I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 465 【465】Where did this enchanting come from?

Liu Dabiao has followed Boss Gao to meet some of the world, so he is naturally no stranger to Luo Jingyuan, a business tycoon.

He is such a small bastard who is not worthy to lift shoes for such a super boss.

I just don't know, why did this big guy suddenly appear in such a broken place?

Just when he doubted his life, he heard Luo Jingyuan speak suddenly.

"Brother Ye, is this the house you bought? Isn't this too shabby?"

Liu Dabiao was completely messed up in the wind.

Brother Ye?

This title is kind of a bit too much.

Unless the relationship is extremely good, how can you be considered a brother?

Thinking of this, he suddenly fell into a cold sweat.


It was almost he was about to act on Ye Feng.

If he really did, with the relationship between Ye Feng and Luo Jingyuan, how miserable would he end up?

A big man like Luo Jingyuan wanted to kill him, it was easier than trampling an ant to death.

At this moment, if it were not for the support of the brothers behind him, Liu Dabiao would almost be unable to stand.

Ye Feng also greeted him at this time and flaunted to Luo Jingyuan: "Don't look at the broken house, in fact there are treasures inside."

Luo Jingyuan smiled bitterly and withdrew his gaze, and looked at Liu Dabiao and others, "What do these people do?"

Ye Feng turned his head and glanced at Liu Dabiao, "Mr. Luo asks you something, why don't you answer quickly?"

Liu Dabiao shivered suddenly, "I...I am..."

When he was in a panic, he suddenly caught sight of Wang Baozhu, who was still blank, and suddenly had an idea.

"This old bastard sold the house to Mr. Ye, and now he suddenly regrets it and wants to trouble Mr. Ye. My brothers and I have been favored by Mr. Ye. When I heard that Mr. Ye was in trouble, we rushed to help."

He said, pointing at Wang Baozhu angrily, "You old bastard, how dare you be wicked towards Mr. Ye? Brothers, give me a fight!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed forward immediately, grabbing Wang Baozhu's hair with a punch.

None of his subordinates were vegetarian, and immediately followed him with punches and kicks.

"Brother Biao...I am not...I don't have...Aren't you here to help me...Ah, don't fight...It's going to kill..."

Wang Baozhu didn't expect that the rescuers would suddenly turn back, holding his head and wailing.

However, Liu Dabiao and his party seemed to be unable to hear them, so they continued to fight!

Seeing that Wang Baozhu was dying, Liu Dabiao let everyone stop.

Then turned to look at Ye Feng solemnly, "Mr. Ye, I have no other abilities, Liu Dabiao, I just speak loyalty."

"If you can use my place in the future, you can speak, I am absolutely obliged."

After speaking, he waved his hand, leading a group of men to drive away quickly.

Ye Feng looked at his back and couldn't help shaking his head with emotion.

What a good friend Yun Tian's Liu Dabiao!

Naturally, Wang Baozhu didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately fleeed with his remains.

Until then, the Luo family father said, "Lao Li, where is the huanghuali wood you said?"

Carpenter Li pointed to the entire yard and said excitedly: "All the houses here are made of huanghuali wood, and they are the best huanghuali for more than a century."

Old man Luo suddenly opened his mouth in surprise.

Pushing the wheelchair hurriedly, he rushed to look in front of the wood.

After a long time, he raised his head dumbfounded, "God, I can't believe it, they are all Huanghuali!"

Luo Jingyuan on the side was also shocked from ear to ear.

He is a real estate agent, so he knows the value of Huanghualimu very well.

This door alone is estimated to be at least one million.

I heard Carpenter Li say that the houses here are all made of yellow rosewood. How much is it worth?

Father Luo also realized this problem and hurriedly looked at Carpenter Li, "Old Li, you can estimate for me, how much do you need to eat these yellow rosewoods?"

Carpenter Li had long been confident and immediately replied: "According to my estimation, it will cost at least 300 million."


Rao is the Luo family and the father and son are wealthy, and they are also taken aback by this number.

Huanghuali wood worth three hundred million yuan, this is simply unheard of!

Luo Jingyuan hurriedly looked at Ye Feng, "Brother Ye, how much did you spend on this house?"

Ye Feng gave birth to five fingers and did not speak.

"Fifty million?"

Luo Jingyuan's eyes widened in disbelief, "Then you can make a lot of money this time."

The old man Luo on the side couldn't help but twitch.

It is really a good deal to spend 50 million to buy a house worth 300 million.

It turned six times in an instant.

This young man is really a business genius!

However, Ye Feng shook his head at this moment, "No."

Luo Jingyuan was stunned, "No? Did it cost five million? Impossible, right? You don't want to joke with me."

Fifty million is surprising enough.

If you only spend five million to buy a house worth three hundred million, it is not a surprise, but a fright.

Father Luo on the side also thought it was impossible.

Wouldn't it be over sixty times?

Sixty times the business? Simply unheard of!

Ye Feng didn't bother to sell it to them, and directly announced the real price: "I spent a total of 500,000 yuan on this house."


Luo Jingyuan's phone fell to the ground, but he didn't notice it.

Just staring at Ye Feng blankly, "Brother Ye... are you telling me ghost stories?"

If it is 50 million, it is still within the scope of his tolerance.

Five million has already made his heart somewhat unbearable.

If it's half a million...

That's simply the old cow's dystocia-pulling the calf.

Really consider him a three-year-old child?

Father Luo on the side was also a little unhappy, "A Yuan, your friend is not very honest, is this rubbing our father's IQ on the ground?"

What joke about the Milky Way?

Spend 500,000 to buy a house worth 300 million?

There is something wrong with this kid's brain.

Seeing the strangely identical expressions of the two men, Ye Feng had to take out the transfer and transfer procedures.

"I didn't lie to you, it really cost half a million."

When the Luo family and his son checked the transfer records, they were silent for a full three minutes.

They really don't know what to say.

This is far beyond their comprehension and cannot be judged by common sense.

In the end, it was Mr. Luo who took the lead to come back to his senses.

"Ayuan, where did this evildoer come from?"

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