier, he appeared in the position where Sun Tai was avoiding.


A strong and dull sound, immediately resounded through the small courtyard.

Sun Tai staggered and almost fell into the lotus pond in the hospital.

However, fortunately, his bottom plate was extremely stable, and he immediately stabilized his figure.


But even so, after he stood firm, Sun Tai looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

"You bastard!"

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