I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 414 [414] This guy will not be the hero of the novel, right?

Everyone present seemed to be hit by five thunders.

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

I thought I had heard it wrong.

Newston's car rushed into the river... there are no bones left?

"How can this be?"

Ma Wanzheng rushed up and grabbed the man by the collar, "You TM say it again? What's wrong with Mr. Niu?"

He has tied his future and destiny to Newston's chariot.

If Newston had an accident at this time...

He can't imagine the consequences he will face.

The confidant cried out of breath.

"Mr. Niu...'s car rushed down the bridge across the river. Now the people in the Tolerance Hall and the emergency center have rushed to the scene and started salvaging and rescue..."

Ma Wanzheng only felt dark in front of him, and almost sat on the ground.

Other people in the Autumn Wind Alliance are not much better than him.

All of them were ashamed and extremely ugly.

If Newston really had an accident.

Then their Autumn Wind Alliance will be self-defeating.

And they are about to face.

Will be Ye Feng's big cleaning.

This is definitely a nightmare for them.

Now I can only hope that Niuston can miraculously survive.

Even if the possibility is slim.

But this is their last hope.

Even those who remained neutral at the scene could hardly believe this news.

Niussuna is the godfather of commerce in Southern Guangdong Province.

For decades in the business world, there has been no failure.

He is simply a character like a myth.

How could it happen so easily?

This is absolutely impossible.

As for Ye Feng and the others, it was a different story.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng with weird faces.

Ye Feng just said that Niuston might have fallen into the water and drowned.

Unexpectedly, it really fell into the water.

Is this a coincidence, or...

"Brother Ye, how did you know that Newston would fall into the water? It wouldn't be you..."

Chen Qiushan looked at Ye Feng nervously.

If it was Ye Feng's hands and feet.

Let a big business man accidentally die.

Even if it can escape the sanctions of the law.

It will inevitably be resisted and suppressed by the entire business community.

After all, no one likes a business competition but a person who just plays a conspiracy to assassinate.

Ye Feng looked at him innocently, "I'm talking nonsense, who knows it's such a coincidence?"

Everyone trusts him very much.

Seeing that he said so, he didn't ask any more.

I just feel that this guy's mouth is really open, what to say.

Ma Wanzhen saw the mess at the scene.

If the morale of the military becomes unstable, the consequences may be very serious.

Dang Even stood up and pressed his hands against everyone.

"Don't worry, everyone, I believe Mr. Niu will surely turn the danger into a breeze, and today's alliance inauguration ceremony will continue as usual."

When everyone heard his words, although the horror in their hearts could not be calmed down, the situation was slightly controlled.

Everyone sent their cronies to find out the latest situation.

Time goes by little by little.

The sun overhead is getting more and more poisonous.

Everyone was sweating and their clothes were soaked.

But no one left, everyone was waiting for the final news.


At about one o'clock, the first car that went out to inquire about the news rushed back.

When the man got out of the car, he shuddered and shouted: "The rescue team has just recovered two pieces of clothing. After preliminary DNA testing, it is determined that it is Mr. Niu's clothes..."

Ma Wan froze and pulled him over, "What about Mr. Niu? What about others?"

The man was strangled by him, but he hurriedly replied, "The rescue team said...Because the river is too turbulent, Mr. Niu...the hope of survival is very small..."

After listening to Ma Wanzheng, he only felt that the sky was spinning, and he was about to fall.

The person next to him was quick-eyed and hurriedly supported him.

"It's over, it's over, all TM is over..."

Ma Wanzheng's face was as pale as paper, and he kept whispering in his mouth.

The people in the Newston camp were completely desperate now.

Everyone stood there blankly, unable to recover for a long time.

Who would have thought that the situation would turn around so unexpectedly?

Their alliance is about to be established.

Ye Feng's companies could be annexed at a glance.

Seeing victory is right in front of you...

But Newston unexpectedly had an accident at this critical moment.

The entire alliance will collapse without a fight.

And the tragic fate they are about to face can also be foreseen.

On the side, those who have remained neutral all the time secretly cried out fortune.

"Fortunately, we didn't choose to team up with Newston. Otherwise, it is us who will be cleansed now."

"Yeah, until now, I can't believe that Newston is dead. This...it's incredible."

"A powerful and powerful top business man would die so bizarre? Isn't this too ridiculous?"

"This is more sci-fi than a sci-fi movie!"

As for Ye Feng, he was surprised and delighted.

An accident happened to a top boss like Newston, which is definitely an earth-shattering event.

Enough to surprise anyone.

But at the same time, those alliances that besieged and suppressed them did not break down.

Next, they can launch a counterattack and share the fruits of victory.

At that time, their strength will be further expanded.

Why doesn't this make them rejoice?

Thinking about this, everyone turned their attention to Ye Feng.

This guy’s luck is too bad, right?

Originally faced with the pressure of the Newton army, the dark clouds had already crushed the city and wanted to destroy it.

As a result, even God was helping him.

In an instant, the clouds were lifted and the sky was seen.

This guy will not be the hero of the novel, will he?

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